Meteor.publish('common-app.avatar-images', function (_id, counter) {
   if (!_.isArray(_id))
     _id = [_id];
   return [
     AvatarOriginalCollection.find({_id: {$in: _id}, userId: this.userId}),
     AvatarMediumCollection.find({_id: {$in: _id}, userId: this.userId}),
     AvatarThumbCollection.find({_id: {$in: _id}, userId: this.userId})
Exemple #2
	archiveTask: function (taskId: string, compt?: number) {
		check(taskId, String);
		let c = compt || 0;
		let user = Meteor.user();
		let task = Tasks.findOne(taskId);
		let auth = false;
		if (!user || !task) {
			throw new Meteor.Error('not-authorized');
		let project = Projects.findOne(task.project);
		if (!project) {
			throw new Meteor.Error('404', 'project-not-found');
		if (task.owner === user._id) {
			auth = true;
		if (user._id === project.owner) {
			auth = true;
		if (!auth) {
			throw new Meteor.Error('not-authorized');
		Tasks.update(taskId, {
			$set: {
				archived: true,
				archivor: user._id
		if (task.hasSubTasks) {
			// on update et complete les sub tasks (qui ne le sont pas uniquement).
					parentTask: task._id,
					archived: false,
					$set: {
						archivor: user._id,
						archived: true
					multi: true
			if (c >= 100) {
				throw new Meteor.Error('500', 'too-many-rec');
			task.subTasks.forEach((subTaskId) => {'archiveTask', subTaskId, c+1);
Exemple #3
 'tasks.addTask': function(text) {
     text: text,
     checked: false,
     private: false
Meteor.publish("counts-by-room", function (roomId: string) {
    var self = this;
    check(roomId, String);
    var count = 0;
    var initializing = true;
    var handle = Messages.find({ roomId: roomId }).observeChanges({
        added: function (id: any) {
            // if (!initializing)
            //   this.changed("counts", roomId, {count: count});
        removed: function (id: any) {
            // Todo: Not sure how to define in typescript
            //      self.changed("counts", roomId, {count: count});

    initializing = false;

    // Todo: Not sure how to define in typescript
    //  self.added("counts", roomId, {count: count});

    self.onStop(function () {
	destroyComponentUpload: function() {
		// On retire tous les fichiers non link a au moins 1 projet et appartenant au user co.
		// finalement on ne regarde meme pas filesIds
		/*let f = MyFiles.find({ userId: Meteor.userId(), projectId: { $exists: false } });
		console.log('Files will be removed (destroyed component):', f.count());*/
		MyFiles.remove({ userId: Meteor.userId(), projectId: {$exists: false} });
Exemple #6
export function recordEvent(charId: number, text: string) {
    text: text,
    time: new Date(),
    charid: charId,
Exemple #7
 Meteor.publish('tasks.public', function() {
   return Tasks.find({
     $or: [
       { private: { $ne: true } },
       { owner: this.userId }
Exemple #8
 'tasks.addTask': function(text: string) {
     text: text,
     checked: false,
     private: false,
     createdAt: new Date()
Exemple #9
	removeTask: function (taskId: string) {
		let user = Meteor.user();
		if (!user) {
			throw new Meteor.Error('403', 'not-authorized');
		let task = Tasks.findOne(taskId);
		if (!task) {
			throw new Meteor.Error('404', 'not-found');
		if (task.owner !== user._id) {
			throw new Meteor.Error('403', 'not-authorized');
		if (task.hasSubTasks || task.isSubTask) {
			throw new Meteor.Error('400', 'task-with-sub-tasks-or-parent');
		MyFiles.remove({ modelName: 'task', modelId: taskId });
		// on spécifie aussi le owner dans le remove
		Tasks.remove({ _id: taskId, owner: user._id });
function addAction(action:GamePlayAction, userId:string):string {
  if (action.creatorId !== userId)
    throw new Meteor.Error('invalid-user', 'current userId does not match user ID of passed object');
  checkUser(action.gameId, action.creatorId);
  action.cardsEncoded = CardEncoder.encodeCards(;
  if (action.gameConfig) {
    action.gameConfig._deck_id =;
  } else {
  return GamePlayActionCollection.insert(action);