Esempio n. 1
  await dl.tidy(async () => {
    const forgetBias = dl.scalar(1.0);
    const lstm1 = (data: dl.Tensor2D, c: dl.Tensor2D, h: dl.Tensor2D) =>
        dl.basicLSTMCell(forgetBias, lstmKernel1, lstmBias1, data, c, h);
    const lstm2 = (data: dl.Tensor2D, c: dl.Tensor2D, h: dl.Tensor2D) =>
        dl.basicLSTMCell(forgetBias, lstmKernel2, lstmBias2, data, c, h);

    let c: dl.Tensor2D[] = [
      dl.zeros([1, lstmBias1.shape[0] / 4]),
      dl.zeros([1, lstmBias2.shape[0] / 4])
    let h: dl.Tensor2D[] = [
      dl.zeros([1, lstmBias1.shape[0] / 4]),
      dl.zeros([1, lstmBias2.shape[0] / 4])

    let input = primerData;
    for (let i = 0; i < expected.length; i++) {
      const onehot = dl.oneHot(dl.tensor1d([input]), 10);

      const output = dl.multiRNNCell([lstm1, lstm2], onehot, c, h);

      c = output[0];
      h = output[1];

      const outputH = h[1];
      const logits =

      const result = await dl.argMax(logits).val();
      input = result;
Esempio n. 2
  await dl.tidy(async () => {
    const lstm1 = (data: dl.Tensor2D, c: dl.Tensor2D, h: dl.Tensor2D) =>
        dl.basicLSTMCell(forgetBias, lstmKernel1, lstmBias1, data, c, h);
    const lstm2 = (data: dl.Tensor2D, c: dl.Tensor2D, h: dl.Tensor2D) =>
        dl.basicLSTMCell(forgetBias, lstmKernel2, lstmBias2, data, c, h);
    const lstm3 = (data: dl.Tensor2D, c: dl.Tensor2D, h: dl.Tensor2D) =>
        dl.basicLSTMCell(forgetBias, lstmKernel3, lstmBias3, data, c, h);

    const outputs: dl.Scalar[] = [];
    // Generate some notes.
    for (let i = 0; i < STEPS_PER_GENERATE_CALL; i++) {
      // Use last sampled output as the next input.
      const eventInput = dl.oneHot(lastSample.as1D(), EVENT_SIZE).as1D();
      // Dispose the last sample from the previous generate call, since we
      // kept it.
      if (i === 0) {
      const conditioning = getConditioning();
      const axis = 0;
      const input = conditioning.concat(eventInput, axis);
      const output =
          dl.multiRNNCell([lstm1, lstm2, lstm3], input.as2D(1, -1), c, h);
      c = output[0];
      h = output[1];

      const outputH = h[2];
      const logits = outputH.matMul(fcW).add(fcB);

      const softmax = logits.as1D().softmax();
      const sampledOutput = dl.multinomial(softmax, 1).asScalar();

      lastSample = sampledOutput;

    c.forEach(val => dl.keep(val));
    h.forEach(val => dl.keep(val));

    await outputs[outputs.length - 1].data();

    for (let i = 0; i < outputs.length; i++) {
      playOutput(await outputs[i].val());

    if ( - currentPianoTimeSec > MAX_GENERATION_LAG_SECONDS) {
          `Generation is ${
     - currentPianoTimeSec} seconds behind, ` +
          `which is over ${MAX_NOTE_DURATION_SECONDS}. Resetting time!`);
      currentPianoTimeSec =;
    const delta = Math.max(
        0, currentPianoTimeSec - - GENERATION_BUFFER_SECONDS);
    setTimeout(() => generateStep(loopId), delta * 1000);