Example #1
 getEmployees() {
   return this.http.get(this.api + 'employees', { observe: 'response' });
Example #2
  * Get an observable that fetches the `NavigationResponse` from the server.
  * We create an observable by calling `http.get` but then publish it to share the result
  * among multiple subscribers, without triggering new requests.
  * We use `publishLast` because once the http request is complete the request observable completes.
  * If you use `publish` here then the completed request observable will cause the subscribed observables to complete too.
  * We `connect` to the published observable to trigger the request immediately.
  * We could use `.refCount` here but then if the subscribers went from 1 -> 0 -> 1 then you would get
  * another request to the server.
  * We are not storing the subscription from connecting as we do not expect this service to be destroyed.
 private fetchNavigationInfo(): Observable<NavigationResponse> {
   const navigationInfo = this.http.get<NavigationResponse>(navigationPath)
   (navigationInfo as ConnectableObservable<NavigationResponse>).connect();
   return navigationInfo;
 getScript(scriptId: number) {
   return this.http.get<Script>(`${InteractiveExplorerConfig.API_URL}/scripts/${scriptId}`);
 checkUser(): Observable<UserInfo> {
     return this.http.get<UserInfoResponse>('/raw/auth/check?format=json').pipe(
         map(resp => AuthService.statusCheck(resp)));
    public getMyLikes (): Observable<IPagedResult<ITrack>> {
        const url = `${this._audioZoneService.getCurrentZoneSnapshot().path}/api/likes/mylikes?start=0&take=50`;

        return this._http.get<IPagedResult<ITrack>>(url);
Example #6
  getMobilePlanById(id: number): Observable<MobilePlan> {

    return this.service.get<MobilePlan>('http://localhost:3000/mobilePlans/' + id);
 findAll(page: number, count: number) {
   return this.http.get(`${LUF_API}/escalas/${page}/${count}`);
   // return this.http.get("http://localhost:3000/Project2/Servlet/ProtractorTests"); // local
   return this.http.get("");
   return this.http.get("");
Example #10
   return this.http.get("");