Exemple #1
  /** Creates a rollup bundle of a specified JavaScript file.*/
  private async createRollupBundle(config: RollupBundleConfig) {
    const bundleOptions = {
      context: 'this',
      external: Object.keys(rollupGlobals),
      input: config.entry,
      onwarn: (message: string) => {
        // TODO(jelbourn): figure out *why* rollup warns about certain symbols not being found
        // when those symbols don't appear to be in the input file in the first place.
        if (/but never used/.test(message)) {
          return false;

      plugins: [

    const writeOptions = {
      name: config.moduleName || 'ng.flexLayout',
      amd: {id: config.importName},
      banner: buildConfig.licenseBanner,
      format: config.format,
      file: config.dest,
      globals: rollupGlobals,
      sourcemap: true

    // For UMD bundles, we need to adjust the `external` bundle option in order to include
    // all necessary code in the bundle.
    if (config.format === 'umd') {

      // For all UMD bundles, we want to exclude tslib from the `external` bundle option so that
      // it is inlined into the bundle.
      let external = Object.keys(rollupGlobals);
      external.splice(external.indexOf('tslib'), 1);

      // If each secondary entry-point is re-exported at the root, we want to exlclude those
      // secondary entry-points from the rollup globals because we want the UMD for this package
      // to include *all* of the sources for those entry-points.
      if (this.buildPackage.exportsSecondaryEntryPointsAtRoot &&
          config.moduleName === `ng.${this.buildPackage.name}`) {

        const importRegex = new RegExp(`@angular/${this.buildPackage.name}/.+`);
        external = external.filter(e => !importRegex.test(e));

        // Use the rollup-alias plugin to map imports of the form `@angular/material/button`
        // to the actual file location so that rollup can resolve the imports (otherwise they
        // will be treated as external dependencies and not included in the bundle).

      bundleOptions.external = external;

    return rollup.rollup(bundleOptions).then((bundle: any) => bundle.write(writeOptions));
Exemple #2
export function createRollupBundle(config: BundleConfig): Promise<any> {
  const bundleOptions: any = {
    context: 'this',
    external: config.external,
    entry: config.entry,

  const writeOptions = {
    // Keep the moduleId empty because we don't want to force developers to a specific moduleId.
    moduleId: '',
    moduleName: config.moduleName,
    // banner: buildConfig.licenseBanner,
    format: config.format,
    dest: config.dest,
    globals: config.globals,
    sourceMap: true

  // When creating a UMD, we want to exclude tslib from the `external` bundle option so that it
  // is inlined into the bundle.
  if (config.format === 'umd') {
    bundleOptions.plugins = [resolve()];

    if (bundleOptions.external && bundleOptions.external.indexOf('tslib') > -1) {
      bundleOptions.external.splice(bundleOptions.external.indexOf('tslib'), 1);

  return rollup.rollup(bundleOptions).then((bundle: any) => bundle.write(writeOptions));
Exemple #3
export default function loadConfigFile(
	configFile: string,
	commandOptions: any = {}
): Promise<InputOptions[]> {
	const silent = commandOptions.silent || false;
	const warnings = batchWarnings();

	return rollup
			input: configFile,
			external: (id: string) => {
				return (id[0] !== '.' && !path.isAbsolute(id)) || id.slice(-5, id.length) === '.json';
			onwarn: warnings.add
		.then((bundle: RollupSingleFileBuild) => {
			if (!silent && warnings.count > 0) {
				stderr(tc.bold(`loaded ${relativeId(configFile)} with warnings`));

			return bundle.generate({
				format: 'cjs'
		.then(({ code }: { code: string }) => {
			// temporarily override require
			const defaultLoader = require.extensions['.js'];
			require.extensions['.js'] = (module: NodeModuleWithCompile, filename: string) => {
				if (filename === configFile) {
					module._compile(code, filename);
				} else {
					defaultLoader(module, filename);

			delete require.cache[configFile];

			return Promise.resolve(require(configFile))
				.then(configFileContent => {
					if (typeof configFileContent === 'function') {
						return configFileContent(commandOptions);
					return configFileContent;
				.then(configs => {
					if (Object.keys(configs).length === 0) {
							code: 'MISSING_CONFIG',
							message: 'Config file must export an options object, or an array of options objects',
							url: 'https://rollupjs.org/guide/en#configuration-files'

					require.extensions['.js'] = defaultLoader;

					return Array.isArray(configs) ? configs : [configs];
Exemple #4
 private static compileGlobals(cachePath: string, tree: PageTree) {
   const pageCachePath = join(cachePath, tree.context.$PAGE.$name);
   return rollup.rollup({
     entry: tree.scripts.globals.map(x => x.path),
     context: "window",
     plugins: [
       includes({ paths: [ join(pageCachePath, "scripts")] }),
       multientry({ exports: false }),
       nodeResolve({ jsnext: true }),
         presets: [
               "modules": false
         "plugins": [
         exclude: "node_modules/**"
   }).then(bundle => bundle.generate({format: "iife", exports: "none", sourceMap: true}).code);
Exemple #5
async function generateToolsJs(): Promise<void> {
  for (const bin of ["configure-ui", "dump-data-model"]) {
    const inputFile = path.resolve(INPUT_DIR, `tools/${bin}`);
    const outputFile = path.resolve(OUTPUT_DIR, `tools/${bin}`);
    const bundle = await rollup({
      input: inputFile,
      external: externals,
      acorn: {
        allowHashBang: true
      plugins: [
          delimiters: ["", ""],
          "#!/usr/bin/env -S node -r esm -r ts-node/register/transpile-only": ""
          tsconfig: "./tsconfig.json",
          include: [`tools/${bin}`, "lib/**/*.ts"]
        MODE === "production" ? terser() : null

    await bundle.write({
      format: "cjs",
      preferConst: true,
      banner: "#!/usr/bin/env node",
      file: outputFile

    // Mark as executable
    const mode = fs.statSync(outputFile).mode;
    fs.chmodSync(outputFile, mode | 73);
export function createRollupBundle(config: BundleConfig): Promise<any> {
  const bundleOptions: any = {
    context: 'this',
    external: Object.keys(ROLLUP_GLOBALS),
    entry: config.entry,

  const writeOptions = {
    // Keep the moduleId empty because we don't want to force developers to a specific moduleId.
    moduleId: '',
    moduleName: config.moduleName || 'ng.material',
    banner: LICENSE_BANNER,
    format: config.format,
    dest: config.dest,
    globals: ROLLUP_GLOBALS,
    sourceMap: true

  // When creating a UMD, we want to exclude tslib from the `external` bundle option so that it
  // is inlined into the bundle.
  if (config.format === 'umd') {
    bundleOptions.plugins = [rollupNodeResolutionPlugin()];

    const external = Object.keys(ROLLUP_GLOBALS);
    external.splice(external.indexOf('tslib'), 1);
    bundleOptions.external = external;

  return rollup.rollup(bundleOptions).then((bundle: any) => bundle.write(writeOptions));
export = (done: any) => {
    .then((bundle: any) =>
        format: 'iife',
        sourcemap: Config.PRESERVE_SOURCE_MAPS
    .then((result: any) => {
      const path = join(Config.TMP_DIR, 'bundle.js');

      parallel(getTasks(path, result), (error: any, results: boolean[]) => {
        if (error && results.indexOf(false) === -1) {
    .catch((error: any) => {
  return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
    let rollupConfig = getRollupConfig(context, configFile);

    rollupConfig.dest = getOutputDest(context, rollupConfig);

    // replace any path vars like {{TMP}} with the real path
    rollupConfig.entry = replacePathVars(context, normalize(rollupConfig.entry));
    rollupConfig.dest = replacePathVars(context, normalize(rollupConfig.dest));

    addRollupPluginIfNecessary(context, rollupConfig.plugins);

    // tell rollup to use a previous bundle as its starting point
    rollupConfig.cache = cachedBundle;

    if (!rollupConfig.onwarn) {
      // use our own logger if one wasn't already provided
      rollupConfig.onwarn = createOnWarnFn();

    Logger.debug(`entry: ${rollupConfig.entry}, dest: ${rollupConfig.dest}, cache: ${rollupConfig.cache}, format: ${rollupConfig.format}`);

    // bundle the app then create create css
      .then((bundle: RollupBundle) => {

        Logger.debug(`bundle.modules: ${bundle.modules.length}`);

        // set the module files used in this bundle
        // this reference can be used elsewhere in the build (sass)
        context.moduleFiles = bundle.modules.map((m) => {
          // sometimes, Rollup appends weird prefixes to the path like commonjs:proxy
          const index = m.id.indexOf(sep);
          if (index >= 0) {
            return m.id.substring(index);
          return m.id;

        // cache our bundle for later use
        if (context.isWatch) {
          cachedBundle = bundle;

        // write the bundle
        return bundle.write(rollupConfig);
      .then(() => {
        // clean up any references (overkill yes, but let's play it safe)
        rollupConfig = rollupConfig.cache = rollupConfig.onwarn = rollupConfig.plugins = null;

      .catch((err: any) => {
        // ensure references are cleared up when there's an error
        cachedBundle = rollupConfig = rollupConfig.cache = rollupConfig.onwarn = rollupConfig.plugins = null;
        reject(new BuildError(err));
Exemple #9
task(':build:components:rollup', [':build:components:inline'], () => {
  const globals: { [name: string]: string } = {
    // Angular dependencies
    '@angular/core': 'ng.core',
    '@angular/common': 'ng.common',
    '@angular/forms': 'ng.forms',
    '@angular/http': 'ng.http',
    '@angular/platform-browser': 'ng.platformBrowser',
    '@angular/platform-browser-dynamic': 'ng.platformBrowserDynamic',
    '@angular/material': 'ng.material',

    // Rxjs dependencies
    'rxjs/Observable': 'Rx',
    'rxjs/Subject': 'Rx',
    'rxjs/BehaviorSubject': 'Rx',
    'rxjs/scheduler/queue': 'Rx',
    'rxjs/add/observable/from': 'Rx.Observable',
    'rxjs/add/observable/of': 'Rx.Observable',
    'rxjs/add/operator/distinctUntilChanged': 'Rx.Observable.prototype',
    'rxjs/add/operator/filter': 'Rx.Observable.prototype',
    'rxjs/add/operator/let': 'Rx.Observable.prototype',
    'rxjs/add/operator/map': 'Rx.Observable.prototype',
    'rxjs/add/operator/mergeMap': 'Rx.Observable.prototype',
    'rxjs/add/operator/observeOn': 'Rx.Observable.prototype',
    'rxjs/add/operator/pluck': 'Rx.Observable.prototype',
    'rxjs/add/operator/scan': 'Rx.Observable.prototype',
    'rxjs/add/operator/skip': 'Rx.Observable.prototype',
    'rxjs/add/operator/take': 'Rx.Observable.prototype',
    'rxjs/add/operator/takeUntil': 'Rx.Observable.prototype',
    'rxjs/add/operator/withLatestFrom': 'Rx.Observable.prototype',

  // Rollup the UMD bundle from all ES5 + imports JavaScript files built.
  return rollup({
    entry: path.join(DIST_COMPONENTS_ROOT, 'index.js'),
    context: 'this',
    external: Object.keys(globals)
  }).then((bundle: { generate: any }) => {
    const result = bundle.generate({
      moduleName: 'ng2-md-datatable',
      format: 'umd',
      sourceMap: true,
      dest: path.join(DIST_COMPONENTS_ROOT, 'ng2-md-datatable.umd.js')

    // Add source map URL to the code.
    result.code += '\n\n//# sourceMappingURL=./ng2-md-datatable.umd.js.map\n';
    // Format mapping to show properly in the browser. Rollup by default will put the path
    // as relative to the file, and since that path is in src/lib and the file is in
    // dist/@angular/material, we need to kill a few `../`.
    result.map.sources = result.map.sources.map((s: string) => s.replace(/^(\.\.\/)+/, ''));

    writeFileSync(path.join(DIST_COMPONENTS_ROOT, 'ng2-md-datatable.umd.js'), result.code, 'utf8');
    writeFileSync(path.join(DIST_COMPONENTS_ROOT, 'ng2-md-datatable.umd.js.map'), result.map, 'utf8');
Exemple #10
async function generateBackendJs(): Promise<void> {
  for (const bin of [
  ]) {
    const inputFile = path.resolve(INPUT_DIR, `bin/${bin}`);
    const outputFile = path.resolve(OUTPUT_DIR, `bin/${bin}`);
    const bundle = await rollup({
      input: inputFile,
      external: externals,
      acorn: {
        allowHashBang: true
      treeshake: {
        propertyReadSideEffects: false,
        pureExternalModules: true
      plugins: [
          delimiters: ["", ""],
          "#!/usr/bin/env -S node -r esm -r ts-node/register/transpile-only": ""
        rollupJson({ preferConst: true }),
          resolveId: (importee, importer) => {
            if (importee.endsWith("/package.json")) {
              const p = path.resolve(path.dirname(importer), importee);
              if (p === path.resolve(INPUT_DIR, "package.json"))
                return path.resolve(OUTPUT_DIR, "package.json");
            return null;
          tsconfig: "./tsconfig.json",
          include: [`bin/${bin}`, "lib/**/*.ts"]
        MODE === "production" ? terser() : null

    await bundle.write({
      format: "cjs",
      preferConst: true,
      banner: "#!/usr/bin/env node",
      file: outputFile

    // Mark as executable
    const mode = fs.statSync(outputFile).mode;
    fs.chmodSync(outputFile, mode | 73);