Example #1
    async allTests()
        async function createTestIntfPrx(adapters:Test.RemoteObjectAdapterPrx[])
            let endpoints:Ice.Endpoint[] = [];
            let obj = null;
            for(const adapter of adapters)
                obj = await adapter.getTestIntf();
                endpoints = endpoints.concat(obj.ice_getEndpoints());
            return Test.TestIntfPrx.uncheckedCast(obj.ice_endpoints(endpoints));

        async function deactivate(communicator:Test.RemoteCommunicatorPrx,
            for(const adapter of adapters)
                await communicator.deactivateObjectAdapter(adapter);

        const out = this.getWriter();
        let communicator = this.communicator();
        const properties = communicator.getProperties().clone();
        out.write("testing stringToProxy... ");
        const ref = "communicator:" + this.getTestEndpoint();
        let com = Test.RemoteCommunicatorPrx.uncheckedCast(communicator.stringToProxy(ref));
        test(com !== null);

        out.write("testing binding with single endpoint... ");
            const adapter = await com.createObjectAdapter("Adapter", "default");

            const test1 = await adapter.getTestIntf();
            const test2 = await adapter.getTestIntf();
            test(await test1.ice_getConnection() === await test2.ice_getConnection());

            await test1.ice_ping();
            await test2.ice_ping();

            await com.deactivateObjectAdapter(adapter);

            const test3 = Test.TestIntfPrx.uncheckedCast(test1);
            test(await test3.ice_getConnection() === await test1.ice_getConnection());
            test(await test3.ice_getConnection() === await test2.ice_getConnection());

                await test3.ice_ping();
                test(isConnectionFailed(ex), ex);


        await communicator.destroy();
        [communicator] = this.initialize(properties);
        com = Test.RemoteCommunicatorPrx.uncheckedCast(communicator.stringToProxy(ref));

        out.write("testing binding with multiple endpoints... ");
            const adapters = await Promise.all(
                    com.createObjectAdapter("Adapter11", "default"),
                    com.createObjectAdapter("Adapter12", "default"),
                    com.createObjectAdapter("Adapter13", "default")

            // Ensure that when a connection is opened it's reused for new
            // proxies and that all endpoints are eventually tried.
            let names = ["Adapter11", "Adapter12", "Adapter13"];
            while(names.length > 0)
                const adpts = Ice.ArrayUtil.clone(adapters);
                const test1 = await createTestIntfPrx(adpts);
                const test2 = await createTestIntfPrx(adpts);
                const test3 = await createTestIntfPrx(adpts);
                await test1.ice_ping();
                test(await test1.ice_getConnection() == await test2.ice_getConnection());
                test(await test2.ice_getConnection() == await test3.ice_getConnection());

                const name = await test1.getAdapterName();
                const index = names.indexOf(name);
                if(index !== -1)
                    names.splice(index, 1);

                const conn = await test1.ice_getConnection();
                await conn.close(Ice.ConnectionClose.GracefullyWithWait);
            // Ensure that the proxy correctly caches the connection (we
            // always send the request over the same connection.)
                for(const adpt of adapters)
                    const prx = await adpt.getTestIntf();
                    await prx.ice_ping();

                const t = await createTestIntfPrx(adapters);
                const name = await t.getAdapterName();
                const nRetry = 10;

                let i;
                /* eslint-disable curly */
                for(i = 0; i < nRetry && await t.getAdapterName() == name; i++);
                /* eslint-enable curly */
                test(i == nRetry);

                for(const adpt of adapters)
                    const prx = await adpt.getTestIntf();
                    const conn = await prx.ice_getConnection();
                    await conn.close(Ice.ConnectionClose.GracefullyWithWait);
            // Deactivate an adapter and ensure that we can still
            // establish the connection to the remaining adapters.
            await com.deactivateObjectAdapter(adapters[0]);
            names = ["Adapter12", "Adapter13"];
            while(names.length > 0)
                const adpts = Ice.ArrayUtil.clone(adapters);

                const test1 = await createTestIntfPrx(adpts);
                const test2 = await createTestIntfPrx(adpts);
                const test3 = await createTestIntfPrx(adpts);

                test(await test1.ice_getConnection() == await test2.ice_getConnection());
                test(await test2.ice_getConnection() == await test3.ice_getConnection());

                const name = await test1.getAdapterName();
                const index = names.indexOf(name);
                if(index !== -1)
                    names.splice(index, 1);
                const conn = await test1.ice_getConnection();
                await conn.close(Ice.ConnectionClose.GracefullyWithWait);
            // Deactivate an adapter and ensure that we can still
            // establish the connection to the remaining adapter.
            await com.deactivateObjectAdapter(adapters[2]);
            const obj = await createTestIntfPrx(adapters);
            test(await obj.getAdapterName() == "Adapter12");

            await deactivate(com, adapters);

        await communicator.destroy();
        [communicator] = this.initialize(properties);
        com = Test.RemoteCommunicatorPrx.uncheckedCast(communicator.stringToProxy(ref));

        out.write("testing binding with multiple random endpoints... ");

        const adapters = await Promise.all(
                com.createObjectAdapter("AdapterRandom11", "default"),
                com.createObjectAdapter("AdapterRandom12", "default"),
                com.createObjectAdapter("AdapterRandom13", "default"),
                com.createObjectAdapter("AdapterRandom14", "default"),
                com.createObjectAdapter("AdapterRandom15", "default")

        let count = 20;
        let adapterCount = adapters.length;
        while(--count > 0)
            let proxies:Test.TestIntfPrx[] = [];
            if(count == 1)
                await com.deactivateObjectAdapter(adapters[4]);

            for(let i = 0; i < proxies.length; ++i)
                let adpts = new Array(Math.floor(Math.random() * adapters.length));
                if(adpts.length == 0)
                    adpts = new Array(1);
                for(let j = 0; j < adpts.length; ++j)
                    adpts[j] = adapters[Math.floor(Math.random() * adapters.length)];
                proxies[i] = await createTestIntfPrx(Ice.ArrayUtil.clone(adpts));

            for(let i = 0; i < proxies.length; i++)
                    ex =>
                            // ignore exception
            for(let i = 0; i < proxies.length; i++)
                    await proxies[i].ice_ping();
                    test(ex instanceof Ice.LocalException, ex);
            const connections = [];
            for(let i = 0; i < proxies.length; i++)
                if(proxies[i].ice_getCachedConnection() !== null)
                    if(connections.indexOf(proxies[i].ice_getCachedConnection()) === -1)
            test(connections.length <= adapterCount);

            for(const a of adapters)
                    const prx = await a.getTestIntf();
                    const conn = await prx.ice_getConnection();
                    await conn.close(Ice.ConnectionClose.GracefullyWithWait);
                    // Expected if adapter is down.
                    test(ex instanceof Ice.LocalException, ex);

        await communicator.destroy();
        [communicator] = this.initialize(properties);
        com = Test.RemoteCommunicatorPrx.uncheckedCast(communicator.stringToProxy(ref));

        out.write("testing random endpoint selection... ");
            const adapters = await Promise.all(
                    com.createObjectAdapter("Adapter21", "default"),
                    com.createObjectAdapter("Adapter22", "default"),
                    com.createObjectAdapter("Adapter23", "default")

            let obj = await createTestIntfPrx(adapters);
            test(obj.ice_getEndpointSelection() == Ice.EndpointSelectionType.Random);

            let names = ["Adapter21", "Adapter22", "Adapter23"];
            while(names.length > 0)
                const index = names.indexOf(await obj.getAdapterName());
                if(index !== -1)
                    names.splice(index, 1);
                const conn = await obj.ice_getConnection();
                await conn.close(Ice.ConnectionClose.GracefullyWithWait);

            obj = Test.TestIntfPrx.uncheckedCast(obj.ice_endpointSelection(Ice.EndpointSelectionType.Random));
            test(obj.ice_getEndpointSelection() == Ice.EndpointSelectionType.Random);

            names = ["Adapter21", "Adapter22", "Adapter23"];
            while(names.length > 0)
                const index = names.indexOf(await obj.getAdapterName());
                if(index !== -1)
                    names.splice(index, 1);
                const conn = await obj.ice_getConnection();
                await conn.close(Ice.ConnectionClose.GracefullyWithWait);

            await deactivate(com, adapters);

        await communicator.destroy();
        [communicator] = this.initialize(properties);
        com = Test.RemoteCommunicatorPrx.uncheckedCast(communicator.stringToProxy(ref));

        out.write("testing ordered endpoint selection... ");
            let adapters:Test.RemoteObjectAdapterPrx[] = await Promise.all(
                    com.createObjectAdapter("Adapter31", "default"),
                    com.createObjectAdapter("Adapter32", "default"),
                    com.createObjectAdapter("Adapter33", "default")

            let obj = await createTestIntfPrx(adapters);
            obj = Test.TestIntfPrx.uncheckedCast(obj.ice_endpointSelection(Ice.EndpointSelectionType.Ordered));
            test(obj.ice_getEndpointSelection() == Ice.EndpointSelectionType.Ordered);
            const nRetry = 3;

            // Ensure that endpoints are tried in order by deactiving the adapters
            // one after the other.
            /* eslint-disable curly */
            let i;
            for(i = 0; i < nRetry && await obj.getAdapterName() == "Adapter31"; i++);
            test(i == nRetry);
            await com.deactivateObjectAdapter(adapters[0]);
            for(i = 0; i < nRetry && await obj.getAdapterName() == "Adapter32"; i++);
            test(i == nRetry);
            await com.deactivateObjectAdapter(adapters[1]);
            for(i = 0; i < nRetry && await obj.getAdapterName() == "Adapter33"; i++);
            test(i == nRetry);
            await com.deactivateObjectAdapter(adapters[2]);
            /* eslint-enable curly */

                await obj.getAdapterName();
                test(isConnectionFailed(ex), ex);

            const endpoints = obj.ice_getEndpoints();

            adapters = [];

            // Now, re-activate the adapters with the same endpoints in the opposite
            // order.

            /* eslint-disable curly */
            adapters.push(await com.createObjectAdapter("Adapter36", endpoints[2].toString()));
            for(i = 0; i < nRetry && await obj.getAdapterName() == "Adapter36"; i++);
            test(i == nRetry);
            let conn = await obj.ice_getConnection();
            await conn.close(Ice.ConnectionClose.GracefullyWithWait);
            adapters.push(await com.createObjectAdapter("Adapter35", endpoints[1].toString()));
            for(i = 0; i < nRetry && await obj.getAdapterName() == "Adapter35"; i++);
            test(i == nRetry);
            conn = await obj.ice_getConnection();
            await conn.close(Ice.ConnectionClose.GracefullyWithWait);
            adapters.push(await com.createObjectAdapter("Adapter34", endpoints[0].toString()));
            for(i = 0; i < nRetry && await obj.getAdapterName() == "Adapter34"; i++);
            test(i == nRetry);
            /* eslint-enable curly */

            await deactivate(com, adapters);

        await communicator.destroy();
        [communicator] = this.initialize(properties);
        com = Test.RemoteCommunicatorPrx.uncheckedCast(communicator.stringToProxy(ref));

        out.write("testing per request binding with single endpoint... ");
            const adapter = await com.createObjectAdapter("Adapter41", "default");

            const test1 = Test.TestIntfPrx.uncheckedCast((await adapter.getTestIntf()).ice_connectionCached(false));
            const test2 = Test.TestIntfPrx.uncheckedCast((await adapter.getTestIntf()).ice_connectionCached(false));
            test(await test1.ice_getConnection() !== null && await test2.ice_getConnection() !== null);
            test(await test1.ice_getConnection() == await test2.ice_getConnection());

            await test1.ice_ping();

            await com.deactivateObjectAdapter(adapter);

            const test3 = Test.TestIntfPrx.uncheckedCast(test1);
                test(await test3.ice_getConnection() == await test1.ice_getConnection());
                test(isConnectionFailed(ex), ex);

        await communicator.destroy();
        [communicator] = this.initialize(properties);
        com = Test.RemoteCommunicatorPrx.uncheckedCast(communicator.stringToProxy(ref));

        out.write("testing per request binding with multiple endpoints... ");
            const adapters = await Promise.all(
                    com.createObjectAdapter("Adapter51", "default"),
                    com.createObjectAdapter("Adapter52", "default"),
                    com.createObjectAdapter("Adapter53", "default")

            const obj = Test.TestIntfPrx.uncheckedCast(
                (await createTestIntfPrx(adapters)).ice_connectionCached(false));

            let names = ["Adapter51", "Adapter52", "Adapter53"];
            while(names.length > 0)
                const name = await obj.getAdapterName();
                const index = names.indexOf(name);
                if(index !== -1)
                    names.splice(index, 1);

            await com.deactivateObjectAdapter(adapters[0]);

            names = ["Adapter52", "Adapter53"];
            while(names.length > 0)
                const name = await obj.getAdapterName();
                const index = names.indexOf(name);
                if(index !== -1)
                    names.splice(index, 1);

            await com.deactivateObjectAdapter(adapters[2]);

            test(await obj.getAdapterName() == "Adapter52");

            await deactivate(com, adapters);

        if(typeof navigator === "undefined" ||
            ["Firefox", "MSIE", "Trident/7.0"].every(value => navigator.userAgent.indexOf(value) === -1))
            // Firefox adds a delay on websocket failed reconnects that causes this test to take too
            // much time to complete.
            // You can set network.websocket.delay-failed-reconnects to false in Firefox about:config
            // to disable this behaviour

            await communicator.destroy();
            [communicator] = this.initialize(properties);
            com = Test.RemoteCommunicatorPrx.uncheckedCast(communicator.stringToProxy(ref));

            out.write("testing per request binding and ordered endpoint selection... ");
            let adapters:Test.RemoteObjectAdapterPrx[] = await Promise.all(
                    com.createObjectAdapter("Adapter61", "default"),
                    com.createObjectAdapter("Adapter62", "default"),
                    com.createObjectAdapter("Adapter63", "default")

            let obj = await createTestIntfPrx(adapters);
            obj = Test.TestIntfPrx.uncheckedCast(obj.ice_endpointSelection(Ice.EndpointSelectionType.Ordered));
            test(obj.ice_getEndpointSelection() == Ice.EndpointSelectionType.Ordered);
            obj = Test.TestIntfPrx.uncheckedCast(obj.ice_connectionCached(false));
            const nRetry = 3;
            let i;

            // Ensure that endpoints are tried in order by deactiving the adapters
            // one after the other.

            /* eslint-disable curly */
            for(i = 0; i < nRetry && await obj.getAdapterName() == "Adapter61"; i++);
            test(i == nRetry);
            await com.deactivateObjectAdapter(adapters[0]);
            for(i = 0; i < nRetry && await obj.getAdapterName() == "Adapter62"; i++);
            test(i == nRetry);
            await com.deactivateObjectAdapter(adapters[1]);
            for(i = 0; i < nRetry && await obj.getAdapterName() == "Adapter63"; i++);
            test(i == nRetry);
            /* eslint-enable curly */

                await obj.getAdapterName();
                test(isConnectionFailed(ex), ex);

            const endpoints = obj.ice_getEndpoints();

            adapters = [];

            // Now, re-activate the adapters with the same endpoints in the opposite
            // order.
            /* eslint-disable curly */
            adapters.push(await com.createObjectAdapter("Adapter66", endpoints[2].toString()));
            for(i = 0; i < nRetry && await obj.getAdapterName() == "Adapter66"; i++);
            test(i == nRetry);
            adapters.push(await com.createObjectAdapter("Adapter65", endpoints[1].toString()));
            for(i = 0; i < nRetry && await obj.getAdapterName() == "Adapter65"; i++);
            test(i == nRetry);
            adapters.push(await com.createObjectAdapter("Adapter64", endpoints[0].toString()));
            for(i = 0; i < nRetry && await obj.getAdapterName() == "Adapter64"; i++);
            test(i == nRetry);
            /* eslint-enable curly */
            await deactivate(com, adapters);

        await com.shutdown();
Example #2
    async allTests()
        const out = this.getWriter();
        const communicator = this.communicator();

        out.write("testing stringToProxy... ");
        const ref = "test:" + this.getTestEndpoint();
        const base = communicator.stringToProxy(ref);
        test(base !== null);

        out.write("testing checked cast... ");
        const obj = await Test.TestIntfPrx.checkedCast(base);
        test(obj !== null);

            out.write("creating/destroying/recreating object adapter... ");
            communicator.getProperties().setProperty("TransientTestAdapter.AdapterId", "dummy");
            let adapter = await communicator.createObjectAdapter("TransientTestAdapter");
                await communicator.createObjectAdapterWithEndpoints("TransientTestAdapter", "");
                test(ex instanceof Ice.AlreadyRegisteredException);
            await adapter.destroy();

            // Use a different port than the first adapter to avoid an "address already in use" error.
            adapter = await communicator.createObjectAdapterWithEndpoints("TransientTestAdapter", "");
            await adapter.destroy();

        out.write("creating/activating/deactivating object adapter in one operation... ");
        await obj.transient();

        out.write("testing connection closure... ");
        for(let i = 0; i < 10; ++i)
            const initData = new Ice.InitializationData();
            initData.properties = communicator.getProperties().clone();
            const comm = Ice.initialize(initData);
            comm.stringToProxy("test:" + this.getTestEndpoint()).ice_ping().catch(ex => {});
            await comm.destroy();

        out.write("testing object adapter published endpoints... ");
            communicator.getProperties().setProperty("PAdapter.PublishedEndpoints", "tcp -h localhost -p 12345 -t 30000");
            const adapter = await communicator.createObjectAdapter("PAdapter");
            test(adapter.getPublishedEndpoints().length === 1);
            const endpt = adapter.getPublishedEndpoints()[0];
            test(endpt.toString() == "tcp -h localhost -p 12345 -t 30000");
            const prx =
                    communicator.stringToProxy("dummy:tcp -h localhost -p 12346 -t 20000:tcp -h localhost -p 12347 -t 10000");
            test(adapter.getPublishedEndpoints().length === 2);
            const id = new Ice.Identity("dummy");
            test(Ice.ArrayUtil.equals(adapter.createProxy(id).ice_getEndpoints(), prx.ice_getEndpoints()));
            test(Ice.ArrayUtil.equals(adapter.getPublishedEndpoints(), prx.ice_getEndpoints()));
            await adapter.refreshPublishedEndpoints();
            test(adapter.getPublishedEndpoints().length === 1);
            communicator.getProperties().setProperty("PAdapter.PublishedEndpoints", "tcp -h localhost -p 12345 -t 20000");
            await adapter.refreshPublishedEndpoints();
            test(adapter.getPublishedEndpoints().length === 1);
            test(adapter.getPublishedEndpoints()[0].toString() == "tcp -h localhost -p 12345 -t 20000");
            await adapter.destroy();
            test(adapter.getPublishedEndpoints().length === 0);

        test(obj.ice_getConnection() !== null);
            out.write("testing object adapter with bi-dir connection... ");
            const adapter = await communicator.createObjectAdapter("");
            (await obj.ice_getConnection()).setAdapter(adapter);
            (await obj.ice_getConnection()).setAdapter(null);
            await adapter.deactivate();
                (await obj.ice_getConnection()).setAdapter(adapter);
                test(ex instanceof Ice.ObjectAdapterDeactivatedException);

        out.write("testing object adapter with router... ");
            const routerId = new Ice.Identity();
            routerId.name = "router";
            let router = Ice.RouterPrx.uncheckedCast(base.ice_identity(routerId).ice_connectionId("rc"));
            const adapter = await communicator.createObjectAdapterWithRouter("", router);
            test(adapter.getPublishedEndpoints().length == 1);
            test(adapter.getPublishedEndpoints()[0].toString() == "tcp -h localhost -p 23456 -t 30000");
            await adapter.refreshPublishedEndpoints();
            test(adapter.getPublishedEndpoints().length == 1);
            test(adapter.getPublishedEndpoints()[0].toString() == "tcp -h localhost -p 23457 -t 30000");
                // Expected.
                test(ex instanceof Error);
            await adapter.destroy();

                routerId.name = "test";
                router = Ice.RouterPrx.uncheckedCast(base.ice_identity(routerId));
                await communicator.createObjectAdapterWithRouter("", router);
                // Expected: the "test" object doesn't implement Ice::Router!
                test(ex instanceof Ice.OperationNotExistException);

                router = Ice.RouterPrx.uncheckedCast(communicator.stringToProxy("router:" + this.getTestEndpoint(1)));
                await communicator.createObjectAdapterWithRouter("", router);
                test(ex instanceof Ice.ConnectFailedException);

        out.write("deactivating object adapter in the server... ");
        await obj.deactivate();

        out.write("testing adapter states... ");
            const adpt = await communicator.createObjectAdapter("");
            await adpt.activate();

            let isHolding = false;
            adpt.waitForHold().then(() =>
                                        isHolding = true;
            await adpt.waitForHold();
            await Ice.Promise.delay(10); // Relinquish the thread to allow the continuation to execute.

            isHolding = false;
            adpt.waitForHold().then(() =>
                                        isHolding = true;

            let isDeactivated = false;
            adpt.waitForDeactivate().then(() =>
                                                isDeactivated = true;
            await adpt.deactivate();
            await adpt.waitForDeactivate();
            await Ice.Promise.delay(10); // Relinquish the thread to allow the continuation to execute.
            test(isDeactivated && isHolding);
            await adpt.destroy();

        out.write("testing whether server is gone... ");
            await obj.ice_timeout(100).ice_ping(); // Use timeout to speed up testing on Windows
            throw new Error();
            test(ex instanceof Ice.LocalException);
export async function run(communicator:Ice.Communicator, prx:Test.MyClassPrx, bidir:boolean, helper:TestHelper)
    const literals = await prx.opStringLiterals();

    test(Test.s0 == "\\" &&
            Test.s0 == Test.sw0 &&
            Test.s0 == literals[0] &&
            Test.s0 == literals[11]);

    test(Test.s1 == "A" &&
            Test.s1 == Test.sw1 &&
            Test.s1 == literals[1] &&
            Test.s1 == literals[12]);

    test(Test.s2 == "Ice" &&
            Test.s2 == Test.sw2 &&
            Test.s2 == literals[2] &&
            Test.s2 == literals[13]);

    test(Test.s3 == "A21" &&
            Test.s3 == Test.sw3 &&
            Test.s3 == literals[3] &&
            Test.s3 == literals[14]);

    test(Test.s4 == "\\u0041 \\U00000041" &&
            Test.s4 == Test.sw4 &&
            Test.s4 == literals[4] &&
            Test.s4 == literals[15]);

    test(Test.s5 == "\u00FF" &&
            Test.s5 == Test.sw5 &&
            Test.s5 == literals[5] &&
            Test.s5 == literals[16]);

    test(Test.s6 == "\u03FF" &&
            Test.s6 == Test.sw6 &&
            Test.s6 == literals[6] &&
            Test.s6 == literals[17]);

    test(Test.s7 == "\u05F0" &&
            Test.s7 == Test.sw7 &&
            Test.s7 == literals[7] &&
            Test.s7 == literals[18]);

    test(Test.s8 == "\uD800\uDC00" &&
            Test.s8 == Test.sw8 &&
            Test.s8 == literals[8] &&
            Test.s8 == literals[19]);

    test(Test.s9 == "\uD83C\uDF4C" &&
            Test.s9 == Test.sw9 &&
            Test.s9 == literals[9] &&
            Test.s9 == literals[20]);

    test(Test.s10 == "\u0DA7" &&
            Test.s10 == Test.sw10 &&
            Test.s10 == literals[10] &&
            Test.s10 == literals[21]);

    test(Test.ss0 == "'\"?\\\u0007\b\f\n\r\t\v\u0006" &&
            Test.ss0 == Test.ss1 &&
            Test.ss0 == Test.ss2 &&
            Test.ss0 == literals[22] &&
            Test.ss0 == literals[23] &&
            Test.ss0 == literals[24]);

    test(Test.ss3 == "\\\\U\\u\\" &&
            Test.ss3 == literals[25]);

    test(Test.ss4 == "\\A\\" &&
            Test.ss4 == literals[26]);

    test(Test.ss5 == "\\u0041\\" &&
            Test.ss5 == literals[27]);

    test(Test.su0 == Test.su1 &&
            Test.su0 == Test.su2 &&
            Test.su0 == literals[28] &&
            Test.su0 == literals[29] &&
            Test.su0 == literals[30]);

    await prx.ice_ping();

    test(await prx.ice_isA(Test.MyClass.ice_staticId()));

    test((await prx.ice_id()) === Test.MyDerivedClass.ice_staticId());

    test((await prx.ice_ids()).length === 3);

    await prx.opVoid();

        const [retval, p3] = await prx.opByte(0xff, 0x0f);
        test(p3 === 0xf0);
        test(retval === 0xff);

        const [retval, p3] = await prx.opBool(true, false);

        const lo = new Ice.Long(0, 12);
        const [retval, s, i, l] = await prx.opShortIntLong(10, 11, lo);

        test(s === 10);
        test(i === 11);

        const [retval, f, d] = await prx.opFloatDouble(3.14, 1.1E10);
        test((f - 3.14) <= 0.01);
        test(d == 1.1E10);
        test(retval == 1.1E10);

        await prx.opByte(0xffff, 0xff0f);
        test(ex instanceof Ice.MarshalException, ex);

        await prx.opShortIntLong(-32768 - 1, 0, new Ice.Long(0));
        test(ex instanceof Ice.MarshalException, ex);

        await prx.opShortIntLong(32767 + 1, 0, new Ice.Long(0));
        test(ex instanceof Ice.MarshalException, ex);

        await prx.opShortIntLong(0, -2147483648 - 1, new Ice.Long(0));
        test(ex instanceof Ice.MarshalException, ex);

        await prx.opShortIntLong(0, 2147483647 + 1, new Ice.Long(0));
        test(ex instanceof Ice.MarshalException, ex);

        await prx.opShortIntLong(0, 0, new Ice.Long(0, 0xFFFFFFFF + 1));
        test(ex instanceof RangeError, ex);

        await prx.opShortIntLong(0, 0, new Ice.Long(0xFFFFFFFF + 1, 0));
        test(ex instanceof RangeError, ex);

        await prx.opShortIntLong(0, 0, new Ice.Long(0, -1));
        test(ex instanceof RangeError, ex);

        await prx.opShortIntLong(Number.NaN, 0, new Ice.Long(0, 0));
        test(ex instanceof Ice.MarshalException, ex);

        await prx.opFloatDouble(Number.MAX_VALUE, 0);
        test(ex instanceof Ice.MarshalException, ex);

        await prx.opFloatDouble(-Number.MAX_VALUE, 0);
        test(ex instanceof Ice.MarshalException, ex);

    await prx.opFloatDouble(Number.NaN, Number.NaN);
    await prx.opFloatDouble(-Number.NaN, -Number.NaN);
    await prx.opFloatDouble(Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY, Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY);
    await prx.opFloatDouble(Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY, Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY);

        const [retval, p3] = await prx.opString("hello", "world");
        test(p3 === "world hello");
        test(retval === "hello world");

        const [retval, p2] = await prx.opMyEnum(Test.MyEnum.enum2);
        test(p2 === Test.MyEnum.enum2);
        test(retval === Test.MyEnum.enum3);

        // Test null enum
        const [retval, p2] = await prx.opMyEnum(null);
        test(p2 === Test.MyEnum.enum1);
        test(retval === Test.MyEnum.enum3);

            const [retval, p2, p3] = await prx.opMyClass(prx);


        const si1 = new Test.Structure();
        si1.p = prx;
        si1.e = Test.MyEnum.enum3;
        si1.s = new Test.AnotherStruct();
        si1.s.s = "abc";
        const si2 = new Test.Structure();
        si2.p = null;
        si2.e = Test.MyEnum.enum2;
        si2.s = new Test.AnotherStruct();
        si2.s.s = "def";

        const [retval, p3] = await prx.opStruct(si1, si2);
        test(retval.p === null);
        test(retval.e === Test.MyEnum.enum2);
        test(retval.s.s === "def");
        test(p3.p !== null);
        test(p3.e === Test.MyEnum.enum3);
        test(p3.s.s === "a new string");

        const si1 = new Test.Structure();
        // Test null struct
        const [retval, p3] = await prx.opStruct(si1, null);

        test(retval.p === null);
        test(retval.e === Test.MyEnum.enum1);
        test(retval.s.s === "");
        test(p3.p === null);
        test(p3.e === Test.MyEnum.enum1);
        test(p3.s.s === "a new string");

        const bsi1 = new Uint8Array([0x01, 0x11, 0x12, 0x22]);
        const bsi2 = new Uint8Array([0xf1, 0xf2, 0xf3, 0xf4]);

        const [retval, p3] = await prx.opByteS(bsi1, bsi2);

        test(p3.length === 4);
        test(p3[0] === 0x22);
        test(p3[1] === 0x12);
        test(p3[2] === 0x11);
        test(p3[3] === 0x01);
        test(retval.length === 8);
        test(retval[0] === 0x01);
        test(retval[1] === 0x11);
        test(retval[2] === 0x12);
        test(retval[3] === 0x22);
        test(retval[4] === 0xf1);
        test(retval[5] === 0xf2);
        test(retval[6] === 0xf3);
        test(retval[7] === 0xf4);

        const bsi1 = [true, true, false];
        const bsi2 = [false];
        const [retval, p3] = await prx.opBoolS(bsi1, bsi2);

        test(p3.length == 4);
        test(retval.length == 3);

        const ssi = [1, 2, 3];
        const isi = [5, 6, 7, 8];
        const l1 = new Ice.Long(0, 10);
        const l2 = new Ice.Long(0, 30);
        const l3 = new Ice.Long(0, 20);
        const lsi = [l1, l2, l3];
        const [retval, sso, iso, lso] = await prx.opShortIntLongS(ssi, isi, lsi);

        test(sso.length === 3);
        test(sso[0] === 1);
        test(sso[1] === 2);
        test(sso[2] === 3);
        test(iso.length === 4);
        test(iso[0] === 8);
        test(iso[1] === 7);
        test(iso[2] === 6);
        test(iso[3] === 5);
        test(lso.length === 6);
        test(retval.length === 3);

        const fsi = [3.14, 1.11];
        const dsi = [1.1E10, 1.2E10, 1.3E10];
        const [retval, fso, dso] = await prx.opFloatDoubleS(fsi, dsi);

        test(fso.length === 2);
        test((fso[0] - 3.14) <= 0.01);
        test((fso[1] - 1.11) <= 0.01);
        test(dso.length === 3);
        test(dso[0] === 1.3E10);
        test(dso[1] === 1.2E10);
        test(dso[2] === 1.1E10);
        test(retval.length === 5);
        test(retval[0] === 1.1E10);
        test(retval[1] === 1.2E10);
        test(retval[2] === 1.3E10);
        test((retval[3] - 3.14) <= 0.01);
        test((retval[4] - 1.11) <= 0.01);

        const ssi1 = ["abc", "de", "fghi"];
        const ssi2 = ["xyz"];
        const [retval, sso] = await prx.opStringS(ssi1, ssi2);

        test(sso.length === 4);
        test(sso[0] === "abc");
        test(sso[1] === "de");
        test(sso[2] === "fghi");
        test(sso[3] === "xyz");
        test(retval.length === 3);
        test(retval[0] === "fghi");
        test(retval[1] === "de");
        test(retval[2] === "abc");

        const bsi1 =
                new Uint8Array([0x01, 0x11, 0x12]),
                new Uint8Array([0xff])

        const bsi2 =
                new Uint8Array([0x0e]),
                new Uint8Array([0xf2, 0xf1])

        const [retval, bso] = await prx.opByteSS(bsi1, bsi2);

        test(bso.length === 2);
        test(bso[0].length === 1);
        test(bso[0][0] === 0xff);
        test(bso[1].length === 3);
        test(bso[1][0] === 0x01);
        test(bso[1][1] === 0x11);
        test(bso[1][2] === 0x12);
        test(retval.length === 4);
        test(retval[0].length === 3);
        test(retval[0][0] === 0x01);
        test(retval[0][1] === 0x11);
        test(retval[0][2] === 0x12);
        test(retval[1].length === 1);
        test(retval[1][0] === 0xff);
        test(retval[2].length === 1);
        test(retval[2][0] === 0x0e);
        test(retval[3].length === 2);
        test(retval[3][0] === 0xf2);
        test(retval[3][1] === 0xf1);

        const bsi1 =
                [true, true]

        const bsi2 =
                [false, false, true]

        const [retval, bso] = await prx.opBoolSS(bsi1, bsi2);

        test(bso.length === 4);
        test(bso[0].length === 1);
        test(bso[1].length === 1);
        test(bso[2].length === 2);
        test(bso[3].length === 3);
        test(retval.length === 3);
        test(retval[0].length === 2);
        test(retval[1].length === 1);
        test(retval[2].length === 1);

        const ssi =
                [1, 2, 5],

        const isi =
                [24, 98],

        const l1 = new Ice.Long(0, 496);
        const l2 = new Ice.Long(0, 1729);

        const lsi =
                [l1, l2]

        const [retval, sso, iso, lso] = await prx.opShortIntLongSS(ssi, isi, lsi);

        test(retval.length === 1);
        test(retval[0].length === 2);
        test(sso.length === 3);
        test(sso[0].length === 3);
        test(sso[0][0] === 1);
        test(sso[0][1] === 2);
        test(sso[0][2] === 5);
        test(sso[1].length === 1);
        test(sso[1][0] === 13);
        test(sso[2].length === 0);
        test(iso.length === 2);
        test(iso[0].length === 1);
        test(iso[0][0] === 42);
        test(iso[1].length === 2);
        test(iso[1][0] === 24);
        test(iso[1][1] === 98);
        test(lso.length === 2);
        test(lso[0].length === 2);
        test(lso[1].length === 2);

        const fsi =

        const dsi =
                [1.1E10, 1.2E10, 1.3E10]

        const [retval, fso, dso] = await prx.opFloatDoubleSS(fsi, dsi);

        test(fso.length === 3);
        test(fso[0].length === 1);
        test((fso[0][0] - 3.14) <= 0.01);
        test(fso[1].length === 1);
        test((fso[1][0] - 1.11) <= 0.01);
        test(fso[2].length === 0);
        test(dso.length === 1);
        test(dso[0].length === 3);
        test(dso[0][0] === 1.1E10);
        test(dso[0][1] === 1.2E10);
        test(dso[0][2] === 1.3E10);
        test(retval.length === 2);
        test(retval[0].length === 3);
        test(retval[0][0] === 1.1E10);
        test(retval[0][1] === 1.2E10);
        test(retval[0][2] === 1.3E10);
        test(retval[1].length === 3);
        test(retval[1][0] === 1.1E10);
        test(retval[1][1] === 1.2E10);
        test(retval[1][2] === 1.3E10);

        const ssi1 =
                ["de", "fghi"]

        const ssi2 =

        const [retval, sso] = await prx.opStringSS(ssi1, ssi2);
        test(sso.length === 5);
        test(sso[0].length === 1);
        test(sso[0][0] === "abc");
        test(sso[1].length === 2);
        test(sso[1][0] === "de");
        test(sso[1][1] === "fghi");
        test(sso[2].length === 0);
        test(sso[3].length === 0);
        test(sso[4].length === 1);
        test(sso[4][0] === "xyz");
        test(retval.length === 3);
        test(retval[0].length === 1);
        test(retval[0][0] === "xyz");
        test(retval[1].length === 0);
        test(retval[2].length === 0);

        const sssi1 =
                    ["abc", "de"],

        const sssi2 =
                    ["", ""],

        const [retval, ssso] = await prx.opStringSSS(sssi1, sssi2);

        test(ssso.length === 5);
        test(ssso[0].length === 2);
        test(ssso[0][0].length === 2);
        test(ssso[0][1].length === 1);
        test(ssso[1].length === 1);
        test(ssso[1][0].length === 1);
        test(ssso[2].length === 2);
        test(ssso[2][0].length === 2);
        test(ssso[2][1].length === 1);
        test(ssso[3].length === 1);
        test(ssso[3][0].length === 1);
        test(ssso[4].length === 0);
        test(ssso[0][0][0] === "abc");
        test(ssso[0][0][1] === "de");
        test(ssso[0][1][0] === "xyz");
        test(ssso[1][0][0] === "hello");
        test(ssso[2][0][0] === "");
        test(ssso[2][0][1] === "");
        test(ssso[2][1][0] === "abcd");
        test(ssso[3][0][0] === "");

        test(retval.length === 3);
        test(retval[0].length === 0);
        test(retval[1].length === 1);
        test(retval[1][0].length === 1);
        test(retval[2].length === 2);
        test(retval[2][0].length === 2);
        test(retval[2][1].length === 1);
        test(retval[1][0][0] === "");
        test(retval[2][0][0] === "");
        test(retval[2][0][1] === "");
        test(retval[2][1][0] === "abcd");

        const di1 = new Test.ByteBoolD();
        di1.set(10, true);
        di1.set(100, false);

        const di2 = new Test.ByteBoolD();
        di2.set(10, true);
        di2.set(11, false);
        di2.set(101, true);

        const [retval, p3] = await prx.opByteBoolD(di1, di2);
        test(Ice.MapUtil.equals(p3, di1));
        test(retval.size === 4);
        test(retval.get(10) === true);
        test(retval.get(11) === false);
        test(retval.get(100) === false);
        test(retval.get(101) === true);

        const di1 = new Test.ShortIntD();
        di1.set(110, -1);
        di1.set(1100, 123123);

        const di2 = new Test.ShortIntD();
        di2.set(110, -1);
        di2.set(111, -100);
        di2.set(1101, 0);

        const [retval, p3] = await prx.opShortIntD(di1, di2);
        test(Ice.MapUtil.equals(p3, di1));
        test(retval.size === 4);
        test(retval.get(110) === -1);
        test(retval.get(111) === -100);
        test(retval.get(1100) === 123123);
        test(retval.get(1101) === 0);

        const di1 = new Test.LongFloatD();
        di1.set(new Ice.Long(0, 999999110), -1.1);
        di1.set(new Ice.Long(0, 999999111), 123123.2);

        const di2 = new Test.LongFloatD();
        di2.set(new Ice.Long(0, 999999110), -1.1);
        di2.set(new Ice.Long(0, 999999120), -100.4);
        di2.set(new Ice.Long(0, 999999130), 0.5);

        const [retval, p3] = await prx.opLongFloatD(di1, di2);

        test(p3.equals(di1, (v1, v2) => (Math.abs(v1) - Math.abs(v2)) <= 0.01));
        test(retval.size === 4);
        test(Math.abs(retval.get(new Ice.Long(0, 999999110))) - Math.abs(-1.1) <= 0.01);
        test(Math.abs(retval.get(new Ice.Long(0, 999999120))) - Math.abs(-100.4) <= 0.01);
        test(retval.get(new Ice.Long(0, 999999111)) - 123123.2 <= 0.01);
        test(retval.get(new Ice.Long(0, 999999130)) - 0.5 <= 0.01);

        const di1 = new Test.StringStringD();
        di1.set("foo", "abc -1.1");
        di1.set("bar", "abc 123123.2");

        const di2 = new Test.StringStringD();
        di2.set("foo", "abc -1.1");
        di2.set("FOO", "abc -100.4");
        di2.set("BAR", "abc 0.5");

        const [retval, p3] = await prx.opStringStringD(di1, di2);
        test(Ice.MapUtil.equals(p3, di1));
        test(retval.size == 4);
        test(retval.get("foo") === "abc -1.1");
        test(retval.get("FOO") === "abc -100.4");
        test(retval.get("bar") === "abc 123123.2");
        test(retval.get("BAR") === "abc 0.5");

        const di1 = new Test.StringMyEnumD();
        di1.set("abc", Test.MyEnum.enum1);
        di1.set("", Test.MyEnum.enum2);

        const di2 = new Test.StringMyEnumD();
        di2.set("abc", Test.MyEnum.enum1);
        di2.set("qwerty", Test.MyEnum.enum3);
        di2.set("Hello!!", Test.MyEnum.enum2);

        const [retval, p3] = await prx.opStringMyEnumD(di1, di2);

        test(Ice.MapUtil.equals(p3, di1));
        test(retval.size === 4);
        test(retval.get("abc") === Test.MyEnum.enum1);
        test(retval.get("qwerty") === Test.MyEnum.enum3);
        test(retval.get("") === Test.MyEnum.enum2);
        test(retval.get("Hello!!") === Test.MyEnum.enum2);

        const di1 = new Test.MyEnumStringD();
        di1.set(Test.MyEnum.enum1, "abc");

        const di2 = new Test.MyEnumStringD();
        di2.set(Test.MyEnum.enum2, "Hello!!");
        di2.set(Test.MyEnum.enum3, "qwerty");

        const [retval, p3] = await prx.opMyEnumStringD(di1, di2);

        test(Ice.MapUtil.equals(p3, di1));
        test(retval.size === 3);
        test(retval.get(Test.MyEnum.enum1) === "abc");
        test(retval.get(Test.MyEnum.enum2) === "Hello!!");
        test(retval.get(Test.MyEnum.enum3) === "qwerty");

        const s11 = new Test.MyStruct(1, 1);
        const s12 = new Test.MyStruct(1, 2);
        const di1 = new Test.MyStructMyEnumD();
        di1.set(s11, Test.MyEnum.enum1);
        di1.set(s12, Test.MyEnum.enum2);
        const s22 = new Test.MyStruct(2, 2);
        const s23 = new Test.MyStruct(2, 3);
        const di2 = new Test.MyStructMyEnumD();
        di2.set(s11, Test.MyEnum.enum1);
        di2.set(s22, Test.MyEnum.enum3);
        di2.set(s23, Test.MyEnum.enum2);

        const [retval, p3] = await prx.opMyStructMyEnumD(di1, di2);

        test(retval.size === 4);
        test(retval.get(s11) === Test.MyEnum.enum1);
        test(retval.get(s12) === Test.MyEnum.enum2);
        test(retval.get(s22) === Test.MyEnum.enum3);
        test(retval.get(s23) === Test.MyEnum.enum2);

        const ds1 = new Test.ByteBoolD();
        ds1.set(10, true);
        ds1.set(100, false);
        const ds2 = new Test.ByteBoolD();
        ds2.set(10, true);
        ds2.set(11, false);
        ds2.set(101, true);
        const ds3 = new Test.ByteBoolD();
        ds3.set(100, false);
        ds3.set(101, false);

        const [retval, p3] = await prx.opByteBoolDS([ds1, ds2], [ds3]);
        test(retval.length == 2);
        test(retval[0].size == 3);
        test(retval[0].get(10) === true);
        test(retval[0].get(11) === false);
        test(retval[0].get(101) === true);
        test(retval[1].size === 2);
        test(retval[1].get(10) === true);
        test(retval[1].get(100) === false);
        test(p3.length == 3);
        test(p3[0].size == 2);
        test(p3[0].get(100) === false);
        test(p3[0].get(101) === false);
        test(p3[1].size == 2);
        test(p3[1].get(10) === true);
        test(p3[1].get(100) === false);
        test(p3[2].size == 3);
        test(p3[2].get(10) === true);
        test(p3[2].get(11) === false);
        test(p3[2].get(101) === true);

        const di1 = new Test.ShortIntD();
        di1.set(110, -1);
        di1.set(1100, 123123);
        const di2 = new Test.ShortIntD();
        di2.set(110, -1);
        di2.set(111, -100);
        di2.set(1101, 0);
        const di3 = new Test.ShortIntD();
        di3.set(100, -1001);

        const [retval, p3] = await prx.opShortIntDS([di1, di2], [di3]);
        test(retval.length == 2);
        test(retval[0].size == 3);
        test(retval[0].get(110) === -1);
        test(retval[0].get(111) === -100);
        test(retval[0].get(1101) === 0);
        test(retval[1].size === 2);
        test(retval[1].get(110) === -1);
        test(retval[1].get(1100) === 123123);

        test(p3.length === 3);
        test(p3[0].size === 1);
        test(p3[0].get(100) === -1001);
        test(p3[1].size === 2);
        test(p3[1].get(110) === -1);
        test(p3[1].get(1100) === 123123);
        test(p3[2].size === 3);
        test(p3[2].get(110) === -1);
        test(p3[2].get(111) === -100);
        test(p3[2].get(1101) === 0);

        const di1 = new Test.LongFloatD();
        di1.set(new Ice.Long(0, 999999110), -1.1);
        di1.set(new Ice.Long(0, 999999111), 123123.2);
        const di2 = new Test.LongFloatD();
        di2.set(new Ice.Long(0, 999999110), -1.1);
        di2.set(new Ice.Long(0, 999999120), -100.4);
        di2.set(new Ice.Long(0, 999999130), 0.5);
        const di3 = new Test.LongFloatD();
        di3.set(new Ice.Long(0, 999999140), 3.14);

        const [retval, p3] = await prx.opLongFloatDS([di1, di2], [di3]);
        test(retval.length == 2);
        test(retval[0].size == 3);
        test(retval[0].get(new Ice.Long(0, 999999110)) - Math.abs(-1.1) <= 0.1);
        test(retval[0].get(new Ice.Long(0, 999999120)) - Math.abs(-100.4) <= 0.1);
        test(retval[0].get(new Ice.Long(0, 999999130)) - 0.5 <= 0.1);
        test(retval[1].size == 2);
        test(retval[1].get(new Ice.Long(0, 999999110)) - Math.abs(-1.1) <= 0.1);
        test(retval[1].get(new Ice.Long(0, 999999111)) - 123123.2 <= 0.1);

        test(p3.length == 3);
        test(p3[0].size == 1);
        test(p3[0].get(new Ice.Long(0, 999999140)) - 3.14 <= 0.1);
        test(p3[1].size == 2);
        test(p3[1].get(new Ice.Long(0, 999999110)) - Math.abs(-1.1) <= 0.1);
        test(p3[1].get(new Ice.Long(0, 999999111)) - 123123.2 <= 0.1);
        test(p3[2].size == 3);
        test(p3[2].get(new Ice.Long(0, 999999110)) - Math.abs(-1.1) <= 0.1);
        test(p3[2].get(new Ice.Long(0, 999999120)) - Math.abs(-100.4) <= 0.1);
        test(p3[2].get(new Ice.Long(0, 999999130)) - 0.5 <= 0.1);

        const di1 = new Test.StringStringD();
        di1.set("foo", "abc -1.1");
        di1.set("bar", "abc 123123.2");
        const di2 = new Test.StringStringD();
        di2.set("foo", "abc -1.1");
        di2.set("FOO", "abc -100.4");
        di2.set("BAR", "abc 0.5");
        const di3 = new Test.StringStringD();
        di3.set("f00", "ABC -3.14");

        const [retval, p3] = await prx.opStringStringDS([di1, di2], [di3]);
        test(retval.length === 2);
        test(retval[0].size === 3);
        test(retval[0].get("foo") === "abc -1.1");
        test(retval[0].get("FOO") === "abc -100.4");
        test(retval[0].get("BAR") === "abc 0.5");
        test(retval[1].size === 2);
        test(retval[1].get("foo") === "abc -1.1");
        test(retval[1].get("bar") === "abc 123123.2");

        test(p3.length === 3);
        test(p3[0].size === 1);
        test(p3[0].get("f00") === "ABC -3.14");
        test(p3[1].size === 2);
        test(p3[1].get("foo") === "abc -1.1");
        test(p3[1].get("bar") === "abc 123123.2");
        test(p3[2].size === 3);
        test(p3[2].get("foo") === "abc -1.1");
        test(p3[2].get("FOO") === "abc -100.4");
        test(p3[2].get("BAR") === "abc 0.5");

        const di1 = new Test.StringMyEnumD();
        di1.set("abc", Test.MyEnum.enum1);
        di1.set("", Test.MyEnum.enum2);
        const di2 = new Test.StringMyEnumD();
        di2.set("abc", Test.MyEnum.enum1);
        di2.set("qwerty", Test.MyEnum.enum3);
        di2.set("Hello!!", Test.MyEnum.enum2);
        const di3 = new Test.StringMyEnumD();
        di3.set("Goodbye", Test.MyEnum.enum1);

        const [retval, p3] = await prx.opStringMyEnumDS([di1, di2], [di3]);

        test(retval.length == 2);
        test(retval[0].size == 3);
        test(retval[0].get("abc") == Test.MyEnum.enum1);
        test(retval[0].get("qwerty") == Test.MyEnum.enum3);
        test(retval[0].get("Hello!!") == Test.MyEnum.enum2);
        test(retval[1].size == 2);
        test(retval[1].get("abc") == Test.MyEnum.enum1);
        test(retval[1].get("") == Test.MyEnum.enum2);

        test(p3.length == 3);
        test(p3[0].size == 1);
        test(p3[0].get("Goodbye") == Test.MyEnum.enum1);
        test(p3[1].size == 2);
        test(p3[1].get("abc") == Test.MyEnum.enum1);
        test(p3[1].get("") == Test.MyEnum.enum2);
        test(p3[2].size == 3);
        test(p3[2].get("abc") == Test.MyEnum.enum1);
        test(p3[2].get("qwerty") == Test.MyEnum.enum3);
        test(p3[2].get("Hello!!") == Test.MyEnum.enum2);

        const di1 = new Test.MyEnumStringD();
        di1.set(Test.MyEnum.enum1, "abc");
        const di2 = new Test.MyEnumStringD();
        di2.set(Test.MyEnum.enum2, "Hello!!");
        di2.set(Test.MyEnum.enum3, "qwerty");
        const di3 = new Test.MyEnumStringD();
        di3.set(Test.MyEnum.enum1, "Goodbye");

        const [retval, p3] = await prx.opMyEnumStringDS([di1, di2], [di3]);
        test(retval.length == 2);
        test(retval[0].size == 2);
        test(retval[0].get(Test.MyEnum.enum2) === "Hello!!");
        test(retval[0].get(Test.MyEnum.enum3) === "qwerty");
        test(retval[1].size == 1);
        test(retval[1].get(Test.MyEnum.enum1) === "abc");

        test(p3.length == 3);
        test(p3[0].size == 1);
        test(p3[0].get(Test.MyEnum.enum1) === "Goodbye");
        test(p3[1].size == 1);
        test(p3[1].get(Test.MyEnum.enum1) === "abc");
        test(p3[2].size == 2);
        test(p3[2].get(Test.MyEnum.enum2) === "Hello!!");
        test(p3[2].get(Test.MyEnum.enum3) === "qwerty");

        const s11 = new Test.MyStruct(1, 1);
        const s12 = new Test.MyStruct(1, 2);
        const di1 = new Test.MyStructMyEnumD();
        di1.set(s11, Test.MyEnum.enum1);
        di1.set(s12, Test.MyEnum.enum2);

        const s22 = new Test.MyStruct(2, 2);
        const s23 = new Test.MyStruct(2, 3);
        const di2 = new Test.MyStructMyEnumD();
        di2.set(s11, Test.MyEnum.enum1);
        di2.set(s22, Test.MyEnum.enum3);
        di2.set(s23, Test.MyEnum.enum2);

        const di3 = new Test.MyStructMyEnumD();
        di3.set(s23, Test.MyEnum.enum3);

        const [retval, p3] = await prx.opMyStructMyEnumDS([di1, di2], [di3]);
        test(retval.length == 2);
        test(retval[0].size == 3);
        test(retval[0].get(s11) === Test.MyEnum.enum1);
        test(retval[0].get(s22) === Test.MyEnum.enum3);
        test(retval[0].get(s23) === Test.MyEnum.enum2);
        test(retval[1].size == 2);
        test(retval[1].get(s11) === Test.MyEnum.enum1);
        test(retval[1].get(s12) === Test.MyEnum.enum2);

        test(p3.length == 3);
        test(p3[0].size == 1);
        test(p3[0].get(s23) === Test.MyEnum.enum3);
        test(p3[1].size == 2);
        test(p3[1].get(s11) === Test.MyEnum.enum1);
        test(p3[1].get(s12) === Test.MyEnum.enum2);
        test(p3[2].size == 3);
        test(p3[2].get(s11) === Test.MyEnum.enum1);
        test(p3[2].get(s22) === Test.MyEnum.enum3);
        test(p3[2].get(s23) === Test.MyEnum.enum2);

        const sdi1 = new Test.ByteByteSD();
        sdi1.set(0x01, new Uint8Array([0x01, 0x11]));
        sdi1.set(0x22, new Uint8Array([0x12]));
        const sdi2 = new Test.ByteByteSD();
        sdi2.set(0xf1, new Uint8Array([0xf2, 0xf3]));

        const [retval, p3] = await prx.opByteByteSD(sdi1, sdi2);
        test(p3.size == 1);
        test(p3.get(0xf1).length === 2);
        test(p3.get(0xf1)[0] === 0xf2);
        test(p3.get(0xf1)[1] === 0xf3);
        test(retval.size === 3);
        test(retval.get(0x01).length === 2);
        test(retval.get(0x01)[0] === 0x01);
        test(retval.get(0x01)[1] === 0x11);
        test(retval.get(0x22).length === 1);
        test(retval.get(0x22)[0] === 0x12);
        test(retval.get(0xf1).length === 2);
        test(retval.get(0xf1)[0] === 0xf2);
        test(retval.get(0xf1)[1] === 0xf3);

        const si1 = [true, false];
        const si2 = [false, true, true];
        const sdi1 = new Test.BoolBoolSD();
        sdi1.set(false, si1);
        sdi1.set(true, si2);
        const sdi2 = new Test.BoolBoolSD();
        sdi2.set(false, si1);

        const [retval, p3] = await prx.opBoolBoolSD(sdi1, sdi2);
        test(p3.size === 1);
        test(p3.get(false).length === 2);
        test(p3.get(false)[0] === true);
        test(p3.get(false)[1] === false);
        test(retval.size === 2);
        test(retval.get(false).length === 2);
        test(retval.get(false)[0] === true);
        test(retval.get(false)[1] === false);
        test(retval.get(true).length === 3);
        test(retval.get(true)[0] === false);
        test(retval.get(true)[1] === true);
        test(retval.get(true)[2] === true);

        const sdi1 = new Test.ShortShortSD();
        const sdi2 = new Test.ShortShortSD();

        const si1 = [1, 2, 3];
        const si2 = [4, 5];
        const si3 = [6, 7];

        sdi1.set(1, si1);
        sdi1.set(2, si2);
        sdi2.set(4, si3);

        const [retval, p3] = await prx.opShortShortSD(sdi1, sdi2);
        test(p3.size === 1);
        test(p3.get(4).length === 2);
        test(p3.get(4)[0] === 6);
        test(p3.get(4)[1] === 7);
        test(retval.size === 3);
        test(retval.get(1).length === 3);
        test(retval.get(1)[0] === 1);
        test(retval.get(1)[1] === 2);
        test(retval.get(1)[2] === 3);
        test(retval.get(2).length === 2);
        test(retval.get(2)[0] === 4);
        test(retval.get(2)[1] === 5);
        test(retval.get(4).length === 2);
        test(retval.get(4)[0] === 6);
        test(retval.get(4)[1] === 7);

        const sdi1 = new Test.IntIntSD();
        const sdi2 = new Test.IntIntSD();

        const si1 = [100, 200, 300];
        const si2 = [400, 500];
        const si3 = [600, 700];

        sdi1.set(100, si1);
        sdi1.set(200, si2);
        sdi2.set(400, si3);

        const [retval, p3] = await prx.opIntIntSD(sdi1, sdi2);
        test(p3.size === 1);
        test(p3.get(400).length === 2);
        test(p3.get(400)[0] === 600);
        test(p3.get(400)[1] === 700);
        test(retval.size === 3);
        test(retval.get(100).length === 3);
        test(retval.get(100)[0] === 100);
        test(retval.get(100)[1] === 200);
        test(retval.get(100)[2] === 300);
        test(retval.get(200).length === 2);
        test(retval.get(200)[0] === 400);
        test(retval.get(200)[1] === 500);
        test(retval.get(400).length === 2);
        test(retval.get(400)[0] === 600);
        test(retval.get(400)[1] === 700);

        const sdi1 = new Test.LongLongSD();
        const sdi2 = new Test.LongLongSD();

        const si1 = [new Ice.Long(0, 999999110), new Ice.Long(0, 999999111), new Ice.Long(0, 999999110)];
        const si2 = [new Ice.Long(0, 999999120), new Ice.Long(0, 999999130)];
        const si3 = [new Ice.Long(0, 999999110), new Ice.Long(0, 999999120)];

        sdi1.set(new Ice.Long(0, 999999990), si1);
        sdi1.set(new Ice.Long(0, 999999991), si2);
        sdi2.set(new Ice.Long(0, 999999992), si3);

        const [retval, p3] = await prx.opLongLongSD(sdi1, sdi2);
        test(p3.size == 1);
        test(p3.get(new Ice.Long(0, 999999992)).length === 2);
        test(p3.get(new Ice.Long(0, 999999992))[0].equals(new Ice.Long(0, 999999110)));
        test(p3.get(new Ice.Long(0, 999999992))[1].equals(new Ice.Long(0, 999999120)));
        test(retval.size == 3);
        test(retval.get(new Ice.Long(0, 999999990)).length === 3);
        test(retval.get(new Ice.Long(0, 999999990))[0].equals(new Ice.Long(0, 999999110)));
        test(retval.get(new Ice.Long(0, 999999990))[1].equals(new Ice.Long(0, 999999111)));
        test(retval.get(new Ice.Long(0, 999999990))[2].equals(new Ice.Long(0, 999999110)));
        test(retval.get(new Ice.Long(0, 999999991)).length === 2);
        test(retval.get(new Ice.Long(0, 999999991))[0].equals(new Ice.Long(0, 999999120)));
        test(retval.get(new Ice.Long(0, 999999991))[1].equals(new Ice.Long(0, 999999130)));
        test(retval.get(new Ice.Long(0, 999999992)).length === 2);
        test(retval.get(new Ice.Long(0, 999999992))[0].equals(new Ice.Long(0, 999999110)));
        test(retval.get(new Ice.Long(0, 999999992))[1].equals(new Ice.Long(0, 999999120)));

        const sdi1 = new Test.StringFloatSD();
        const sdi2 = new Test.StringFloatSD();

        const si1 = [-1.1, 123123.2, 100.0];
        const si2 = [42.24, -1.61];
        const si3 = [-3.14, 3.14];

        sdi1.set("abc", si1);
        sdi1.set("ABC", si2);
        sdi2.set("aBc", si3);

        const [retval, p3] = await prx.opStringFloatSD(sdi1, sdi2);

        test(p3.size === 1);
        test(p3.get("aBc").length === 2);
        test(p3.get("aBc")[0] - Math.abs(3.14) <= 0.1);
        test(p3.get("aBc")[1] - 3.14 <= 0.1);
        test(retval.size === 3);
        test(retval.get("abc").length === 3);
        test(retval.get("abc")[0] - Math.abs(1.1) <= 0.1);
        test(retval.get("abc")[1] - 123123.2 <= 0.1);
        test(retval.get("abc")[2] - 100.0 <= 0.1);
        test(retval.get("ABC").length === 2);
        test(retval.get("ABC")[0] - 42.24 <= 0.1);
        test(retval.get("ABC")[1] - Math.abs(1.61) <= 0.1);
        test(retval.get("aBc").length === 2);
        test(retval.get("aBc")[0] - Math.abs(3.14) <= 0.1);
        test(retval.get("aBc")[1] - 3.14 <= 0.1);

        const sdi1 = new Test.StringDoubleSD();
        const sdi2 = new Test.StringDoubleSD();

        const si1 = [1.1E10, 1.2E10, 1.3E10];
        const si2 = [1.4E10, 1.5E10];
        const si3 = [1.6E10, 1.7E10];

        sdi1.set("Hello!!", si1);
        sdi1.set("Goodbye", si2);
        sdi2.set("", si3);

        const [retval, p3] = await prx.opStringDoubleSD(sdi1, sdi2);

        test(p3.size === 1);
        test(p3.get("").length === 2);
        test(p3.get("")[0] === 1.6E10);
        test(p3.get("")[1] === 1.7E10);
        test(retval.size === 3);
        test(retval.get("Hello!!").length === 3);
        test(retval.get("Hello!!")[0] === 1.1E10);
        test(retval.get("Hello!!")[1] === 1.2E10);
        test(retval.get("Hello!!")[2] === 1.3E10);
        test(retval.get("Goodbye").length === 2);
        test(retval.get("Goodbye")[0] === 1.4E10);
        test(retval.get("Goodbye")[1] === 1.5E10);
        test(retval.get("").length === 2);
        test(retval.get("")[0] === 1.6E10);
        test(retval.get("")[1] === 1.7E10);

        const sdi1 = new Test.StringStringSD();
        const sdi2 = new Test.StringStringSD();

        const si1 = ["abc", "de", "fghi"];
        const si2 = ["xyz", "or"];
        const si3 = ["and", "xor"];

        sdi1.set("abc", si1);
        sdi1.set("def", si2);
        sdi2.set("ghi", si3);

        const [retval, p3] = await prx.opStringStringSD(sdi1, sdi2);

        test(p3.size === 1);
        test(p3.get("ghi").length === 2);
        test(p3.get("ghi")[0] === "and");
        test(p3.get("ghi")[1] === "xor");
        test(retval.size === 3);
        test(retval.get("abc").length === 3);
        test(retval.get("abc")[0] === "abc");
        test(retval.get("abc")[1] === "de");
        test(retval.get("abc")[2] === "fghi");
        test(retval.get("def").length === 2);
        test(retval.get("def")[0] === "xyz");
        test(retval.get("def")[1] === "or");
        test(retval.get("ghi").length === 2);
        test(retval.get("ghi")[0] === "and");
        test(retval.get("ghi")[1] === "xor");

        const sdi1 = new Test.MyEnumMyEnumSD();
        const sdi2 = new Test.MyEnumMyEnumSD();

        const si1 = [Test.MyEnum.enum1, Test.MyEnum.enum1, Test.MyEnum.enum2];
        const si2 = [Test.MyEnum.enum1, Test.MyEnum.enum2];
        const si3 = [Test.MyEnum.enum3, Test.MyEnum.enum3];

        sdi1.set(Test.MyEnum.enum3, si1);
        sdi1.set(Test.MyEnum.enum2, si2);
        sdi2.set(Test.MyEnum.enum1, si3);

        const [retval, p3] = await prx.opMyEnumMyEnumSD(sdi1, sdi2);
        test(p3.size == 1);
        test(p3.get(Test.MyEnum.enum1).length == 2);
        test(p3.get(Test.MyEnum.enum1)[0] == Test.MyEnum.enum3);
        test(p3.get(Test.MyEnum.enum1)[1] == Test.MyEnum.enum3);
        test(retval.size === 3);
        test(retval.get(Test.MyEnum.enum3).length == 3);
        test(retval.get(Test.MyEnum.enum3)[0] == Test.MyEnum.enum1);
        test(retval.get(Test.MyEnum.enum3)[1] == Test.MyEnum.enum1);
        test(retval.get(Test.MyEnum.enum3)[2] == Test.MyEnum.enum2);
        test(retval.get(Test.MyEnum.enum2).length == 2);
        test(retval.get(Test.MyEnum.enum2)[0] == Test.MyEnum.enum1);
        test(retval.get(Test.MyEnum.enum2)[1] == Test.MyEnum.enum2);
        test(retval.get(Test.MyEnum.enum1).length == 2);
        test(retval.get(Test.MyEnum.enum1)[0] == Test.MyEnum.enum3);
        test(retval.get(Test.MyEnum.enum1)[1] == Test.MyEnum.enum3);

        const lengths = [0, 1, 2, 126, 127, 128, 129, 253, 254, 255, 256, 257, 1000];

        for(const l of lengths)
            const s = new Array(l);
            for(let i = 0; i < l; ++i)
                s[i] = i;

            const r = await prx.opIntS(s);
            test(r.length == l);
            for(let j = 0; j < r.length; ++j)
                test(r[j] == -j);

        const ctx = new Ice.Context();
        ctx.set("one", "ONE");
        ctx.set("two", "TWO");
        ctx.set("three", "THREE");
            test(prx.ice_getContext().size === 0);
            const r = await prx.opContext();
            test(!Ice.MapUtil.equals(r, ctx));

            const r = await prx.opContext(ctx);
            test(prx.ice_getContext().size === 0);
            test(Ice.MapUtil.equals(r, ctx));

            const p2 = await Test.MyClassPrx.checkedCast(prx.ice_context(ctx));
            test(Ice.MapUtil.equals(p2.ice_getContext(), ctx));
            let r = await p2.opContext();
            test(Ice.MapUtil.equals(r, ctx));
            r = await p2.opContext(ctx);
            test(Ice.MapUtil.equals(r, ctx));

        // Test implicit context propagation
        const initData = new Ice.InitializationData();
        initData.properties = communicator.getProperties().clone();
        initData.properties.setProperty("Ice.ImplicitContext", "Shared");

        const ic = Ice.initialize(initData);

        let ctx = new Ice.Context();
        ctx.set("one", "ONE");
        ctx.set("two", "TWO");
        ctx.set("three", "THREE");

        let p3 = Test.MyClassPrx.uncheckedCast(ic.stringToProxy("test:" + helper.getTestEndpoint()));

        test(Ice.MapUtil.equals(ic.getImplicitContext().getContext(), ctx));
        test(Ice.MapUtil.equals(await p3.opContext(), ctx));

        test(ic.getImplicitContext().containsKey("zero") == false);
        const r = ic.getImplicitContext().put("zero", "ZERO");
        test(r === undefined);
        test(ic.getImplicitContext().get("zero") == "ZERO");

        ctx = ic.getImplicitContext().getContext();
        test(Ice.MapUtil.equals(await p3.opContext(), ctx));

        const prxContext = new Ice.Context();
        prxContext.set("one", "UN");
        prxContext.set("four", "QUATRE");

        const combined = new Ice.Context(prxContext);
        for(const [key, value] of ctx)
                combined.set(key, value);

        test(combined.get("one") == "UN");

        p3 = Test.MyClassPrx.uncheckedCast(p3.ice_context(prxContext));

        test(Ice.MapUtil.equals(await p3.opContext(), prxContext));

        test(Ice.MapUtil.equals(await p3.opContext(), combined));

        test(ic.getImplicitContext().remove("one") == "ONE");

        await ic.destroy();

        const d = 1278312346.0 / 13.0;
        const ds = [];
        for(let i = 0; i < 5; i++)
            ds[i] = d;

        await prx.opDoubleMarshaling(d, ds);
        await prx.opIdempotent();
        await prx.opNonmutating();


        test(await prx.opByte1(0xFF) == 0xFF);
        test(await prx.opShort1(0x7FFF) == 0x7FFF);
        test(await prx.opInt1(0x7FFFFFFF) == 0x7FFFFFFF);
        test((await prx.opLong1(new Ice.Long(0x7FFFFFFF, 0xFFFFFFFF))).equals(new Ice.Long(0x7FFFFFFF, 0xFFFFFFFF)));
        test(await prx.opFloat1(1.0) == 1.0);
        test(await prx.opDouble1(1.0) == 1.0);
        test(await prx.opString1("opString1") == "opString1");
        test((await prx.opStringS1(null)).length === 0);
        test((await prx.opByteBoolD1(null)).size === 0);
        test((await prx.opStringS2(null)).length === 0);
        test((await prx.opByteBoolD2(null)).size === 0);

        const d = Test.MyDerivedClassPrx.uncheckedCast(prx);
        let s = new Test.MyStruct1();
        s.tesT = "Test.MyStruct1.s";
        s.myClass = null;
        s.myStruct1 = "Test.MyStruct1.myStruct1";
        s = await d.opMyStruct1(s);
        test(s.tesT == "Test.MyStruct1.s");
        test(s.myClass === null);
        test(s.myStruct1 == "Test.MyStruct1.myStruct1");
        let c = new Test.MyClass1();
        c.tesT = "Test.MyClass1.testT";
        c.myClass = null;
        c.myClass1 = "Test.MyClass1.myClass1";
        c = await d.opMyClass1(c);
        test(c.tesT == "Test.MyClass1.testT");
        test(c.myClass === null);
        test(c.myClass1 == "Test.MyClass1.myClass1");

        const p1 = await prx.opMStruct1();
        p1.e = Test.MyEnum.enum3;
        const [p2, p3] = await prx.opMStruct2(p1);
        test(p2.equals(p1) && p3.equals(p1));

        await prx.opMSeq1();
        const p1 = ["test"];
        const [p2, p3] = await prx.opMSeq2(p1);
        test(Ice.ArrayUtil.equals(p2, p1) && Ice.ArrayUtil.equals(p3, p1));

        await prx.opMDict1();
        const p1 = new Map();
        p1.set("test", "test");
        const [p2, p3] = await prx.opMDict2(p1);
        test(Ice.MapUtil.equals(p2, p1) && Ice.MapUtil.equals(p3, p1));

        const ds = [];
        for(let i = 0; i < 5; i++)
            ds[i] = 1278312346.0 / 13.0;
        await prx.opDoubleMarshaling(1278312346.0 / 13.0, ds);
Example #4
        const communicator = this.communicator();
        const out = this.getWriter();

        class MyInterfaceI extends Ice.InterfaceByValue
        communicator.getValueFactoryManager().add(id => new MyInterfaceI(), Test.MyInterface.ice_staticId());

        let inS:Ice.InputStream = null;
        let outS:Ice.OutputStream = null;

        out.write("testing primitive types... ");

            const data = new Uint8Array(0);
            inS = new Ice.InputStream(communicator, data);

            outS = new Ice.OutputStream(communicator);
            const data = outS.finished();

            inS = new Ice.InputStream(communicator, data);

            inS = new Ice.InputStream(communicator, data);

            const data = new Uint8Array(0);
            inS = new Ice.InputStream(communicator, data);
                test(ex instanceof Ice.UnmarshalOutOfBoundsException);

            outS = new Ice.OutputStream(communicator);
            const data = outS.finished();
            inS = new Ice.InputStream(communicator, data);

            outS = new Ice.OutputStream(communicator);
            const data = outS.finished();
            inS = new Ice.InputStream(communicator, data);
            test(inS.readByte() == 1);

            outS = new Ice.OutputStream(communicator);
            const data = outS.finished();
            inS = new Ice.InputStream(communicator, data);
            test(inS.readShort() == 2);

            outS = new Ice.OutputStream(communicator);
            const data = outS.finished();
            inS = new Ice.InputStream(communicator, data);
            test(inS.readInt() == 3);

            outS = new Ice.OutputStream(communicator);
            outS.writeLong(new Ice.Long(4));
            const data = outS.finished();
            inS = new Ice.InputStream(communicator, data);
            test(inS.readLong().toNumber() == 4);

            outS = new Ice.OutputStream(communicator);
            const data = outS.finished();
            inS = new Ice.InputStream(communicator, data);
            test(inS.readFloat() == 5.0);

            outS = new Ice.OutputStream(communicator);
            const data = outS.finished();
            inS = new Ice.InputStream(communicator, data);
            test(inS.readDouble() == 6.0);

            outS = new Ice.OutputStream(communicator);
            outS.writeString("hello world");
            const data = outS.finished();
            inS = new Ice.InputStream(communicator, data);
            test(inS.readString() == "hello world");


        out.write("testing constructed types... ");

            outS = new Ice.OutputStream(communicator);
            const data = outS.finished();
            inS = new Ice.InputStream(communicator, data);
            const e:Test.MyEnum = inS.readEnum(Test.MyEnum);
            test(e == Test.MyEnum.enum3);

            outS = new Ice.OutputStream(communicator);
            const s = new Test.SmallStruct();
            s.bo = true;
            s.by = 1;
            s.sh = 2;
            s.i = 3;
            s.l = new Ice.Long(4);
            s.f = 5.0;
            s.d = 6.0;
            s.str = "7";
            s.e = Test.MyEnum.enum2;
            s.p = Test.MyInterfacePrx.uncheckedCast(communicator.stringToProxy("test:default"));
            Test.SmallStruct.write(outS, s);
            const data = outS.finished();
            const s2 = Test.SmallStruct.read(new Ice.InputStream(communicator, data));

            outS = new Ice.OutputStream(communicator);
            const o = new Test.OptionalClass();
            o.bo = true;
            o.by = 5;
            o.sh = 4;
            o.i = 3;
            const data = outS.finished();
            inS = new Ice.InputStream(communicator, data);
            let o2:Test.OptionalClass;
            inS.readValue((obj:Test.OptionalClass) =>
                                o2 = obj;

            test(o2.bo == o.bo);
            test(o2.by == o.by);
            if(communicator.getProperties().getProperty("Ice.Default.EncodingVersion") == "1.0")
                test(o2.sh === undefined);
                test(o2.i === undefined);
                test(o2.sh == o.sh);
                test(o2.i == o.i);

            outS = new Ice.OutputStream(communicator, Ice.Encoding_1_0);
            const o = new Test.OptionalClass();
            o.bo = true;
            o.by = 5;
            o.sh = 4;
            o.i = 3;
            const data = outS.finished();
            inS = new Ice.InputStream(communicator, Ice.Encoding_1_0, data);
            let o2:Test.OptionalClass;
            inS.readValue((obj:Test.OptionalClass) =>
                                o2 = obj;
            test(o2.bo == o.bo);
            test(o2.by == o.by);
            test(o2.sh === undefined);
            test(o2.i === undefined);

            const arr = [true, false, true, false];
            outS = new Ice.OutputStream(communicator);
            Ice.BoolSeqHelper.write(outS, arr);
            let data = outS.finished();
            inS = new Ice.InputStream(communicator, data);
            const arr2 = Ice.BoolSeqHelper.read(inS);
            test(Ice.ArrayUtil.equals(arr, arr2));

            const arrS = [arr, [], arr];
            outS = new Ice.OutputStream(communicator);
            Test.BoolSSHelper.write(outS, arrS);
            data = outS.finished();
            inS = new Ice.InputStream(communicator, data);
            const arr2S = Test.BoolSSHelper.read(inS);
            test(Ice.ArrayUtil.equals(arr2S, arrS));

            const arr = new Uint8Array([0x01, 0x11, 0x12, 0x22]);
            outS = new Ice.OutputStream(communicator);
            Ice.ByteSeqHelper.write(outS, arr);
            let data = outS.finished();
            inS = new Ice.InputStream(communicator, data);
            const arr2 = Ice.ByteSeqHelper.read(inS);
            test(Ice.ArrayUtil.equals(arr2, arr));

            const arrS:Uint8Array[] = [arr, new Uint8Array(0), arr];
            outS = new Ice.OutputStream(communicator);
            Test.ByteSSHelper.write(outS, arrS);
            data = outS.finished();
            inS = new Ice.InputStream(communicator, data);
            const arr2S = Test.ByteSSHelper.read(inS);
            test(Ice.ArrayUtil.equals(arr2S, arrS));

            const arr = [0x01, 0x11, 0x12, 0x22];
            outS = new Ice.OutputStream(communicator);
            Ice.ShortSeqHelper.write(outS, arr);
            let data = outS.finished();
            inS = new Ice.InputStream(communicator, data);
            const arr2 = Ice.ShortSeqHelper.read(inS);
            test(Ice.ArrayUtil.equals(arr2, arr));

            const arrS = [arr, [], arr];
            outS = new Ice.OutputStream(communicator);
            Test.ShortSSHelper.write(outS, arrS);
            data = outS.finished();
            inS = new Ice.InputStream(communicator, data);
            const arr2S = Test.ShortSSHelper.read(inS);
            test(Ice.ArrayUtil.equals(arr2S, arrS));

            const arr = [0x01, 0x11, 0x12, 0x22];
            outS = new Ice.OutputStream(communicator);
            Ice.IntSeqHelper.write(outS, arr);
            let data = outS.finished();
            inS = new Ice.InputStream(communicator, data);
            const arr2 = Ice.IntSeqHelper.read(inS);
            test(Ice.ArrayUtil.equals(arr2, arr));

            const arrS = [arr, [], arr];
            outS = new Ice.OutputStream(communicator);
            Test.IntSSHelper.write(outS, arrS);
            data = outS.finished();
            inS = new Ice.InputStream(communicator, data);
            const arr2S = Test.IntSSHelper.read(inS);
            test(Ice.ArrayUtil.equals(arr2S, arrS));

            const arr = [new Ice.Long(0x01), new Ice.Long(0x11), new Ice.Long(0x12), new Ice.Long(0x22)];
            outS = new Ice.OutputStream(communicator);
            Ice.LongSeqHelper.write(outS, arr);
            let data = outS.finished();
            inS = new Ice.InputStream(communicator, data);
            const arr2 = Ice.LongSeqHelper.read(inS);
            test(Ice.ArrayUtil.equals(arr2, arr));

            const arrS = [arr, [], arr];
            outS = new Ice.OutputStream(communicator);
            Test.LongSSHelper.write(outS, arrS);
            data = outS.finished();
            inS = new Ice.InputStream(communicator, data);
            const arr2S = Test.LongSSHelper.read(inS);
            test(Ice.ArrayUtil.equals(arr2S, arrS));

            const arr = [1, 2, 3, 4];
            outS = new Ice.OutputStream(communicator);
            Ice.FloatSeqHelper.write(outS, arr);
            let data = outS.finished();
            inS = new Ice.InputStream(communicator, data);
            const arr2 = Ice.FloatSeqHelper.read(inS);
            test(Ice.ArrayUtil.equals(arr2, arr));

            const arrS = [arr, [], arr];
            outS = new Ice.OutputStream(communicator);
            Test.FloatSSHelper.write(outS, arrS);
            data = outS.finished();
            inS = new Ice.InputStream(communicator, data);
            const arr2S = Test.FloatSSHelper.read(inS);
            test(Ice.ArrayUtil.equals(arr2S, arrS));

            const arr = [1, 2, 3, 4];
            outS = new Ice.OutputStream(communicator);
            Ice.DoubleSeqHelper.write(outS, arr);
            let data = outS.finished();
            inS = new Ice.InputStream(communicator, data);
            const arr2 = Ice.DoubleSeqHelper.read(inS);
            test(Ice.ArrayUtil.equals(arr2, arr));

            const arrS = [arr, [], arr];
            outS = new Ice.OutputStream(communicator);
            Test.DoubleSSHelper.write(outS, arrS);
            data = outS.finished();
            inS = new Ice.InputStream(communicator, data);
            const arr2S = Test.DoubleSSHelper.read(inS);
            test(Ice.ArrayUtil.equals(arr2S, arrS));

            const arr = ["string1", "string2", "string3", "string4"];
            outS = new Ice.OutputStream(communicator);
            Ice.StringSeqHelper.write(outS, arr);
            let data = outS.finished();
            inS = new Ice.InputStream(communicator, data);
            const arr2 = Ice.StringSeqHelper.read(inS);
            test(Ice.ArrayUtil.equals(arr2, arr));

            const arrS = [arr, [], arr];
            outS = new Ice.OutputStream(communicator);
            Test.StringSSHelper.write(outS, arrS);
            data = outS.finished();
            inS = new Ice.InputStream(communicator, data);
            const arr2S = Test.StringSSHelper.read(inS);
            test(Ice.ArrayUtil.equals(arr2S, arrS));

            const arr = [Test.MyEnum.enum3, Test.MyEnum.enum2, Test.MyEnum.enum1, Test.MyEnum.enum2];
            outS = new Ice.OutputStream(communicator);
            Test.MyEnumSHelper.write(outS, arr);
            let data = outS.finished();
            inS = new Ice.InputStream(communicator, data);
            const arr2 = Test.MyEnumSHelper.read(inS);
            test(Ice.ArrayUtil.equals(arr2, arr));

            const arrS = [arr, [], arr];
            outS = new Ice.OutputStream(communicator);
            Test.MyEnumSSHelper.write(outS, arrS);
            data = outS.finished();
            inS = new Ice.InputStream(communicator, data);
            const arr2S = Test.MyEnumSSHelper.read(inS);
            test(Ice.ArrayUtil.equals(arr2S, arrS));

        const smallStructArray = [];
        for(let i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
            const s = new Test.SmallStruct();
            s.bo = true;
            s.by = 1;
            s.sh = 2;
            s.i = 3;
            s.l = new Ice.Long(4);
            s.f = 5.0;
            s.d = 6.0;
            s.str = "7";
            s.e = Test.MyEnum.enum2;
            s.p = Test.MyInterfacePrx.uncheckedCast(communicator.stringToProxy("test:default"));
            smallStructArray[i] = s;

        const myClassArray = [];
        for(let i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
            const c = new Test.MyClass();
            myClassArray[i] = c;
            c.c = myClassArray[i];
            c.o = myClassArray[i];
            c.s = new Test.SmallStruct();
            c.s.e = Test.MyEnum.enum2;
            c.seq1 = [true, false, true, false];
            c.seq2 = new Uint8Array([1, 2, 3, 4]);
            c.seq3 = [1, 2, 3, 4];
            c.seq4 = [1, 2, 3, 4];
            c.seq5 = [new Ice.Long(1), new Ice.Long(2), new Ice.Long(3), new Ice.Long(4)];
            c.seq6 = [1, 2, 3, 4];
            c.seq7 = [1, 2, 3, 4];
            c.seq8 = ["string1", "string2", "string3", "string4"];
            c.seq9 = [Test.MyEnum.enum3, Test.MyEnum.enum2, Test.MyEnum.enum1];
            c.seq10 = [null, null, null, null]; // null elements.
            c.d = new Test.StringMyClassD();
            c.d.set("hi", myClassArray[i]);

        const myInterfaceArray = [];
        for(let i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
            myInterfaceArray[i] = new Ice.InterfaceByValue("::Test::MyInterface");

            outS = new Ice.OutputStream(communicator);
            Test.MyClassSHelper.write(outS, myClassArray);
            let data = outS.finished();
            inS = new Ice.InputStream(communicator, data);
            const arr2 = Test.MyClassSHelper.read(inS);
            test(arr2.length == myClassArray.length);
            for(let i = 0; i < arr2.length; ++i)
                test(arr2[i] !== null);
                test(arr2[i].c == arr2[i]);
                test(arr2[i].o == arr2[i]);
                test(arr2[i].s.e == Test.MyEnum.enum2);
                test(Ice.ArrayUtil.equals(arr2[i].seq1, myClassArray[i].seq1));
                test(Ice.ArrayUtil.equals(arr2[i].seq2, myClassArray[i].seq2));
                test(Ice.ArrayUtil.equals(arr2[i].seq3, myClassArray[i].seq3));
                test(Ice.ArrayUtil.equals(arr2[i].seq4, myClassArray[i].seq4));
                test(Ice.ArrayUtil.equals(arr2[i].seq5, myClassArray[i].seq5));
                test(Ice.ArrayUtil.equals(arr2[i].seq6, myClassArray[i].seq6));
                test(Ice.ArrayUtil.equals(arr2[i].seq7, myClassArray[i].seq7));
                test(Ice.ArrayUtil.equals(arr2[i].seq8, myClassArray[i].seq8));
                test(Ice.ArrayUtil.equals(arr2[i].seq9, myClassArray[i].seq9));
                test(arr2[i].d.get("hi") == arr2[i]);
            const arrS = [myClassArray, [], myClassArray];
            outS = new Ice.OutputStream(communicator);
            Test.MyClassSSHelper.write(outS, arrS);
            data = outS.finished();
            inS = new Ice.InputStream(communicator, data);
            const arr2S = Test.MyClassSSHelper.read(inS);
            test(arr2S.length == arrS.length);
            test(arr2S[0].length == arrS[0].length);
            test(arr2S[1].length == arrS[1].length);
            test(arr2S[2].length == arrS[2].length);

            outS = new Ice.OutputStream(communicator);
            Test.MyInterfaceSHelper.write(outS, myInterfaceArray);
            let data = outS.finished();
            inS = new Ice.InputStream(communicator, data);
            const arr2 = Test.MyInterfaceSHelper.read(inS);
            test(arr2.length == myInterfaceArray.length);
            const arrS = [myInterfaceArray, [], myInterfaceArray];
            outS = new Ice.OutputStream(communicator);
            Test.MyInterfaceSSHelper.write(outS, arrS);
            data = outS.finished();
            inS = new Ice.InputStream(communicator, data);
            const arr2S = Test.MyInterfaceSSHelper.read(inS);
            test(arr2S.length == arrS.length);
            test(arr2S[0].length == arrS[0].length);
            test(arr2S[1].length == arrS[1].length);
            test(arr2S[2].length == arrS[2].length);

            outS = new Ice.OutputStream(communicator);
            const ex = new Test.MyException();

            const c = new Test.MyClass();
            c.c = c;
            c.o = c;
            c.s = new Test.SmallStruct();
            c.s.e = Test.MyEnum.enum2;
            c.seq1 = [true, false, true, false];
            c.seq2 = new Uint8Array([1, 2, 3, 4]);
            c.seq3 = [1, 2, 3, 4];
            c.seq4 = [1, 2, 3, 4];
            c.seq5 = [new Ice.Long(1), new Ice.Long(2), new Ice.Long(3), new Ice.Long(4)];
            c.seq6 = [1, 2, 3, 4];
            c.seq7 = [1, 2, 3, 4];
            c.seq8 = ["string1", "string2", "string3", "string4"];
            c.seq9 = [Test.MyEnum.enum3, Test.MyEnum.enum2, Test.MyEnum.enum1];
            c.seq10 = [null, null, null, null]; // null elements.
            c.d = new Test.StringMyClassD();
            c.d.set("hi", c);

            ex.c = c;

            const data = outS.finished();

            inS = new Ice.InputStream(communicator, data);
                test(ex1 instanceof Test.MyException);
                test(ex1.c.s.e == c.s.e);
                test(Ice.ArrayUtil.equals(ex1.c.seq1, c.seq1));
                test(Ice.ArrayUtil.equals(ex1.c.seq2, c.seq2));
                test(Ice.ArrayUtil.equals(ex1.c.seq3, c.seq3));
                test(Ice.ArrayUtil.equals(ex1.c.seq4, c.seq4));
                test(Ice.ArrayUtil.equals(ex1.c.seq5, c.seq5));
                test(Ice.ArrayUtil.equals(ex1.c.seq6, c.seq6));
                test(Ice.ArrayUtil.equals(ex1.c.seq7, c.seq7));
                test(Ice.ArrayUtil.equals(ex1.c.seq8, c.seq8));
                test(Ice.ArrayUtil.equals(ex1.c.seq9, c.seq9));

            const dict = new Test.ByteBoolD();
            dict.set(4, true);
            dict.set(1, false);
            outS = new Ice.OutputStream(communicator);
            Test.ByteBoolDHelper.write(outS, dict);
            const data = outS.finished();
            inS = new Ice.InputStream(communicator, data);
            const dict2 = Test.ByteBoolDHelper.read(inS);
            test(Ice.MapUtil.equals(dict2, dict));

            const dict = new Test.ShortIntD();
            dict.set(1, 9);
            dict.set(4, 8);
            outS = new Ice.OutputStream(communicator);
            Test.ShortIntDHelper.write(outS, dict);
            const data = outS.finished();
            inS = new Ice.InputStream(communicator, data);
            const dict2 = Test.ShortIntDHelper.read(inS);
            test(Ice.MapUtil.equals(dict2, dict));

            const dict = new Test.LongFloatD();
            dict.set(new Ice.Long(123809828), 0.5);
            dict.set(new Ice.Long(123809829), 0.6);
            outS = new Ice.OutputStream(communicator);
            Test.LongFloatDHelper.write(outS, dict);
            const data = outS.finished();
            inS = new Ice.InputStream(communicator, data);
            const dict2 = Test.LongFloatDHelper.read(inS);
            test(dict2.size == 2);
            test(dict2.get(new Ice.Long(123809828)) == 0.5);
            test(Math.abs(dict2.get(new Ice.Long(123809829)) - 0.6) <= 0.001);

            const dict = new Test.StringStringD();
            dict.set("key1", "value1");
            dict.set("key2", "value2");
            outS = new Ice.OutputStream(communicator);
            Test.StringStringDHelper.write(outS, dict);
            const data = outS.finished();
            inS = new Ice.InputStream(communicator, data);
            const dict2 = Test.StringStringDHelper.read(inS);
            test(Ice.MapUtil.equals(dict2, dict));

            const dict = new Test.StringMyClassD();
            let c = new Test.MyClass();
            c.s = new Test.SmallStruct();
            c.s.e = Test.MyEnum.enum2;
            dict.set("key1", c);
            c = new Test.MyClass();
            c.s = new Test.SmallStruct();
            c.s.e = Test.MyEnum.enum3;
            dict.set("key2", c);
            outS = new Ice.OutputStream(communicator);
            Test.StringMyClassDHelper.write(outS, dict);
            const data = outS.finished();
            inS = new Ice.InputStream(communicator, data);
            const dict2 = Test.StringMyClassDHelper.read(inS);
            test(dict2.size == dict.size);
            test(dict2.get("key1").s.e == Test.MyEnum.enum2);
            test(dict2.get("key2").s.e == Test.MyEnum.enum3);