Example #1
function runOneBuild(args: string[], inputs?: {[path: string]: string}): boolean {
  if (args[0] === '-p') args.shift();
  // Strip leading at-signs, used to indicate a params file
  const project = args[0].replace(/^@+/, '');
  let fileLoader: FileLoader;
  if (inputs) {
    fileLoader = new CachedFileLoader(fileCache, ALLOW_NON_HERMETIC_READS);
    // Resolve the inputs to absolute paths to match TypeScript internals
    const resolvedInputs: {[path: string]: string} = {};
    for (const key of Object.keys(inputs)) {
      resolvedInputs[path.resolve(key)] = inputs[key];
  } else {
    fileLoader = new UncachedFileLoader();
  const [{options: tsOptions, bazelOpts, files, config}] = parseTsconfig(project);
  const expectedOuts = config['angularCompilerOptions']['expectedOut'];

  const {basePath} = ng.calcProjectFileAndBasePath(project);
  const compilerOpts = ng.createNgCompilerOptions(basePath, config, tsOptions);
  const {diagnostics} = compile({fileLoader, compilerOpts, bazelOpts, files, expectedOuts});
  return diagnostics.every(d => d.category !== ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error);
Example #2
export function compile({allowNonHermeticReads, allDepsCompiledWithBazel = true, compilerOpts,
                         tsHost, bazelOpts, files, inputs, expectedOuts, gatherDiagnostics}: {
  allowNonHermeticReads: boolean,
  allDepsCompiledWithBazel?: boolean,
  compilerOpts: ng.CompilerOptions,
  tsHost: ts.CompilerHost, inputs?: {[path: string]: string},
  bazelOpts: BazelOptions,
  files: string[],
  expectedOuts: string[], gatherDiagnostics?: (program: ng.Program) => ng.Diagnostics
}): {diagnostics: ng.Diagnostics, program: ng.Program} {
  let fileLoader: FileLoader;

  if (inputs) {
    fileLoader = new CachedFileLoader(fileCache, allowNonHermeticReads);
    // Resolve the inputs to absolute paths to match TypeScript internals
    const resolvedInputs: {[path: string]: string} = {};
    for (const key of Object.keys(inputs)) {
      resolvedInputs[path.resolve(key)] = inputs[key];
  } else {
    fileLoader = new UncachedFileLoader();

  if (!bazelOpts.es5Mode) {
    compilerOpts.annotateForClosureCompiler = true;
    compilerOpts.annotationsAs = 'static fields';

  if (!compilerOpts.rootDirs) {
    throw new Error('rootDirs is not set!');
  const bazelBin = compilerOpts.rootDirs.find(rootDir => BAZEL_BIN.test(rootDir));
  if (!bazelBin) {
    throw new Error(`Couldn't find bazel bin in the rootDirs: ${compilerOpts.rootDirs}`);

  const writtenExpectedOuts = [...expectedOuts];

  const originalWriteFile = tsHost.writeFile.bind(tsHost);
  tsHost.writeFile =
      (fileName: string, content: string, writeByteOrderMark: boolean,
       onError?: (message: string) => void, sourceFiles?: ts.SourceFile[]) => {
        const relative = relativeToRootDirs(fileName, [compilerOpts.rootDir]);
        const expectedIdx = writtenExpectedOuts.findIndex(o => o === relative);
        if (expectedIdx >= 0) {
          writtenExpectedOuts.splice(expectedIdx, 1);
          originalWriteFile(fileName, content, writeByteOrderMark, onError, sourceFiles);

  // Patch fileExists when resolving modules, so that CompilerHost can ask TypeScript to
  // resolve non-existing generated files that don't exist on disk, but are
  // synthetic and added to the `programWithStubs` based on real inputs.
  const generatedFileModuleResolverHost = Object.create(tsHost);
  generatedFileModuleResolverHost.fileExists = (fileName: string) => {
    const match = NGC_GEN_FILES.exec(fileName);
    if (match) {
      const [, file, suffix, ext] = match;
      // Performance: skip looking for files other than .d.ts or .ts
      if (ext !== '.ts' && ext !== '.d.ts') return false;
      if (suffix.indexOf('ngstyle') >= 0) {
        // Look for foo.css on disk
        fileName = file;
      } else {
        // Look for foo.d.ts or foo.ts on disk
        fileName = file + (ext || '');
    return tsHost.fileExists(fileName);

  function generatedFileModuleResolver(
      moduleName: string, containingFile: string,
      compilerOptions: ts.CompilerOptions): ts.ResolvedModuleWithFailedLookupLocations {
    return ts.resolveModuleName(
        moduleName, containingFile, compilerOptions, generatedFileModuleResolverHost);

  const bazelHost = new CompilerHost(
      files, compilerOpts, bazelOpts, tsHost, fileLoader, allowNonHermeticReads,
  const origBazelHostFileExist = bazelHost.fileExists;
  bazelHost.fileExists = (fileName: string) => {
    if (NGC_ASSETS.test(fileName)) {
      return tsHost.fileExists(fileName);
    return origBazelHostFileExist.call(bazelHost, fileName);
  const origBazelHostShouldNameModule = bazelHost.shouldNameModule.bind(bazelHost);
  bazelHost.shouldNameModule = (fileName: string) =>
      origBazelHostShouldNameModule(fileName) || NGC_GEN_FILES.test(fileName);

  const ngHost = ng.createCompilerHost({options: compilerOpts, tsHost: bazelHost});

  ngHost.fileNameToModuleName = (importedFilePath: string, containingFilePath: string) => {
    if ((compilerOpts.module === ts.ModuleKind.UMD || compilerOpts.module === ts.ModuleKind.AMD) &&
        ngHost.amdModuleName) {
      return ngHost.amdModuleName({ fileName: importedFilePath } as ts.SourceFile);
    const result = relativeToRootDirs(importedFilePath, compilerOpts.rootDirs).replace(EXT, '');
    if (result.startsWith(NODE_MODULES)) {
      return result.substr(NODE_MODULES.length);
    return bazelOpts.workspaceName + '/' + result;
  ngHost.toSummaryFileName = (fileName: string, referringSrcFileName: string) =>
      relativeToRootDirs(fileName, compilerOpts.rootDirs).replace(EXT, '');
  if (allDepsCompiledWithBazel) {
    // Note: The default implementation would work as well,
    // but we can be faster as we know how `toSummaryFileName` works.
    // Note: We can't do this if some deps have been compiled with the command line,
    // as that has a different implementation of fromSummaryFileName / toSummaryFileName
    ngHost.fromSummaryFileName = (fileName: string, referringLibFileName: string) =>
        path.resolve(bazelBin, fileName) + '.d.ts';

  const emitCallback: ng.TsEmitCallback = ({
    customTransformers = {},
  }) =>
          program, bazelHost, bazelHost, compilerOpts, targetSourceFile, writeFile,
          cancellationToken, emitOnlyDtsFiles, {
            beforeTs: customTransformers.before,
            afterTs: [
              ...(customTransformers.after || []),
              fixUmdModuleDeclarations((sf: ts.SourceFile) => bazelHost.amdModuleName(sf)),

  if (!gatherDiagnostics) {
    gatherDiagnostics = (program) =>
        gatherDiagnosticsForInputsOnly(compilerOpts, bazelOpts, program);
  const {diagnostics, emitResult, program} = ng.performCompilation(
      {rootNames: files, options: compilerOpts, host: ngHost, emitCallback, gatherDiagnostics});
  const tsickleEmitResult = emitResult as tsickle.EmitResult;
  let externs = '/** @externs */\n';
  if (!diagnostics.length) {
    if (bazelOpts.tsickleGenerateExterns) {
      externs += tsickle.getGeneratedExterns(tsickleEmitResult.externs);
    if (bazelOpts.manifest) {
      const manifest = constructManifest(tsickleEmitResult.modulesManifest, bazelHost);
      fs.writeFileSync(bazelOpts.manifest, manifest);

  if (bazelOpts.tsickleExternsPath) {
    // Note: when tsickleExternsPath is provided, we always write a file as a
    // marker that compilation succeeded, even if it's empty (just containing an
    // @externs).
    fs.writeFileSync(bazelOpts.tsickleExternsPath, externs);

  for (const missing of writtenExpectedOuts) {
    originalWriteFile(missing, '', false);

  return {program, diagnostics};
Example #3
export function compile({allowNonHermeticReads, allDepsCompiledWithBazel = true, compilerOpts,
                         tsHost, bazelOpts, files, inputs, expectedOuts, gatherDiagnostics}: {
  allowNonHermeticReads: boolean,
  allDepsCompiledWithBazel?: boolean,
  compilerOpts: ng.CompilerOptions,
  tsHost: ts.CompilerHost, inputs?: {[path: string]: string},
  bazelOpts: BazelOptions,
  files: string[],
  expectedOuts: string[], gatherDiagnostics?: (program: ng.Program) => ng.Diagnostics
}): {diagnostics: ng.Diagnostics, program: ng.Program} {
  let fileLoader: FileLoader;

  if (bazelOpts.maxCacheSizeMb !== undefined) {
    const maxCacheSizeBytes = bazelOpts.maxCacheSizeMb * (1 << 20);
  } else {

  if (inputs) {
    fileLoader = new CachedFileLoader(fileCache, allowNonHermeticReads);
    // Resolve the inputs to absolute paths to match TypeScript internals
    const resolvedInputs: {[path: string]: string} = {};
    const inputKeys = Object.keys(inputs);
    for (let i = 0; i < inputKeys.length; i++) {
      const key = inputKeys[i];
      resolvedInputs[resolveNormalizedPath(key)] = inputs[key];
  } else {
    fileLoader = new UncachedFileLoader();

  if (!bazelOpts.es5Mode) {
    compilerOpts.annotateForClosureCompiler = true;
    compilerOpts.annotationsAs = 'static fields';

  // Detect from compilerOpts whether the entrypoint is being invoked in Ivy mode.
  const isInIvyMode = compilerOpts.enableIvy === 'ngtsc' || compilerOpts.enableIvy === 'tsc';

  // Disable downleveling and Closure annotation if in Ivy mode.
  if (isInIvyMode) {
    // In pass-through mode for TypeScript, we want to turn off decorator transpilation entirely.
    // This causes ngc to be have exactly like tsc.
    if (compilerOpts.enableIvy === 'tsc') {
      compilerOpts.annotateForClosureCompiler = false;
    compilerOpts.annotationsAs = 'decorators';

  if (!compilerOpts.rootDirs) {
    throw new Error('rootDirs is not set!');
  const bazelBin = compilerOpts.rootDirs.find(rootDir => BAZEL_BIN.test(rootDir));
  if (!bazelBin) {
    throw new Error(`Couldn't find bazel bin in the rootDirs: ${compilerOpts.rootDirs}`);

  const writtenExpectedOuts = [...expectedOuts];

  const originalWriteFile = tsHost.writeFile.bind(tsHost);
  tsHost.writeFile =
      (fileName: string, content: string, writeByteOrderMark: boolean,
       onError?: (message: string) => void, sourceFiles?: ts.SourceFile[]) => {
        const relative = relativeToRootDirs(fileName.replace(/\\/g, '/'), [compilerOpts.rootDir]);
        const expectedIdx = writtenExpectedOuts.findIndex(o => o === relative);
        if (expectedIdx >= 0) {
          writtenExpectedOuts.splice(expectedIdx, 1);
          originalWriteFile(fileName, content, writeByteOrderMark, onError, sourceFiles);

  // Patch fileExists when resolving modules, so that CompilerHost can ask TypeScript to
  // resolve non-existing generated files that don't exist on disk, but are
  // synthetic and added to the `programWithStubs` based on real inputs.
  const generatedFileModuleResolverHost = Object.create(tsHost);
  generatedFileModuleResolverHost.fileExists = (fileName: string) => {
    const match = NGC_GEN_FILES.exec(fileName);
    if (match) {
      const [, file, suffix, ext] = match;
      // Performance: skip looking for files other than .d.ts or .ts
      if (ext !== '.ts' && ext !== '.d.ts') return false;
      if (suffix.indexOf('ngstyle') >= 0) {
        // Look for foo.css on disk
        fileName = file;
      } else {
        // Look for foo.d.ts or foo.ts on disk
        fileName = file + (ext || '');
    return tsHost.fileExists(fileName);

  function generatedFileModuleResolver(
      moduleName: string, containingFile: string,
      compilerOptions: ts.CompilerOptions): ts.ResolvedModuleWithFailedLookupLocations {
    return ts.resolveModuleName(
        moduleName, containingFile, compilerOptions, generatedFileModuleResolverHost);

  const bazelHost = new CompilerHost(
      files, compilerOpts, bazelOpts, tsHost, fileLoader, allowNonHermeticReads,

  // Also need to disable decorator downleveling in the BazelHost in Ivy mode.
  if (isInIvyMode) {
    bazelHost.transformDecorators = false;

  // Prevent tsickle adding any types at all if we don't want closure compiler annotations.
  bazelHost.transformTypesToClosure = compilerOpts.annotateForClosureCompiler;
  const origBazelHostFileExist = bazelHost.fileExists;
  bazelHost.fileExists = (fileName: string) => {
    if (NGC_ASSETS.test(fileName)) {
      return tsHost.fileExists(fileName);
    return origBazelHostFileExist.call(bazelHost, fileName);
  const origBazelHostShouldNameModule = bazelHost.shouldNameModule.bind(bazelHost);
  bazelHost.shouldNameModule = (fileName: string) => {
    // The bundle index file is synthesized in bundle_index_host so it's not in the
    // compilationTargetSrc.
    // However we still want to give it an AMD module name for devmode.
    // We can't easily tell which file is the synthetic one, so we build up the path we expect
    // it to have
    // and compare against that.
    if (fileName ===
        path.join(compilerOpts.baseUrl, bazelOpts.package, compilerOpts.flatModuleOutFile + '.ts'))
      return true;
    // Also handle the case when angular is built from source as an external repository
    if (fileName ===
            compilerOpts.baseUrl, 'external/angular', bazelOpts.package,
            compilerOpts.flatModuleOutFile + '.ts'))
      return true;
    return origBazelHostShouldNameModule(fileName) || NGC_GEN_FILES.test(fileName);

  const ngHost = ng.createCompilerHost({options: compilerOpts, tsHost: bazelHost});
  const fileNameToModuleNameCache = new Map<string, string>();
  ngHost.fileNameToModuleName = (importedFilePath: string, containingFilePath: string) => {
    // Memoize this lookup to avoid expensive re-parses of the same file
    // When run as a worker, the actual ts.SourceFile is cached
    // but when we don't run as a worker, there is no cache.
    // For one example target in g3, we saw a cache hit rate of 7590/7695
    if (fileNameToModuleNameCache.has(importedFilePath)) {
      return fileNameToModuleNameCache.get(importedFilePath);
    const result = doFileNameToModuleName(importedFilePath);
    fileNameToModuleNameCache.set(importedFilePath, result);
    return result;

  function doFileNameToModuleName(importedFilePath: string): string {
    try {
      const sourceFile = ngHost.getSourceFile(importedFilePath, ts.ScriptTarget.Latest);
      if (sourceFile && sourceFile.moduleName) {
        return sourceFile.moduleName;
    } catch (err) {
      // File does not exist or parse error. Ignore this case and continue onto the
      // other methods of resolving the module below.
    if ((compilerOpts.module === ts.ModuleKind.UMD || compilerOpts.module === ts.ModuleKind.AMD) &&
        ngHost.amdModuleName) {
      return ngHost.amdModuleName({ fileName: importedFilePath } as ts.SourceFile);
    const result = relativeToRootDirs(importedFilePath, compilerOpts.rootDirs).replace(EXT, '');
    if (result.startsWith(NODE_MODULES)) {
      return result.substr(NODE_MODULES.length);
    return bazelOpts.workspaceName + '/' + result;

  ngHost.toSummaryFileName = (fileName: string, referringSrcFileName: string) => path.posix.join(
      relativeToRootDirs(fileName, compilerOpts.rootDirs).replace(EXT, ''));
  if (allDepsCompiledWithBazel) {
    // Note: The default implementation would work as well,
    // but we can be faster as we know how `toSummaryFileName` works.
    // Note: We can't do this if some deps have been compiled with the command line,
    // as that has a different implementation of fromSummaryFileName / toSummaryFileName
    ngHost.fromSummaryFileName = (fileName: string, referringLibFileName: string) => {
      const workspaceRelative = fileName.split('/').splice(1).join('/');
      return resolveNormalizedPath(bazelBin, workspaceRelative) + '.d.ts';
  // Patch a property on the ngHost that allows the resourceNameToModuleName function to
  // report better errors.
  (ngHost as any).reportMissingResource = (resourceName: string) => {
    console.error(`\nAsset not found:\n  ${resourceName}`);
    console.error('Check that it\'s included in the `assets` attribute of the `ng_module` rule.\n');

  const emitCallback: ng.TsEmitCallback = ({
    customTransformers = {},
  }) =>
          program, bazelHost, bazelHost, compilerOpts, targetSourceFile, writeFile,
          cancellationToken, emitOnlyDtsFiles, {
            beforeTs: customTransformers.before,
            afterTs: customTransformers.after,

  if (!gatherDiagnostics) {
    gatherDiagnostics = (program) =>
        gatherDiagnosticsForInputsOnly(compilerOpts, bazelOpts, program);
  const {diagnostics, emitResult, program} = ng.performCompilation({
    rootNames: files,
    options: compilerOpts,
    host: ngHost, emitCallback,
    mergeEmitResultsCallback: tsickle.mergeEmitResults, gatherDiagnostics
  const tsickleEmitResult = emitResult as tsickle.EmitResult;
  let externs = '/** @externs */\n';
  if (!diagnostics.length) {
    if (bazelOpts.tsickleGenerateExterns) {
      externs += tsickle.getGeneratedExterns(tsickleEmitResult.externs);
    if (bazelOpts.manifest) {
      const manifest = constructManifest(tsickleEmitResult.modulesManifest, bazelHost);
      fs.writeFileSync(bazelOpts.manifest, manifest);

  // If compilation fails unexpectedly, performCompilation returns no program.
  // Make sure not to crash but report the diagnostics.
  if (!program) return {program, diagnostics};

  if (!bazelOpts.nodeModulesPrefix) {
    // If there is no node modules, then metadata.json should be emitted since
    // there is no other way to obtain the information
    generateMetadataJson(program.getTsProgram(), files, compilerOpts.rootDirs, bazelBin, tsHost);

  if (bazelOpts.tsickleExternsPath) {
    // Note: when tsickleExternsPath is provided, we always write a file as a
    // marker that compilation succeeded, even if it's empty (just containing an
    // @externs).
    fs.writeFileSync(bazelOpts.tsickleExternsPath, externs);

  for (let i = 0; i < writtenExpectedOuts.length; i++) {
    originalWriteFile(writtenExpectedOuts[i], '', false);

  return {program, diagnostics};
Example #4
File: index.ts Project: ox4/angular
export function compile({allowNonHermeticReads, compilerOpts, tsHost, bazelOpts, files, inputs,
                         expectedOuts, gatherDiagnostics}: {
  allowNonHermeticReads: boolean,
  compilerOpts: ng.CompilerOptions,
  tsHost: ts.CompilerHost, inputs?: {[path: string]: string},
  bazelOpts: BazelOptions,
  files: string[],
  expectedOuts: string[], gatherDiagnostics?: (program: ng.Program) => ng.Diagnostics
}): {diagnostics: ng.Diagnostics, program: ng.Program} {
  let fileLoader: FileLoader;
  if (inputs) {
    fileLoader = new CachedFileLoader(fileCache, ALLOW_NON_HERMETIC_READS);
    // Resolve the inputs to absolute paths to match TypeScript internals
    const resolvedInputs: {[path: string]: string} = {};
    for (const key of Object.keys(inputs)) {
      resolvedInputs[path.resolve(key)] = inputs[key];
  } else {
    fileLoader = new UncachedFileLoader();

  if (!bazelOpts.es5Mode) {
    compilerOpts.annotateForClosureCompiler = true;
    compilerOpts.annotationsAs = 'static fields';

  if (!compilerOpts.rootDirs) {
    throw new Error('rootDirs is not set!');

  const writtenExpectedOuts = [...expectedOuts];

  const originalWriteFile = tsHost.writeFile.bind(tsHost);
  tsHost.writeFile =
      (fileName: string, content: string, writeByteOrderMark: boolean,
       onError?: (message: string) => void, sourceFiles?: ts.SourceFile[]) => {
        const relative = relativeToRootDirs(fileName, [compilerOpts.rootDir]);
        const expectedIdx = writtenExpectedOuts.findIndex(o => o === relative);
        if (expectedIdx >= 0) {
          writtenExpectedOuts.splice(expectedIdx, 1);
          originalWriteFile(fileName, content, writeByteOrderMark, onError, sourceFiles);

  // Patch fileExists when resolving modules, so that CompilerHost can ask TypeScript to
  // resolve non-existing generated files that don't exist on disk, but are
  // synthetic and added to the `programWithStubs` based on real inputs.
  const generatedFileModuleResolverHost = Object.create(tsHost);
  generatedFileModuleResolverHost.fileExists = (fileName: string) => {
    const match = NGC_GEN_FILES.exec(fileName);
    if (match) {
      const [, file, suffix, ext] = match;
      // Performance: skip looking for files other than .d.ts or .ts
      if (ext !== '.ts' && ext !== '.d.ts') return false;
      if (suffix.indexOf('ngstyle') >= 0) {
        // Look for foo.css on disk
        fileName = file;
      } else {
        // Look for foo.d.ts or foo.ts on disk
        fileName = file + (ext || '');
    return tsHost.fileExists(fileName);

  function generatedFileModuleResolver(
      moduleName: string, containingFile: string,
      compilerOptions: ts.CompilerOptions): ts.ResolvedModuleWithFailedLookupLocations {
    return ts.resolveModuleName(
        moduleName, containingFile, compilerOptions, generatedFileModuleResolverHost);

  // TODO(alexeagle): does this also work in third_party?
  const allowNonHermeticRead = false;
  const bazelHost = new CompilerHost(
      files, compilerOpts, bazelOpts, tsHost, fileLoader, ALLOW_NON_HERMETIC_READS,
  const origBazelHostFileExist = bazelHost.fileExists;
  bazelHost.fileExists = (fileName: string) => {
    if (NGC_ASSETS.test(fileName)) {
      return tsHost.fileExists(fileName);
    return origBazelHostFileExist.call(bazelHost, fileName);

  const ngHost = ng.createCompilerHost({options: compilerOpts, tsHost: bazelHost});

  ngHost.fileNameToModuleName = (importedFilePath: string, containingFilePath: string) =>
      relativeToRootDirs(importedFilePath, compilerOpts.rootDirs).replace(EXT, '');
  ngHost.toSummaryFileName = (fileName: string, referringSrcFileName: string) =>
      ngHost.fileNameToModuleName(fileName, referringSrcFileName);

  const emitCallback: ng.TsEmitCallback = ({
    customTransformers = {},
  }) =>
          program, bazelHost, bazelHost, compilerOpts, targetSourceFile, writeFile,
          cancellationToken, emitOnlyDtsFiles, {
            beforeTs: customTransformers.before,
            afterTs: [
              ...(customTransformers.after || []),
              fixUmdModuleDeclarations((sf: ts.SourceFile) => bazelHost.amdModuleName(sf)),

  const {diagnostics, emitResult, program} = ng.performCompilation(
      {rootNames: files, options: compilerOpts, host: ngHost, emitCallback, gatherDiagnostics});
  const tsickleEmitResult = emitResult as tsickle.EmitResult;
  let externs = '/** @externs */\n';
  if (diagnostics.length) {
    console.error(ng.formatDiagnostics(compilerOpts, diagnostics));
  } else {
    if (bazelOpts.tsickleGenerateExterns) {
      externs += tsickle.getGeneratedExterns(tsickleEmitResult.externs);
    if (bazelOpts.manifest) {
      const manifest = constructManifest(tsickleEmitResult.modulesManifest, bazelHost);
      fs.writeFileSync(bazelOpts.manifest, manifest);

  if (bazelOpts.tsickleExternsPath) {
    // Note: when tsickleExternsPath is provided, we always write a file as a
    // marker that compilation succeeded, even if it's empty (just containing an
    // @externs).
    fs.writeFileSync(bazelOpts.tsickleExternsPath, externs);

  for (const missing of writtenExpectedOuts) {
    originalWriteFile(missing, '', false);

  return {program, diagnostics};