function API_request() {
    const params = {
        q: 'a very smart query',
        page: 2,

    // using promises
    needle('get', '', params)
        .then((resp) => {
            if (resp.statusCode === 200)
                console.log(resp.body); // here you go, mister.

    needle('get', '', params, { json: true })
        .then((resp) => {
            if (resp.statusCode === 200) console.log('It worked!');

    // using callback
    needle.request('get', '', params, (err, resp) => {
        if (!err && resp.statusCode === 200)
            console.log(resp.body); // here you go, mister.

    needle.request('get', '', params, { json: true }, (err, resp) => {
        if (resp.statusCode === 200) console.log('It worked!');
function Multipart() {
    const buffer = fs.readFileSync('/path/to/');

    const data = {
        zip_file: {
            filename: '',
            content_type: 'application/octet-stream'

    // using promises
    needle('post', '', data, { multipart: true })
        .then((resp) => {
            // if you see, when using buffers we need to pass the filename for the multipart body.
            // you can also pass a filename when using the file path method, in case you want to override
            // the default filename to be received on the other end.

    // using callback'', data, { multipart: true }, (err, resp, body) => {
        // if you see, when using buffers we need to pass the filename for the multipart body.
        // you can also pass a filename when using the file path method, in case you want to override
        // the default filename to be received on the other end.
function Various() {
    // using promises
    needle('get', '')
        .then((resp) => {
            // if xml2js is installed, you'll get a nice object containing the nodes in the RSS
    needle('get', '', { output: '/tmp/tux.png' })
        .then((resp) => {
            // you can dump any response to a file, not only binaries.
    needle('get', '', { proxy: 'http://localhost:1234' })
        .then((resp) => {
            // request passed through proxy

    // using callback
    needle.get('', (err, resp, body) => {
        // if xml2js is installed, you'll get a nice object containing the nodes in the RSS
    needle.get('', { output: '/tmp/tux.png' }, (err, resp, body) => {
        // you can dump any response to a file, not only binaries.
    needle.get('', { proxy: 'http://localhost:1234' }, (err, resp, body) => {
        // request passed through proxy

    // using streams
    const stream1 = needle.get('');
    stream1.on('readable', () => {
        let chunk: any;
        while (chunk = {
            console.log('got data: ', chunk);
    const stream2 = needle.get('', { parse: true });
    stream2.on('readable', () => {
        let node: any;

        // our stream2 will only emit a single JSON root node.
        while (node = {
            console.log('got data: ', node);
function HttpGetWithBasicAuth() {
    // using promises
    needle('get', '', { username: '******', password: '******' })
        .then((resp) => {
            // used HTTP auth
    needle('get', 'https://*****:*****')
        .then((resp) => {
            // used HTTP auth from URL

    // using callback
    needle.get('', { username: '******', password: '******' }, (err, resp) => {
        // used HTTP auth
    needle.get('https://*****:*****', (err, resp) => {
        // used HTTP auth from URL
function API_get() {
    // using promises
    needle('get', '')
        .then((resp) => {
            // if no http:// is found, Needle will automagically prepend it.

    // using callback
    needle.get('', (err, resp) => {
        // if no http:// is found, Needle will automagically prepend it.
function DigestAuth() {
    // using promises
    needle('get', '', { username: '******', password: '******', auth: 'digest' })
        .then((resp) => {
            // needle prepends 'http://' to your URL, if missing

    // using callback
    needle.get('', { username: '******', password: '******', auth: 'digest' }, (err, resp, body) => {
        // needle prepends 'http://' to your URL, if missing
function API_head() {
    // using promises
    needle('head', '')
        .then((resp) => console.log('Yup, still alive.'))
        .catch((err: Error) => console.log('Shoot! Something is wrong: ' + err.message));

    // using callback
    needle.head('', (err, resp) => {
        if (err) {
            console.log('Shoot! Something is wrong: ' + err.message);
        } else {
            console.log('Yup, still alive.');
function Usage() {
    // using promises
    needle('get', '')
        .then((resp) => console.log(resp.body.ip_addr));

    // using callback
    needle.get('', (error, response) => {
        if (!error)
            console.log(response.body.ip_addr); // JSON decoding magic. :)

    // using streams
    const out = fs.createWriteStream('file.txt');
function FileUpload() {
    const data = {
        foo: 'bar',
        image: { file: '/home/tomas/linux.png', content_type: 'image/png' }

    // using promises
    needle('post', '', data, { multipart: true })
        .then((resp) => {
            // needle will read the file and include it in the form-data as binary
    needle('put', '', fs.createReadStream('myfile.txt'))
        .then((resp) => {
            // stream content is uploaded verbatim

    // using callback'', data, { multipart: true }, (err, resp, body) => {
        // needle will read the file and include it in the form-data as binary
    needle.put('', fs.createReadStream('myfile.txt'), (err, resp, body) => {
        // stream content is uploaded verbatim
function API_post() {
    const options = {
        headers: { 'X-Custom-Header': 'Bumbaway atuna' }

    // using promises
    needle('post', '', 'foo=bar', options)
        .then((resp) => {
            // you can pass params as a string or as an object.

    // using callback'', 'foo=bar', options, (err, resp) => {
        // you can pass params as a string or as an object.