function loadSpecifications() {
	request("specifications.json", { handleAs: 'json' }).then(function(response) {
		console.log("Got response", response);
		specifications =;
		// Try commenting out the next line to see what happens (or doesn't happen)
	}, function (error) {
		console.log("Something went wrong", error);
function loadSpecifications() {
	request("specifications.json", { handleAs: 'json' }).then(function(response) {
		console.log("Got response", response);
		specifications =;
		// Add updatign functions to specifications
		specifications.forEach(function (specification: Specification) {
			// Maquette requires always setting callbacks to the same function
			// TODO: Use a SpecifiedWidget class that supports this to better document intent
			specification.toggleEditor = editClicked.bind(null, specification);
			specification.acceptChanges = acceptChangesClicked.bind(null, specification);
			specification.setType = setType.bind(null, specification);
			specification.setText = setText.bind(null, specification);
			specification.setExtra = setExtra.bind(null, specification);
		// Try commenting out the next line to see what happens (or doesn't happen)
	}, function (error) {
		console.log("Something went wrong", error);