예제 #1
 getDirectories: (dir) => fs.readdirSync(dir),
예제 #2
 .then(() => oldNumberOfFiles = readdirSync('dist').length)
예제 #3
파일: Utils.ts 프로젝트: TNOCS/csWeb
export function getFiles(srcpath: string): string[] {
    return fs.readdirSync(srcpath).filter(function (file: string) {
        return fs.statSync(path.join(srcpath, file)).isFile();
export default function start(serverDataPath: string) {
  dataPath = serverDataPath;
  SupCore.log(`Using data from ${dataPath}.`);
  process.on("uncaughtException", onUncaughtException);


  const { version, superpowers: { appApiVersion: appApiVersion } } = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(`${__dirname}/../package.json`, { encoding: "utf8" }));
  SupCore.log(`Server v${version} starting...`);
  fs.writeFileSync(`${__dirname}/../public/superpowers.json`, JSON.stringify({ version, appApiVersion, hasPassword: config.server.password.length !== 0 }, null, 2));

  // SupCore
  (global as any).SupCore = SupCore;
  SupCore.systemsPath = path.join(dataPath, "systems");

  // List available languages
  languageIds = fs.readdirSync(`${__dirname}/../public/locales`);

  // Main HTTP server
  mainApp = express();


  mainApp.get("/", (req, res) => { res.redirect("/hub"); });
  mainApp.get("/login", serveLoginIndex);
  mainApp.get("/hub", enforceAuth, serveHubIndex);
  mainApp.get("/project", enforceAuth, serveProjectIndex);

  mainApp.use("/projects/:projectId/*", serveProjectWildcard);
  mainApp.use("/", express.static(`${__dirname}/../public`));

  mainHttpServer = http.createServer(mainApp);
  mainHttpServer.on("error", onHttpServerError.bind(null, config.server.mainPort));

  io = socketio(mainHttpServer, { transports: [ "websocket" ] });

  // Build HTTP server
  buildApp = express();

  buildApp.get("/", redirectToHub);
  buildApp.get("/systems/:systemId/SupCore.js", serveSystemSupCore);

  buildApp.use("/", express.static(`${__dirname}/../public`));

  buildApp.get("/builds/:projectId/:buildId/*", (req, res) => {
    const projectServer = hub.serversById[req.params.projectId];
    if (projectServer == null) { res.status(404).end("No such project"); return; }
    let buildId = req.params.buildId as string;
    if (buildId === "latest") buildId = (projectServer.nextBuildId - 1).toString();
    res.sendFile(path.join(projectServer.buildsPath, buildId, req.params[0]));

  buildHttpServer = http.createServer(buildApp);
  buildHttpServer.on("error", onHttpServerError.bind(null, config.server.buildPort));

  loadSystems(mainApp, buildApp, onSystemsLoaded);

  // Save on exit and handle crashes
  process.on("SIGINT", onExit);
  process.on("message", (msg: string) => { if (msg === "stop") onExit(); });
예제 #5
const createDTS = () => {
  const header = `//
// Autogenerated from scripts/danger-dts.ts

import * as GitHub from "github"

declare module "danger" {
  const footer = `}

  let fileOutput = ""

  const extras = ["source/platforms/messaging/violation.ts"]
  const dslFiles = fs.readdirSync("source/dsl").map(f => `source/dsl/${f}`)

  dslFiles.concat(extras).forEach(file => {
    // Sometimes they have more stuff, in those cases
    // offer a way to crop the file.
    const content = fs.readFileSync(file).toString()
    if (content.includes("/// End of Danger DSL definition")) {
      fileOutput += content.split("/// End of Danger DSL definition")[0]
    } else {
      fileOutput += content
    fileOutput += "\n"

  // The definition of all the exposed vars is inside
  // the Dangerfile.js file.
  const allDangerfile = fs.readFileSync("source/runner/Dangerfile.ts").toString()
  const moduleContext = allDangerfile
    .split("/// Start of Danger DSL definition")[1]
    .split("/// End of Danger DSL definition")[0]

  // we need to add either `declare function` or `declare var` to the interface
  const context = mapLines(moduleContext, (line: string) => {
    if (line.length === 0 || line.includes("*")) {
      const newLine = line.trim()
      // Make sure TSLint passes
      if (newLine.startsWith("*")) {
        return " " + newLine
      return newLine
    if (line.includes("export type")) {
      return line
    if (line.includes("(")) {
      return "function " + line.trim()
    if (line.includes(":")) {
      return "const " + line.trim()
    return ""

  fileOutput += context

  // Remove all JS-y bits
  fileOutput = fileOutput
    .filter(line => {
      return !line.startsWith("import") && !line.includes("* @type ")

  const trimmedWhitespaceLines = fileOutput.replace(/\n\s*\n\s*\n/g, "\n")
  const noRedundantExports = trimmedWhitespaceLines
    .replace(/export interface/g, "interface")
    .replace(/export type/g, "type")
  const indentedBody = mapLines(noRedundantExports, line => (line.length ? `  ${line}` : ""))
  return header + indentedBody + footer
예제 #6
 function getDirectories(path: string): string[] {
     return filter<string>(_fs.readdirSync(path), dir => fileSystemEntryExists(combinePaths(path, dir), FileSystemEntryKind.Directory));
 const getDirectories = (source: any) =>
   readdirSync(source).map(name => join(source, name)).filter(isDirectory);
예제 #8
 .then(() => {
   const main = readdirSync('./dist').find(name => !!name.match(/main.[a-z0-9]+\.bundle\.js/));
   expectFileToMatch(`dist/${main}`, /bootstrapModuleFactory\(/);
예제 #9
					return service.copyFile(source.resource, target, true).then(res => { // CONWAY.js => conway.js
						assert.equal(fs.existsSync(res.resource.fsPath), true);
						assert.ok(fs.readdirSync(testDir).some(f => f === 'conway.js'));
예제 #10
파일: index.ts 프로젝트: nrkn/quicktype
    async function readFilesOrURLsInDirectory(d: string): Promise<TypeSource[]> {
        const files = fs
            .map(x => path.join(d, x))
            .filter(x => fs.lstatSync(x).isFile());
        // Each file is a (Name, JSON | URL)
        const sourcesInDir: TypeSource[] = [];
        const graphQLSources: GraphQLTypeSource[] = [];
        let graphQLSchema: Readable | undefined = undefined;
        let graphQLSchemaFileName: string | undefined = undefined;
        for (let file of files) {
            const name = typeNameFromFilename(file);

            let fileOrUrl = file;
            file = file.toLowerCase();

            // If file is a URL string, download it
            if (file.endsWith(".url")) {
                fileOrUrl = fs.readFileSync(file, "utf8").trim();

            if (file.endsWith(".url") || file.endsWith(".json")) {
                    kind: "json",
                    samples: [await readableFromFileOrURL(fileOrUrl)]
            } else if (file.endsWith(".schema")) {
                    kind: "schema",
                    uris: [fileOrUrl]
            } else if (file.endsWith(".gqlschema")) {
                messageAssert(graphQLSchema === undefined, "DriverMoreThanOneGraphQLSchemaInDir", {
                    dir: dataDir
                graphQLSchema = await readableFromFileOrURL(fileOrUrl);
                graphQLSchemaFileName = fileOrUrl;
            } else if (file.endsWith(".graphql")) {
                    kind: "graphql",
                    schema: undefined,
                    query: await getStream(await readableFromFileOrURL(fileOrUrl))

        if (graphQLSources.length > 0) {
            if (graphQLSchema === undefined) {
                return messageError("DriverNoGraphQLSchemaInDir", { dir: dataDir });
            const schema = parseJSON(await getStream(graphQLSchema), "GraphQL schema", graphQLSchemaFileName);
            for (const source of graphQLSources) {
                source.schema = schema;

        return sourcesInDir;