 * Activate the table widget extension.
function activate(app: JupyterLab, registry: IDocumentRegistry, restorer: ILayoutRestorer): void {
  const factory = new CSVViewerFactory({
    name: FACTORY,
    fileExtensions: ['.csv'],
    defaultFor: ['.csv']
  const tracker = new InstanceTracker<CSVViewer>({
    namespace: 'csvviewer',
    shell: app.shell

  // Handle state restoration.
  restorer.restore(tracker, {
    command: 'file-operations:open',
    args: widget => ({ path: widget.context.path, factory: FACTORY }),
    name: widget => widget.context.path

  factory.widgetCreated.connect((sender, widget) => {
    // Track the widget.
    // Notify the instance tracker if restore data needs to update.
    widget.context.pathChanged.connect(() => { tracker.save(widget); });
Exemple #2
 * Activate the image widget extension.
function activate(app: JupyterLab, registry: IDocumentRegistry, palette: ICommandPalette, restorer: ILayoutRestorer): IImageTracker {
  const namespace = 'image-widget';
  const factory = new ImageWidgetFactory({
    name: FACTORY,
    modelName: 'base64',
    fileExtensions: EXTENSIONS,
    defaultFor: EXTENSIONS
  const { shell } = app;
  const tracker = new InstanceTracker<ImageWidget>({ namespace, shell });

  // Handle state restoration.
  restorer.restore(tracker, {
    command: 'file-operations:open',
    args: widget => ({ path: widget.context.path, factory: FACTORY }),
    name: widget => widget.context.path


  factory.widgetCreated.connect((sender, widget) => {
    // Notify the instance tracker if restore data needs to update.
    widget.context.pathChanged.connect(() => { tracker.save(widget); });

  let category = 'Image Widget';
  [CommandIDs.zoomIn, CommandIDs.zoomOut, CommandIDs.resetZoom]
    .forEach(command => { palette.addItem({ command, category }); });

  return tracker;
  activate: (app: JupyterLab, restorer: ILayoutRestorer): void => {
    const { shell } = app;
    const tabs = new TabBar<Widget>({ orientation: 'vertical' });
    const header = document.createElement('header');

    restorer.add(tabs, 'tab-manager');
    tabs.id = 'tab-manager';
    tabs.title.label = 'Tabs';
    header.textContent = 'Open Tabs';
    tabs.node.insertBefore(header, tabs.contentNode);
    shell.addToLeftArea(tabs, { rank: 600 });

    app.restored.then(() => {
      const populate = () => {
        each(shell.widgets('main'), widget => { tabs.addTab(widget.title); });

      // Connect signal handlers.
      shell.layoutModified.connect(() => { populate(); });
      tabs.tabActivateRequested.connect((sender, tab) => {
      tabs.tabCloseRequested.connect((sender, tab) => {

      // Populate the tab manager.
Exemple #4
 * Activate the file browser in the sidebar.
function activateFileBrowser(app: JupyterLab, factory: IFileBrowserFactory, docManager: IDocumentManager, mainMenu: IMainMenu, palette: ICommandPalette, restorer: ILayoutRestorer): void {
  const { commands } = app;
  const fbWidget = factory.createFileBrowser('filebrowser', {
    documentManager: docManager

  // Let the application restorer track the primary file browser (that is
  // automatically created) for restoration of application state (e.g. setting
  // the file browser as the current side bar widget).
  // All other file browsers created by using the factory function are
  // responsible for their own restoration behavior, if any.
  restorer.add(fbWidget, namespace);

  addCommands(app, factory.tracker, fbWidget);

  fbWidget.model.pathChanged.connect((sender: any, args: IChangedArgs<string>) => {
    docManager.cwd = args.newValue;

  fbWidget.title.label = 'Files';
  app.shell.addToLeftArea(fbWidget, { rank: 100 });

  // If the layout is a fresh session without saved data, open file browser.
  app.restored.then(layout => {
    if (layout.fresh) {
      app.commands.execute(CommandIDs.showBrowser, void 0);
Exemple #5
 * Activate the markdown plugin.
function activate(app: JupyterLab, registry: IDocumentRegistry, rendermime: IRenderMime, restorer: ILayoutRestorer) {
    const factory = new MarkdownWidgetFactory({
      name: FACTORY,
      fileExtensions: ['.md'],
    const shell = app.shell;
    const namespace = 'rendered-markdown';
    const tracker = new InstanceTracker<MarkdownWidget>({ namespace, shell });

    // Handle state restoration.
    restorer.restore(tracker, {
      command: 'file-operations:open',
      args: widget => ({ path: widget.context.path, factory: FACTORY }),
      name: widget => widget.context.path

    factory.widgetCreated.connect((sender, widget) => {
      widget.title.icon = TEXTEDITOR_ICON_CLASS;
      // Notify the instance tracker if restore data needs to update.
      widget.context.pathChanged.connect(() => { tracker.save(widget); });

 * Activate the running plugin.
function activate(app: JupyterLab, services: IServiceManager, restorer: ILayoutRestorer): void {
  let running = new RunningSessions({ manager: services });
  running.id = 'jp-running-sessions';
  running.title.label = 'Running';

  // Let the application restorer track the running panel for restoration of
  // application state (e.g. setting the running panel as the current side bar
  // widget).
  restorer.add(running, 'running-sessions');

  running.sessionOpenRequested.connect((sender, model) => {
    let path = model.notebook.path;
    let name = path.split('/').pop();
    if (CONSOLE_REGEX.test(name)) {
      app.commands.execute('console:open', { id: model.id });
    } else {
      app.commands.execute('file-operations:open', { path });


  running.terminalOpenRequested.connect((sender, model) => {
    app.commands.execute('terminal:open', { name: model.name });

  // Rank has been chosen somewhat arbitrarily to give priority to the running
  // sessions widget in the sidebar.
  app.shell.addToLeftArea(running, { rank: 200 });
 * Activate the launcher.
function activate(app: JupyterLab, services: IServiceManager, palette: ICommandPalette, linker: ICommandLinker, restorer: ILayoutRestorer): ILauncher {
  const { commands, shell } = app;

  let model = new LauncherModel();
  let widget = new LauncherWidget({ linker });

  widget.model = model;
  widget.id = 'launcher';
  widget.title.label = 'Launcher';

  // Let the application restorer track the launcher for restoration of
  // application state (e.g. setting the launcher as the current side bar
  // widget).
  restorer.add(widget, 'launcher');

  commands.addCommand(CommandIDs.show, {
    label: 'Show Launcher',
    execute: () => {
      if (!widget.isAttached) {
  palette.addItem({ command: CommandIDs.show, category: 'Help' });


  return model;
Exemple #8
  activate: (app: JupyterLab, palette: ICommandPalette, restorer: ILayoutRestorer): IInspector => {
    const { commands, shell } = app;
    const manager = new InspectorManager();
    const category = 'Inspector';
    const command = CommandIDs.open;
    const label = 'Open Inspector';
    const tracker = new InstanceTracker<InspectorPanel>({
      namespace: 'inspector',

     * Create and track a new inspector.
    function newInspectorPanel(): InspectorPanel {
      const inspector = new InspectorPanel();

      inspector.id = 'jp-inspector';
      inspector.title.label = 'Inspector';
      inspector.title.closable = true;
      inspector.disposed.connect(() => {
        if (manager.inspector === inspector) {
          manager.inspector = null;

      // Track the inspector.

      // Add the default inspector child items.
      Private.defaultInspectorItems.forEach(item => { inspector.add(item); });

      return inspector;

    // Handle state restoration.
    restorer.restore(tracker, {
      args: () => null,
      name: () => 'inspector'

    // Add command to registry and palette.
    commands.addCommand(command, {
      execute: () => {
        if (!manager.inspector || manager.inspector.isDisposed) {
          manager.inspector = newInspectorPanel();
        if (manager.inspector.isAttached) {
    palette.addItem({ command, category });

    return manager;
 * Activate the landing plugin.
function activate(app: JupyterLab, linker: ICommandLinker, palette: ICommandPalette, services: IServiceManager, restorer: ILayoutRestorer): void {
  const { commands, shell } = app;
  const category = 'Help';
  const command = CommandIDs.open;
  const model = new LandingModel(services.terminals.isAvailable());
  const tracker = new InstanceTracker<LandingWidget>({
    namespace: 'landing',

  // Handle state restoration.
  restorer.restore(tracker, {
    args: () => null,
    name: () => 'landing'

  let widget: LandingWidget;

  function newWidget(): LandingWidget {
    let widget = new LandingWidget(linker);
    widget.model = model;
    widget.id = 'landing-jupyterlab';
    widget.title.label = 'Landing';
    widget.title.closable = true;
    return widget;

  commands.addCommand(command, {
    label: 'Open Landing',
    execute: () => {
      if (!widget || widget.isDisposed) {
        widget = newWidget();

  palette.addItem({ category, command });

  // Only create a landing page if there are no other tabs open.
  app.restored.then(() => {
    if (shell.isEmpty('main')) {
      commands.execute(command, void 0);
Exemple #10
 * Activate the editor tracker plugin.
function activate(app: JupyterLab, registry: IDocumentRegistry, restorer: ILayoutRestorer, editorServices: IEditorServices, launcher: ILauncher | null): IEditorTracker {
  const factory = new EditorWidgetFactory({
    factoryOptions: {
      name: FACTORY,
      fileExtensions: ['*'],
      defaultFor: ['*']
  const shell = app.shell;
  const tracker = new InstanceTracker<EditorWidget>({
    namespace: 'editor',

  // Handle state restoration.
  restorer.restore(tracker, {
    command: 'file-operations:open',
    args: widget => ({ path: widget.context.path, factory: FACTORY }),
    name: widget => widget.context.path

  factory.widgetCreated.connect((sender, widget) => {
    widget.title.icon = EDITOR_ICON_CLASS;
    // Notify the instance tracker if restore data needs to update.
    widget.context.pathChanged.connect(() => { tracker.save(widget); });

  addDefaultCommands(tracker, app.commands);

  // Add a launcher item if the launcher is available.
  if (launcher) {
      name: 'Text Editor',
      command: 'filebrowser:new-text-file'

  return tracker;