コード例 #1
export async function computeLicensePage(packager: WinPackager, options: NsisOptions, scriptGenerator: NsisScriptGenerator, languages: Array<string>): Promise<void> {
  const license = await getNotLocalizedLicenseFiles(options.license, packager)
  if (license != null) {
    let licensePage: Array<string>
    if (license.endsWith(".html")) {
      licensePage = [
        "!define MUI_PAGE_CUSTOMFUNCTION_SHOW LicenseShow",
        "Function LicenseShow",
        "  FindWindow $R0 `#32770` `` $HWNDPARENT",
        "  GetDlgItem $R0 $R0 1000",
        "EmbedHTML::Load /replace $R0 file://$PLUGINSDIR\\license.html",

        `!insertmacro MUI_PAGE_LICENSE "${path.join(nsisTemplatesDir, "empty-license.txt")}"`,
    else {
      licensePage = [`!insertmacro MUI_PAGE_LICENSE "${license}"`]

    scriptGenerator.macro("licensePage", licensePage)
    if (license.endsWith(".html")) {
      scriptGenerator.macro("addLicenseFiles", [`File /oname=$PLUGINSDIR\\license.html "${license}"`])

  const licenseFiles = await getLicenseFiles(packager)
  if (licenseFiles.length === 0) {

  const licensePage: Array<string> = []
  const unspecifiedLangs = new Set(languages)

  let defaultFile: string | null = null
  for (const item of licenseFiles) {
    if (defaultFile == null) {
      defaultFile = item.file
    licensePage.push(`LicenseLangString MUILicense ${lcid[item.langWithRegion] || item.lang} "${item.file}"`)

  for (const l of unspecifiedLangs) {
    licensePage.push(`LicenseLangString MUILicense ${lcid[l]} "${defaultFile}"`)

  licensePage.push('!insertmacro MUI_PAGE_LICENSE "$(MUILicense)"')
  scriptGenerator.macro("licensePage", licensePage)
コード例 #2
export async function addLicenseToDmg(packager: PackageBuilder, dmgPath: string) {
  // http://www.owsiak.org/?p=700
  const licenseFiles = await getLicenseFiles(packager)
  if (licenseFiles.length === 0) {

  const licenseButtonFiles = await getLicenseButtonsFile(packager)
  packager.debugLogger.add("dmg.licenseFiles", licenseFiles)
  packager.debugLogger.add("dmg.licenseButtons", licenseButtonFiles)

  const style: Array<string> = []
  const rtfs: Array<string> = []
  const defaultButtons: Array<string> = []

  let counter = 5000
  const addedRegionCodes: Array<number> = []
  for (const item of licenseFiles) {

    log("Adding " + item.langName + " license")

    // value from DropDMG, data the same for any language
    // noinspection SpellCheckingInspection
    style.push(`data 'styl' (${counter}, "${item.langName}") {
  $"0001 0000 0000 000E 0011 0015 0000 000C"
  $"0000 0000 0000"

    let data = `data 'RTF ' (${counter}, "${item.langName}") {\n`
    const fileData = await readFile(item.file, "utf-8")
    const isRtf = item.file.endsWith(".rtf") || item.file.endsWith(".RTF")
    data += isRtf ? serializeString((Buffer.from(fileData)).toString("hex")) : wrapInRtf(await readFile(item.file, "utf-8"))
    data += "\n};"

    defaultButtons.push(await getLicenseButtons(licenseButtonFiles, item.langWithRegion, counter, item.langName))



  const buffer = Buffer.allocUnsafe((2 + (3 * addedRegionCodes.length)) * 2)
  let offset = 0
  buffer.writeUInt16BE(DEFAULT_REGION_CODE, offset)
  offset += 2
  buffer.writeUInt16BE(addedRegionCodes.length, offset)
  offset += 2

  for (let i = 0; i < addedRegionCodes.length; i++) {
    const regionCode = addedRegionCodes[i]
    buffer.writeUInt16BE(regionCode, offset)
    offset += 2
    buffer.writeUInt16BE(i, offset)
    offset += 2
    buffer.writeUInt16BE(/* is two byte */ [14, 51, 52, 53].includes(regionCode) ? 1 : 0, offset)
    offset += 2

  const lPic = `data 'LPic' (5000) {\n${serializeString(buffer.toString("hex"))}\n};`
  const data = style

  packager.debugLogger.add("dmg.licenseResource", data)
  const tempFile = await packager.getTempFile(".r")
  await outputFile(tempFile, data)
  await exec("hdiutil", ["unflatten", dmgPath])
  await exec("Rez", ["-a", tempFile, "-o", dmgPath])
  await exec("hdiutil", ["flatten", dmgPath])