Exemple #1
  it('has the appropriate label style', function() {
    assert.equal(label.style.fontSize, '16px', 'has the appropriate font size');
    assert.equal(label.style.fontWeight, 'bold', 'has the appropriate font weight');

    var dateInput = dateField.firstChild;
    assert.equal(dateInput.style.width, '6.5em', 'has the appropriate width for the date input');
Exemple #2
  it('has the appropriate description', function() {
    var descriptionElement = domElement.children[0];

    assert.equal(descriptionElement.tagName, 'ACTIVITY-TITLE', 'has the appropriate tag name');
    assert.equal(descriptionElement.textContent, descriptionText, 'has the appropriate text');
    assert.equal(activity.getDescription(), descriptionText, 'exposes a gettr for the description text');
Exemple #3
  it('has the appropriate default style', function() {
    assert.equal(domElement.style.border, 'none', 'has no border');
    assert.equal(domElement.style.font, 'inherit', 'inherits its font');
    assert.equal(domElement.style.padding, '0px', 'has no padding');

    assert.equal(label.style.font, 'inherit', 'label inherits its font');
Exemple #4
 it('has the appropriate DOM structure', function() {
   assert.equal(domElement.tagName, 'SECTION', 'uses a semantic HTML5 tag name');
   assert.equal(domElement.getAttribute('widget-name'), widgetName, 'has the appropriate widget name');
   assert.equal(container.getAttribute('widget-name'), 'LabeledContainer', 'has a container');
   assert.equal(label.textContent, labelText, 'has the appropriate label text');
   assert.equal(dateField.tagName, 'DATE-FIELD', 'has a date field');
Exemple #5
  it('has the appropriate style', function() {
    var style = domElement.style;

    assert.equal(style.display, 'inline-block',
      'has display of inline-block to have the option list postioned appropriately');
    assert.equal(style['-webkit-user-select'], 'none', 'has the text unselectable');
 it('can be setChildWidgets()', function() {
   assert.equal(domElement.children.length, 1, 'has the appropriate number of child elements');
   assert.equal(domElement.children[0].tagName, 'ANOTHER-WIDGET', 'the first child is rendered');
Exemple #7
  it('is accessible', function() {
    assert.equal(domElement.getAttribute('role'), 'region', 'has the appropriate ARIA role');

    var sectionTitle = domElement.childNodes[0];
    assert.equal(domElement.getAttribute('aria-labelledby'), sectionTitle.id,
      'has the appropriate aria-labelledby');
Exemple #8
    it('throws meaningful error messages', function() {
      assert.throws(function callWithABadTagNameArgument() {
        var badTagName = 42;
        domElement = createDOMElement(badTagName);
        'createDOMElement expects the first argument, tagName, to be a DOM element'

      assert.throws(function callWithABadStyleArgument() {
        var badStyle = 42;

        domElement = createDOMElement('thing', badStyle);
        'createDOMElement expects the second argument, style, to be a hash'

      assert.throws(function callWithABadAttributesArgument() {
        var goodStyle = {};
        var badAttributes = 42;

        domElement = createDOMElement('thing', goodStyle, badAttributes);
        'createDOMElement expects the third argument, attributes, to be a hash'
Exemple #9
 it('works', function() {
   assert(domElement instanceof HTMLElement, 'creates an HTMLElement');
   assert.equal(domElement.tagName, 'SOME-COMPONENT', 'the element has the appropriate tag name');
   assert.deepEqual(domElement.style.color, 'green', 'the element gets the passed in style attributes');
   assert.deepEqual(domElement.getAttribute('widget-name'), 'SpecialWidget',
     'the element gets the passed in attributes');
Exemple #10
  it('can be setValue()', function() {
    assert.equal(checkbox.checked, true, 'can be checked');

    assert.equal(checkbox.checked, false, 'can be unchecked');