 * Example 1 from the i2c-bus README file.
function example1(): void {
    const i2c1 = openSync(1);

    const DS1621_ADDR = 0x48,
        CMD_ACCESS_CONFIG = 0xac,
        CMD_READ_TEMP = 0xaa,
        CMD_START_CONVERT = 0xee;

    // Enter one shot mode (this is a non volatile setting)
    i2c1.writeByteSync(DS1621_ADDR, CMD_ACCESS_CONFIG, 0x01);

    // Wait while non volatile memory busy
    while (i2c1.readByteSync(DS1621_ADDR, CMD_ACCESS_CONFIG) & 0x10) {

    // Start temperature conversion
    i2c1.sendByteSync(DS1621_ADDR, CMD_START_CONVERT);

    // Wait for temperature conversion to complete
    while ((i2c1.readByteSync(DS1621_ADDR, CMD_ACCESS_CONFIG) & 0x80) === 0) {

    // Display temperature
    const rawTemp = i2c1.readWordSync(DS1621_ADDR, CMD_READ_TEMP);
    console.log("temp: " + toCelsius(rawTemp));

Example #2
/// <reference path="../typings/tsd.d.ts" />

"use strict";

import * as i2cBus from "i2c-bus";

import Pca9685Driver from "../";

const options =
    i2c: i2cBus.openSync(1),
    address: 0x40, // default value
    frequency: 50, // default value
    debug: true

// pulse lengths in microseconds (theoretically, 1.5 ms
// is the middle of a typical servo's range)
const pulseLengths: number[] = [ 1300, 1500, 1700 ];
const steeringChannel: number = 0;

// variables used in servoLoop
var pwm: Pca9685Driver;
var nextPulse: number = 0;
var timer: NodeJS.Timer;

// loop to cycle through pulse lengths
function servoLoop() {
    timer = setTimeout(servoLoop, 500);