public configure1QuickAction() {
         type: "capturePhoto", // optional, but can be used in the onHomeIconPressed callback
         title: "Snag a pic", // mandatory
         subtitle: "You have 18 snags left", // optional
         iconType: UIApplicationShortcutIconType.UIApplicationShortcutIconTypeCapturePhoto // optional
   ]).then(() => {
     alert("Added 1 action, close the app and apply pressure to the app icon to check it out!");
   }, (errorMessage) => {
 public configure2QuickActions() {
         type: "capturePhoto", // optional, but can be used in the onHomeIconPressed callback
         title: "Snag a pic", // mandatory
         subtitle: "You have 23 snags left", // optional
         iconType: UIApplicationShortcutIconType.UIApplicationShortcutIconTypeCapturePhoto // optional
         type: "beer",
         title: "Beer-tastic!",
         subtitle: "Check in & share", // optional
         iconTemplate: "Beer" // resolves to app/App_Resources/iOS/Beer(.png)
   ]).then(() => {
     alert("Added 2 actions, close the app and apply pressure to the app icon to check it out!");
   }, (errorMessage) => {
 public isAvailable() {
   this.threeDeeTouch.available().then((avail) => {
     alert("Available? " + avail);