Esempio n. 1
File: xrp.ts Progetto: BitGo/BitGoJS
    it('Should supplement wallet generation with fees', co(function *() {
      const fees = [{
        open: '10',
        median: '6000',
        expected: '9000'
      }, {
        open: '7000',
        median: '4000',
        expected: '10500'

      for (const currentFees of fees) {
        .reply(200, {
          date: '2017-10-18T18:28:13.083Z',
          height: 3353255,
          xrpBaseReserve: '20000000',
          xrpIncReserve: '5000000',
          xrpMedianFee: currentFees.median
        const details = yield nockBasecoin.supplementGenerateWallet({}, keychains);
        const disableMasterKey = rippleBinaryCodec.decode(details.initializationTxs.disableMasterKey);
        const forceDestinationTag = rippleBinaryCodec.decode(details.initializationTxs.forceDestinationTag);
        const setMultisig = rippleBinaryCodec.decode(details.initializationTxs.setMultisig);
Esempio n. 2
File: xrp.ts Progetto: BitGo/BitGoJS
  * Explain/parse transaction
  * @param params
  * - txHex: hexadecimal representation of transaction
  * @returns {{displayOrder: [string,string,string,string,string], id: *, outputs: Array, changeOutputs: Array}}
 public explainTransaction(params: ExplainTransactionOptions): TransactionExplanation {
   let transaction;
   let txHex;
   try {
     transaction = rippleBinaryCodec.decode(params.txHex);
     txHex = params.txHex;
   } catch (e) {
     try {
       transaction = JSON.parse(params.txHex);
       txHex = rippleBinaryCodec.encode(transaction);
     } catch (e) {
       throw new Error('txHex needs to be either hex or JSON string for XRP');
   const id = rippleHashes.computeBinaryTransactionHash(txHex);
   const address = transaction.Destination + ((transaction.DestinationTag >= 0) ? '?dt=' + transaction.DestinationTag : '');
   return {
     displayOrder: ['id', 'outputAmount', 'changeAmount', 'outputs', 'changeOutputs', 'fee'],
     id: id,
     changeOutputs: [],
     outputAmount: transaction.Amount,
     changeAmount: 0,
     outputs: [
         amount: transaction.Amount
     fee: {
       fee: transaction.Fee,
       feeRate: null,
       size: txHex.length / 2
Esempio n. 3
const signWithPrivateKey = function(txHex, privateKey, options) {
  let privateKeyBuffer = new Buffer(privateKey, 'hex');
  if (privateKeyBuffer.length === 33 && privateKeyBuffer[0] === 0) {
    privateKeyBuffer = privateKeyBuffer.slice(1, 33);
  const privateKeyObject = prova.ECPair.fromPrivateKeyBuffer(privateKeyBuffer);
  const publicKey = privateKeyObject.getPublicKeyBuffer().toString('hex').toUpperCase();

  let tx;
  try {
    tx = binary.decode(txHex);
  } catch (e) {
    try {
      tx = JSON.parse(txHex);
    } catch (e) {
      throw new Error('txHex needs to be either hex or JSON string for XRP');
  if (tx.TxnSignature || tx.Signers) {
    throw new Error('transaction must not contain "TxnSignature" or "Signers" properties');

  tx.SigningPubKey = (options && options.signAs) ? '' : publicKey;

  if (options && options.signAs) {
    const expectedSigner = rippleKeypairs.deriveAddress(publicKey);
    if (options.signAs !== expectedSigner) {
      throw new Error('signAs does not match private key');
    const signer = {
      Account: options.signAs,
      SigningPubKey: publicKey,
      TxnSignature: computeSignature(tx, privateKey, options.signAs)
    tx.Signers = [{ Signer: signer }];
  } else {
    tx.TxnSignature = computeSignature(tx, privateKey, undefined);

  const serialized = binary.encode(tx);
  return {
    signedTransaction: serialized,
    id: computeBinaryTransactionHash(serialized)