export function findConfigurationPath(suppliedConfigFilePath: string, inputFilePath: string) {
    if (suppliedConfigFilePath != null) {
        if (!fs.existsSync(suppliedConfigFilePath)) {
            throw new Error(`Could not find config file at: ${path.resolve(suppliedConfigFilePath)}`);
        } else {
            return path.resolve(suppliedConfigFilePath);
    } else {
        // search for tslint.json from input file location
        let configFilePath = findup(CONFIG_FILENAME, { cwd: inputFilePath, nocase: true });
        if (configFilePath != null && fs.existsSync(configFilePath)) {
            return path.resolve(configFilePath);

        // search for package.json with tslintConfig property
        configFilePath = findup("package.json", { cwd: inputFilePath, nocase: true });
        if (configFilePath != null && require(configFilePath).tslintConfig != null) {
            return path.resolve(configFilePath);

        // search for tslint.json in home directory
        const homeDir = getHomeDir();
        if (homeDir != null) {
            configFilePath = path.join(homeDir, CONFIG_FILENAME);
            if (fs.existsSync(configFilePath)) {
                return path.resolve(configFilePath);

        // no path could be found
        return undefined;
  return function importer(url: string, prev: string) {
    const nodeSassOptions = this.options;

    // Create a context for the current importer run.
    // An importer run is different from an importer instance,
    // one importer instance can spawn infinite importer runs.
    if (!this.nodeSassOnceImporterContext) {
      this.nodeSassOnceImporterContext = { store: new Set() };

    // Each importer run has it's own new store, otherwise
    // files already imported in a previous importer run
    // would be detected as multiple imports of the same file.
    const store = this.nodeSassOnceImporterContext.store;
    const includePaths = buildIncludePaths(

    let data = null;
    let filterPrefix: string = ``;
    let filteredContents: string|null = null;
    let cleanedUrl = cleanImportUrl(url);
    let resolvedUrl: string|null = null;
    const isPackageUrl = cleanedUrl.match(matchPackageUrl);

    if (isPackageUrl) {
      cleanedUrl = cleanedUrl.replace(matchPackageUrl, ``);

      const packageName = cleanedUrl.charAt(0) === `@`
        ? cleanedUrl.split(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR).slice(0, 2).join(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR)
        : cleanedUrl.split(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR)[0];
      const normalizedPackageName = path.normalize(packageName);
      const packageSearchPath = path.join('node_modules', normalizedPackageName, `package.json`);
      const packagePath = path.dirname(findupSync(packageSearchPath, { cwd: options.cwd }));

      const escapedNormalizedPackageName = normalizedPackageName.replace(`\\`, `\\\\`);
      cleanedUrl = path.resolve(
        packagePath.replace(new RegExp(`${escapedNormalizedPackageName}$`), ``),

      resolvedUrl = resolvePackageUrl(

      if (resolvedUrl) {
        data = { file: resolvedUrl.replace(/\.css$/, ``) };
    } else {
      resolvedUrl = resolveUrl(cleanedUrl, includePaths);

    const nodeFilters = parseNodeFilters(url);
    const selectorFilters = parseSelectorFilters(url);
    const hasFilters = nodeFilters.length || selectorFilters.length;
    const globFilePaths = resolveGlobUrl(cleanedUrl, includePaths);
    const storeId = getStoreId(resolvedUrl, selectorFilters, nodeFilters);

    if (hasFilters) {
      filterPrefix = `${url.split(` from `)[0]} from `;

    if (globFilePaths) {
      const contents = globFilePaths
        .filter((x) => !store.has(getStoreId(x, selectorFilters, nodeFilters)))
        .map((x) => `@import '${filterPrefix}${x}';`)

      return { contents };

    if (store.has(storeId)) {
      return EMPTY_IMPORT;

    if (resolvedUrl && hasFilters) {
      filteredContents = fs.readFileSync(resolvedUrl, { encoding: `utf8` });

      if (selectorFilters.length) {
        filteredContents = cssSelectorExtract.processSync({
          css: filteredContents,
          filters: selectorFilters,
          preserveLines: true,

      if (nodeFilters.length) {
        filteredContents = cssNodeExtract.processSync({
          css: filteredContents,
          filters: nodeFilters,
          customFilters: options.customFilters,
          preserveLines: true,

    if (!options.disableImportOnce) {

    if (filteredContents) {
      data = {
        file: resolvedUrl,
        contents: filteredContents,

    return data;
Example #3
'use strict';

import * as os from 'os';
import * as path from 'path';

import * as opt from 'optimist';
import * as Promise from 'bluebird';
import * as findup from 'findup-sync';

import * as util from './util/util';
import TestRunner from './test/TestRunner';


let testerPkgPath = path.resolve(findup('package.json', { cwd: process.cwd() }));

let optimist = opt(process.argv);

optimist.default('changes', false);

optimist.default('dry', false);

optimist.default('headers', true);

optimist.default('tests', true);