Ejemplo n.º 1
async function main(): Promise<void> {
    let packagingLocation: pkgLocationUtils.PackagingLocation;
    try {
        packagingLocation = await pkgLocationUtils.getPackagingUris(pkgLocationUtils.ProtocolType.NuGet);
    } catch (error) {
        tl.debug("Unable to get packaging URIs, using default collection URI");
        const collectionUrl = tl.getVariable("System.TeamFoundationCollectionUri");
        packagingLocation = {
            PackagingUris: [collectionUrl],
            DefaultPackagingUri: collectionUrl};

    let buildIdentityDisplayName: string = null;
    let buildIdentityAccount: string = null;
    try {
        tl.setResourcePath(path.join(__dirname, "task.json"));


        // read inputs
        let searchPattern = tl.getPathInput("searchPattern", true, false);
        let allowEmptyNupkgMatch = tl.getBoolInput("continueOnEmptyNupkgMatch");
        let filesList = nutil.resolveFilterSpec(
            tl.getVariable("System.DefaultWorkingDirectory") || process.cwd(),
        filesList.forEach(packageFile => {
            if (!tl.stats(packageFile).isFile()) {
                throw new Error(tl.loc("NotARegularFile", packageFile));

        let connectedServiceName = tl.getInput("connectedServiceName");
        let internalFeedUri = tl.getInput("feedName");
        let nuGetAdditionalArgs = tl.getInput("nuGetAdditionalArgs");
        let verbosity = tl.getInput("verbosity");

        let nuGetFeedType = tl.getInput("nuGetFeedType") || "external";
        // make sure the feed type is an expected one
        let normalizedNuGetFeedType
            = ["internal", "external"].find(x => nuGetFeedType.toUpperCase() === x.toUpperCase());
        if (!normalizedNuGetFeedType) {
            throw new Error(tl.loc("UnknownFeedType", nuGetFeedType));

        nuGetFeedType = normalizedNuGetFeedType;

        // due to a bug where we accidentally allowed nuGetPath to be surrounded by quotes before,
        // locateNuGetExe() will strip them and check for existence there.
        let nuGetPath = tl.getPathInput("nuGetPath", false, false);
        let nugetUxOption = tl.getInput("nuGetversion");
        let userNuGetProvided = false;
        if (nuGetPath !== null && tl.filePathSupplied("nuGetPath")) {
            nuGetPath = nutil.stripLeadingAndTrailingQuotes(nuGetPath);
            userNuGetProvided = true;
            if (nugetUxOption !== "custom")
                // For back compat, if a path has already been specified then use it.
                // However, warn the user in the build of this behavior.
        else {
            if (nugetUxOption === "custom")
                throw new Error(tl.loc("NoNuGetSpecified"))
            // Pull the pre-installed path for NuGet.
            let nuGetPathSuffix: string;
            let versionToUse: string;
            if (nugetUxOption === "") {
                nuGetPathSuffix = "NuGet/4.0.0/";
                versionToUse = "4.0.0";
            else if (nugetUxOption === "") {
                nuGetPathSuffix = "NuGet/3.5.0/";
                versionToUse = "3.5.0";
            else if (nugetUxOption === "3.3.0") {
                nuGetPathSuffix = "NuGet/3.3.0/";
                versionToUse = "3.3.0";
            else {
                throw new Error(tl.loc("NGCommon_UnabletoDetectNuGetVersion"));

            // save and reset the tool path env var, so this task doesn't act as a tool installer
            const tempNuGetPath = tl.getVariable(ngToolGetter.NUGET_EXE_TOOL_PATH_ENV_VAR);
            const cachedVersion = await ngToolGetter.cacheBundledNuGet(versionToUse, nuGetPathSuffix);
            nuGetPath = await ngToolGetter.getNuGet(cachedVersion);
            tl.setVariable(ngToolGetter.NUGET_EXE_TOOL_PATH_ENV_VAR, tempNuGetPath);

        //find nuget location to use
        let credProviderPath = nutil.locateCredentialProvider();

        const quirks = await ngToolRunner.getNuGetQuirksAsync(nuGetPath);

        // clauses ordered in this way to avoid short-circuit evaluation, so the debug info printed by the functions
        // is unconditionally displayed
        const useCredProvider = ngToolRunner.isCredentialProviderEnabled(quirks) && credProviderPath;
        const useCredConfig = ngToolRunner.isCredentialConfigEnabled(quirks) && !useCredProvider;

        let accessToken = pkgLocationUtils.getSystemAccessToken();
        let urlPrefixes = packagingLocation.PackagingUris;
        tl.debug(`discovered URL prefixes: ${urlPrefixes}`);

        // Note to readers: This variable will be going away once we have a fix for the location service for
        // customers behind proxies
        let testPrefixes = tl.getVariable("NuGetTasks.ExtraUrlPrefixesForTesting");
        if (testPrefixes) {
            urlPrefixes = urlPrefixes.concat(testPrefixes.split(";"));
            tl.debug(`all URL prefixes: ${urlPrefixes}`);

        const authInfo = new auth.NuGetAuthInfo(urlPrefixes, accessToken);
        let environmentSettings: ngToolRunner.NuGetEnvironmentSettings = {
            authInfo: authInfo,
            credProviderFolder: useCredProvider ? path.dirname(credProviderPath) : null,
            extensionsDisabled: !userNuGetProvided

        let configFile = null;
        let apiKey: string;
        let feedUri: string;
        let credCleanup = () => { return };
        if (nuGetFeedType == "internal") {
            if (useCredConfig) {
                let nuGetConfigHelper = new NuGetConfigHelper(nuGetPath, null, authInfo, environmentSettings);
                nuGetConfigHelper.setSources([{ feedName: "internalFeed", feedUri: internalFeedUri }], true);
                configFile = nuGetConfigHelper.tempNugetConfigPath;
                credCleanup = () => tl.rmRF(nuGetConfigHelper.tempNugetConfigPath);

            apiKey = "VSTS";
            feedUri = internalFeedUri;
        else {
            feedUri = tl.getEndpointUrl(connectedServiceName, false);
            let externalAuth = tl.getEndpointAuthorization(connectedServiceName, false);
            apiKey = externalAuth.parameters["password"];

        try {
            let publishOptions = new PublishOptions(

            for (const packageFile of filesList) {
                await publishPackageAsync(packageFile, publishOptions);
        } finally {

        tl.setResult(tl.TaskResult.Succeeded, tl.loc("PackagesPublishedSuccessfully"));

    } catch (err) {

        if (buildIdentityDisplayName || buildIdentityAccount) {
            tl.warning(tl.loc("BuildIdentityPermissionsHint", buildIdentityDisplayName, buildIdentityAccount));

        tl.setResult(tl.TaskResult.Failed, tl.loc("PackagesFailedToPublish"));
Ejemplo n.º 2
  * Convert a binDir-relative path to srcDir-relative
  * @param from path to a file under the srcDir, like packages/core/testing/package.json
  * @param file path to a file under the binDir, like bazel-bin/core/testing/generated.js
 function srcDirRelative(from: string, file: string) {
   const result =
       path.relative(path.dirname(from), path.join(srcDir, path.relative(binDir, file)));
   if (result.startsWith('..')) return result;
   return `./${result}`;
Ejemplo n.º 3
#!/usr/bin/env ts-node

import * as Path from 'path'
import chalk from 'chalk'
import { spawnSync } from 'child_process'

const shouldFix = process.argv.indexOf('--fix') > -1

const root = Path.dirname(__dirname)

const prettier = process.platform === 'win32' ? 'prettier.cmd' : 'prettier'
const prettierPath = Path.join(root, 'node_modules', '.bin', prettier)

const args = [

if (shouldFix) {

const result = spawnSync(prettierPath, args, {
  cwd: root,

if (!shouldFix && result.status > 0) {
  process.exitCode = result.status
Ejemplo n.º 4
 private getPTVSToolsFilePath(): string {
     let currentFileName = module.filename;
     let ptVSToolsPath = path.join(path.dirname(currentFileName), '..', '..', '..', '..', 'pythonFiles', 'PythonTools');
     return path.join(ptVSToolsPath, 'visualstudio_py_launcher.py');
Ejemplo n.º 5
 findLoadChildren(tsPath).forEach(moduleName => {
   const fileName = path.resolve(path.dirname(tsPath), moduleName) + '.ts';
   if (fs.existsSync(fileName)) {
     result[moduleName] = fileName;
Ejemplo n.º 6
async function checkWindowsResult(packager: Packager, packagerOptions: PackagerOptions, checkOptions: AssertPackOptions, artifacts: Array<ArtifactCreated>) {
  const productName = getProductName(packager.metadata, packager.devMetadata)

  function getWinExpected(archSuffix: string) {
    return [
      `${productName} Setup 1.1.0${archSuffix}.exe`,
  const archSuffix = (packagerOptions.arch || process.arch) === "x64" ? "" : "-ia32"
  const expected =  checkOptions == null || checkOptions.expectedArtifacts == null ? (archSuffix == "" ? getWinExpected(archSuffix) : getWinExpected(archSuffix).concat(getWinExpected(""))) : checkOptions.expectedArtifacts

  const filenames = artifacts.map(it => path.basename(it.file))

  if (checkOptions != null && checkOptions.expectedArtifacts != null) {

  const expectedArtifactNames = expected.slice()
  expectedArtifactNames[1] = `TestAppSetup-1.1.0${archSuffix}.exe`
  assertThat(artifacts.map(it => it.artifactName).filter(it => it != null)).deepEqual([`TestApp-Setup-1.1.0${archSuffix}.exe`])

  const packageFile = path.join(path.dirname(artifacts[0].file), `TestApp-1.1.0${archSuffix}-full.nupkg`)
  const unZipper = new DecompressZip(packageFile)
  const fileDescriptors = await unZipper.getFiles()

  const files = pathSorter(fileDescriptors.map(it => it.path.replace(/\\/g, "/")).filter(it => (!it.startsWith("lib/net45/locales/") || it === "lib/net45/locales/en-US.pak") && !it.endsWith(".psmdcp")))

  // console.log(JSON.stringify(files, null, 2))
  const expectedContents = checkOptions == null || checkOptions.expectedContents == null ? expectedWinContents : checkOptions.expectedContents
  assertThat(files).deepEqual(expectedContents.map(it => {
    if (it === "lib/net45/TestApp.exe") {
      return `lib/net45/${productName}.exe`
    else {
      return it

  if (checkOptions == null || checkOptions.expectedContents == null) {
    await unZipper.extractFile(fileDescriptors.filter(it => it.path === "TestApp.nuspec")[0], {
      path: path.dirname(packageFile),
    const expectedSpec = (await readFile(path.join(path.dirname(packageFile), "TestApp.nuspec"), "utf8")).replace(/\r\n/g, "\n")
    // console.log(expectedSpec)
    assertThat(expectedSpec).equal(`<?xml version="1.0"?>
<package xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/packaging/2011/08/nuspec.xsd">
    <authors>Foo Bar</authors>
    <owners>Foo Bar</owners>
    <description>Test Application (test quite \" #378)</description>
    <copyright>Copyright © ${new Date().getFullYear()} Foo Bar</copyright>
Ejemplo n.º 7
export function extractEditor(options: tss.ITreeShakingOptions & { destRoot: string }): void {
	let result = tss.shake(options);
	for (let fileName in result) {
		if (result.hasOwnProperty(fileName)) {
			writeFile(path.join(options.destRoot, fileName), result[fileName]);
	let copied: { [fileName: string]: boolean; } = {};
	const copyFile = (fileName: string) => {
		if (copied[fileName]) {
		copied[fileName] = true;
		const srcPath = path.join(options.sourcesRoot, fileName);
		const dstPath = path.join(options.destRoot, fileName);
		writeFile(dstPath, fs.readFileSync(srcPath));
	const writeOutputFile = (fileName: string, contents: string) => {
		writeFile(path.join(options.destRoot, fileName), contents);
	for (let fileName in result) {
		if (result.hasOwnProperty(fileName)) {
			const fileContents = result[fileName];
			const info = ts.preProcessFile(fileContents);

			for (let i = info.importedFiles.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
				const importedFileName = info.importedFiles[i].fileName;

				let importedFilePath: string;
				if (/^vs\/css!/.test(importedFileName)) {
					importedFilePath = importedFileName.substr('vs/css!'.length) + '.css';
				} else {
					importedFilePath = importedFileName;
				if (/(^\.\/)|(^\.\.\/)/.test(importedFilePath)) {
					importedFilePath = path.join(path.dirname(fileName), importedFilePath);

				if (/\.css$/.test(importedFilePath)) {
					transportCSS(importedFilePath, copyFile, writeOutputFile);
				} else {
					if (fs.existsSync(path.join(options.sourcesRoot, importedFilePath + '.js'))) {
						copyFile(importedFilePath + '.js');

	const tsConfig = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(path.join(options.sourcesRoot, 'tsconfig.json')).toString());
	tsConfig.compilerOptions.noUnusedLocals = false;
	tsConfig.compilerOptions.preserveConstEnums = false;
	tsConfig.compilerOptions.declaration = false;
	writeOutputFile('tsconfig.json', JSON.stringify(tsConfig, null, '\t'));

Ejemplo n.º 8
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

import * as fs from "fs";
import * as path from "path";

import { getRelativePath } from "./configuration";
import { showWarningOnce } from "./error";
import { AbstractRule } from "./language/rule/abstractRule";
import { IDisabledInterval, IOptions, IRule } from "./language/rule/rule";
import { arrayify, camelize, dedent } from "./utils";

const moduleDirectory = path.dirname(module.filename);
const CORE_RULES_DIRECTORY = path.resolve(moduleDirectory, ".", "rules");
const cachedRules = new Map<string, typeof AbstractRule | null>(); // null indicates that the rule was not found

export interface IEnableDisablePosition {
    isEnabled: boolean;
    position: number;

export function loadRules(ruleOptionsList: IOptions[],
                          enableDisableRuleMap: Map<string, IEnableDisablePosition[]>,
                          rulesDirectories?: string | string[],
                          isJs?: boolean): IRule[] {
    const rules: IRule[] = [];
    const notFoundRules: string[] = [];
    const notAllowedInJsRules: string[] = [];
Ejemplo n.º 9
 * Licensed to Elasticsearch B.V. under one or more contributor
 * license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
 * this work for additional information regarding copyright
 * ownership. Elasticsearch B.V. licenses this file to you under
 * the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
 * not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *    http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
 * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
 * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
 * specific language governing permissions and limitations
 * under the License.

import { dirname } from 'path';

export const pkg = {
  __filename: require.resolve('../../../package.json'),
  __dirname: dirname(require.resolve('../../../package.json')),
  // tslint:disable no-var-requires
Ejemplo n.º 10
const init: any = (config: any, emitter: any, customFileHandlers: any) => {
  const appConfig = getAppFromConfig(config.angularCli.app);
  const appRoot = path.join(config.basePath, appConfig.root);
  const testConfig: WebpackTestOptions = Object.assign({
    environment: 'dev',
    codeCoverage: false,
    sourcemaps: true,
    progress: process.stdout.isTTY === true,
    preserveSymlinks: false,
  }, config.angularCli);

  if (testConfig.sourcemaps) {
    // Add a reporter that fixes sourcemap urls.

    // Code taken from https://github.com/tschaub/karma-source-map-support.
    // We can't use it directly because we need to add it conditionally in this file, and karma
    // frameworks cannot be added dynamically.
    const smsPath = path.dirname(require.resolve('source-map-support'));
    const ksmsPath = path.dirname(require.resolve('karma-source-map-support'));

    addKarmaFiles(config.files, [
      { pattern: path.join(smsPath, 'browser-source-map-support.js'), watched: false },
      { pattern: path.join(ksmsPath, 'client.js'), watched: false }
    ], true);

  // Add assets. This logic is mimics the one present in GlobCopyWebpackPlugin.
  if (appConfig.assets) {
    config.proxies = config.proxies || {};
    appConfig.assets.forEach((pattern: AssetPattern) => {
      // Convert all string patterns to Pattern type.
      pattern = typeof pattern === 'string' ? { glob: pattern } : pattern;
      // Add defaults.
      // Input is always resolved relative to the appRoot.
      pattern.input = path.resolve(appRoot, pattern.input || '');
      pattern.output = pattern.output || '';
      pattern.glob = pattern.glob || '';

      // Build karma file pattern.
      const assetPath = path.join(pattern.input, pattern.glob);
      const filePattern = isDirectory(assetPath) ? assetPath + '/**' : assetPath;
      addKarmaFiles(config.files, [{ pattern: filePattern, included: false }]);

      // The `files` entry serves the file from `/base/{asset.input}/{asset.glob}`.
      // We need to add a URL rewrite that exposes the asset as `/{asset.output}/{asset.glob}`.
      let relativePath: string, proxyPath: string;
      if (fs.existsSync(assetPath)) {
        relativePath = path.relative(config.basePath, assetPath);
        proxyPath = path.join(pattern.output, pattern.glob);
      } else {
        // For globs (paths that don't exist), proxy pattern.output to pattern.input.
        relativePath = path.relative(config.basePath, pattern.input);
        proxyPath = path.join(pattern.output);

      // Proxy paths must have only forward slashes.
      proxyPath = proxyPath.replace(/\\/g, '/');
      config.proxies['/' + proxyPath] = '/base/' + relativePath;

  // Add webpack config.
  const webpackConfig = new WebpackTestConfig(testConfig, appConfig).buildConfig();
  const webpackMiddlewareConfig = {
    noInfo: true, // Hide webpack output because its noisy.
    watchOptions: { poll: testConfig.poll },
    publicPath: '/_karma_webpack_/',
    stats: { // Also prevent chunk and module display output, cleaner look. Only emit errors.
      assets: false,
      colors: true,
      version: false,
      hash: false,
      timings: false,
      chunks: false,
      chunkModules: false

  // If Karma is being ran in single run mode, throw errors.
  if (config.singleRun) {
    webpackConfig.plugins.push(new KarmaWebpackThrowError());

  // Use existing config if any.
  config.webpack = Object.assign(webpackConfig, config.webpack);
  config.webpackMiddleware = Object.assign(webpackMiddlewareConfig, config.webpackMiddleware);

  // Remove the @angular/cli test file if present, for backwards compatibility.
  const testFilePath = path.join(appRoot, appConfig.test);
  config.files.forEach((file: any, index: number) => {
    if (path.normalize(file.pattern) === testFilePath) {
      config.files.splice(index, 1);

  // When using code-coverage, auto-add coverage-istanbul.
  config.reporters = config.reporters || [];
  if (testConfig.codeCoverage && config.reporters.indexOf('coverage-istanbul') === -1) {

  // Our custom context and debug files list the webpack bundles directly instead of using
  // the karma files array.
  config.customContextFile = `${__dirname}/karma-context.html`;
  config.customDebugFile = `${__dirname}/karma-debug.html`;

  // Add the request blocker.
  config.beforeMiddleware = config.beforeMiddleware || [];

  // Delete global styles entry, we don't want to load them.
  delete webpackConfig.entry.styles;

  // The webpack tier owns the watch behavior so we want to force it in the config.
  webpackConfig.watch = true;
  // Files need to be served from a custom path for Karma.
  webpackConfig.output.path = '/_karma_webpack_/';
  webpackConfig.output.publicPath = '/_karma_webpack_/';

  let compiler: any;
  try {
    compiler = webpack(webpackConfig);
  } catch (e) {
    console.error(e.stack || e);
    if (e.details) {
    throw e;

  ['invalid', 'watch-run', 'run'].forEach(function (name) {
    compiler.plugin(name, function (_: any, callback: () => void) {
      isBlocked = true;

      if (typeof callback === 'function') {

  compiler.plugin('done', (stats: any) => {
    // Don't refresh karma when there are webpack errors.
    if (stats.compilation.errors.length === 0) {
      isBlocked = false;
      blocked.forEach((cb) => cb());
      blocked = [];

  const middleware = new webpackDevMiddleware(compiler, webpackMiddlewareConfig);

  // Forward requests to webpack server.
    urlRegex: /^\/_karma_webpack_\/.*/,
    handler: function handler(req: any, res: any) {
      middleware(req, res, function () {
        // Ensure script and style bundles are served.
        // They are mentioned in the custom karma context page and we don't want them to 404.
        const alwaysServe = [
        if (alwaysServe.indexOf(req.url) != -1) {
          res.statusCode = 200;
        } else {
          res.statusCode = 404;
          res.end('Not found');

  emitter.on('exit', (done: any) => {