public async FormatMessage(msg: Discord.Message): Promise<DiscordMessageProcessorResult> {
        const result = new DiscordMessageProcessorResult();

        let content = msg.content;

        // for the formatted body we need to parse markdown first
        // as else it'll HTML escape the result of the discord syntax
        let contentPostmark = markdown.toHTML(content, {
            discordCallback: this.getDiscordParseCallbacksHTML(msg),

        // parse the plain text stuff
        content = markdown.toHTML(content, {
            discordCallback: this.getDiscordParseCallbacks(msg),
            discordOnly: true,
            escapeHTML: false,
        content = this.InsertEmbeds(content, msg);
        content = await this.InsertMxcImages(content, msg);

        // parse postmark stuff
        contentPostmark = this.InsertEmbedsPostmark(contentPostmark, msg);
        contentPostmark = await this.InsertMxcImages(contentPostmark, msg, true);

        result.body = content;
        result.formattedBody = contentPostmark;
        result.msgtype = ? "m.notice" : "m.text";
        return result;
 public InsertEmbedsPostmark(content: string, msg: Discord.Message): string {
     for (const embed of msg.embeds) {
         if (embed.title === undefined && embed.description === undefined) {
         if (this.isEmbedInBody(msg, embed)) {
         let embedContent = "<hr>"; // Horizontal rule. Two to make sure the content doesn't become a title.
         const embedTitle = embed.url ?
             `<a href="${escapeHtml(embed.url)}">${escapeHtml(embed.title)}</a>`
             : escapeHtml(embed.title);
         if (embedTitle) {
             embedContent += `<h5>${embedTitle}</h5>`; // h5 is probably best.
         if (embed.description) {
             embedContent += markdown.toHTML(embed.description, {
                 discordCallback: this.getDiscordParseCallbacksHTML(msg),
                 embed: true,
         content += embedContent;
     return content;
 public InsertEmbeds(content: string, msg: Discord.Message): string {
     for (const embed of msg.embeds) {
         if (embed.title === undefined && embed.description === undefined) {
         if (this.isEmbedInBody(msg, embed)) {
         let embedContent = "\n\n----"; // Horizontal rule. Two to make sure the content doesn't become a title.
         const embedTitle = embed.url ? `[${embed.title}](${embed.url})` : embed.title;
         if (embedTitle) {
             embedContent += "\n##### " + embedTitle; // h5 is probably best.
         if (embed.description) {
             embedContent += "\n" + markdown.toHTML(embed.description, {
                 discordCallback: this.getDiscordParseCallbacks(msg),
                 discordOnly: true,
                 escapeHTML: false,
         content += embedContent;
     return content;