Example #1
export const renderCollection = (spec: Types.Collection.Collection, providersBackstage: UiFactoryBackstageProviders): SketchSpec => {
  // DUPE with TextField.
  const pLabel = spec.label.map((label) => renderLabel(label, providersBackstage));

  const runOnItem = (f: (c: AlloyComponent, tgt: Element, itemValue: string) => void) => <T extends EventFormat>(comp: AlloyComponent, se: SimulatedEvent<T>) => {
    SelectorFind.closest(se.event().target(), '[data-collection-item-value]').each((target) => {
      f(comp, target, Attr.get(target, 'data-collection-item-value'));

  const escapeAttribute = (ch) => {
    if (ch === '"') { return '&quot;'; }
    return ch;

  const setContents = (comp, items) => {
    const htmlLines = Arr.map(items, (item) => {
      const textContent = spec.columns === 1 ? `<div class="tox-collection__item-label">${item.text}</div>` : '';

      const iconContent = `<div class="tox-collection__item-icon">${item.icon}</div>`;

      // Replacing the hyphens and underscores in collection items with spaces
      // to ensure the screen readers pronounce the words correctly.
      // This is only for aria purposes. Emoticon and Special Character names will still use _ and - for autocompletion.
      const mapItemName = {
        '_': ' ',
        ' - ': ' ',
        '-': ' '

      // Title attribute is added here to provide tooltips which might be helpful to sighted users.
      // Using aria-label here overrides the Apple description of emojis and special characters in Mac/ MS description in Windows.
      // But if only the title attribute is used instead, the names are read out twice. i.e., the description followed by the item.text.
      const ariaLabel = item.text.replace(/\_| \- |\-/g, (match) => {
        return mapItemName[match];
      return `<div class="tox-collection__item" tabindex="-1" data-collection-item-value="${escapeAttribute(item.value)}" title="${ariaLabel}" aria-label="${ariaLabel}">${iconContent}${textContent}</div>`;

    const chunks = spec.columns > 1 && spec.columns !== 'auto' ? Arr.chunk(htmlLines, spec.columns) : [ htmlLines ];
    const html = Arr.map(chunks, (ch) => {
      return `<div class="tox-collection__group">${ch.join('')}</div>`;

    Html.set(comp.element(), html.join(''));

  const collectionEvents = [
    AlloyEvents.run<SugarEvent>(NativeEvents.mouseover(), runOnItem((comp, tgt) => {
    AlloyEvents.run<SugarEvent>(SystemEvents.tapOrClick(), runOnItem((comp, tgt, itemValue) => {
      AlloyTriggers.emitWith(comp, formActionEvent, {
        name: spec.name,
        value: itemValue
    AlloyEvents.run(NativeEvents.focusin(), runOnItem((comp, tgt, itemValue) => {
      SelectorFind.descendant(comp.element(), '.' + ItemClasses.activeClass).each((currentActive) => {
        Class.remove(currentActive, ItemClasses.activeClass);
      Class.add(tgt, ItemClasses.activeClass);
    AlloyEvents.run(NativeEvents.focusout(), runOnItem((comp, tgt, itemValue) => {
      SelectorFind.descendant(comp.element(), '.' + ItemClasses.activeClass).each((currentActive) => {
        Class.remove(currentActive, ItemClasses.activeClass);
    AlloyEvents.runOnExecute(runOnItem((comp, tgt, itemValue) => {
      AlloyTriggers.emitWith(comp, formActionEvent, {
        name: spec.name,
        value: itemValue

  const pField = AlloyFormField.parts().field({
    dom: {
      tag: 'div',
      // FIX: Read from columns
      classes: [ 'tox-collection' ].concat(spec.columns !== 1 ? [ 'tox-collection--grid' ] : [ 'tox-collection--list' ])
    components: [ ],
    factory: { sketch: Fun.identity },
    behaviours: Behaviour.derive([
      Replacing.config({ }),
        store: {
          mode: 'memory',
          initialValue: [ ]
        onSetValue: (comp, items) => {
          setContents(comp, items);
          if (spec.columns === 'auto') {
            detectSize(comp, 5, 'tox-collection__item').each(({ numRows, numColumns }) => {
              Keying.setGridSize(comp, numRows, numColumns);

          AlloyTriggers.emit(comp, formResizeEvent);
      Tabstopping.config({ }),
        deriveCollectionMovement(spec.columns, 'normal')
      AddEventsBehaviour.config('collection-events', collectionEvents)

  const extraClasses = ['tox-form__group--collection'];

  return renderFormFieldWith(pLabel, pField, extraClasses);
Example #2
const renderTextField = function (spec: TextFieldFoo, providersBackstage: UiFactoryBackstageProviders) {
  const pLabel = spec.label.map((label) => renderLabel(label, providersBackstage));

  const baseInputBehaviours = [
      mode: 'execution',
      useEnter: spec.multiline !== true,
      useControlEnter: spec.multiline === true,
      execute: (comp) => {
        AlloyTriggers.emit(comp, formSubmitEvent);
        return Option.some(true);
    AddEventsBehaviour.config('textfield-change', [
      AlloyEvents.run(NativeEvents.input(), (component, _) => {
        AlloyTriggers.emitWith(component, formChangeEvent, { name: spec.name } );
      AlloyEvents.run(SystemEvents.postPaste(), (component, _) => {
        AlloyTriggers.emitWith(component, formChangeEvent, { name: spec.name } );

  const validatingBehaviours = spec.validation.map((vl) => {
    return Invalidating.config({
      getRoot(input) {
        return Traverse.parent(input.element());
      invalidClass: 'tox-invalid',
      validator: {
        validate(input) {
          const v = Representing.getValue(input);
          const result = vl.validator(v);
          return Future.pure(result === true ? Result.value(v) : Result.error(result));
        validateOnLoad: vl.validateOnLoad

  const pField = AlloyFormField.parts().field({
    tag: spec.multiline === true ? 'textarea' : 'input',
    inputAttributes: spec.placeholder.fold(
      () => {},
      (placeholder) => ({ placeholder: providersBackstage.translate(placeholder) })
    inputClasses: [spec.classname],
    inputBehaviours: Behaviour.derive(
      Arr.flatten<Behaviour.NamedConfiguredBehaviour<Behaviour.BehaviourConfigSpec, Behaviour.BehaviourConfigDetail>>([
    selectOnFocus: false,
    factory: AlloyInput

  const extraClasses = spec.flex ? ['tox-form__group--stretched'] : [];

  return renderFormFieldWith(pLabel, pField, extraClasses);