Пример #1
 test('compiles ES2017 to ES5', async () => {
   const result =
       jsTransform('async function test() { await 0; }', {compile: 'es5'});
   assert.include(result, '_asyncToGenerator');
   assert.notInclude(result, 'async function test');
   assert.include(result, 'regeneratorRuntime');
    test('adds prefetch links for transitive deps of unbundled', async () => {

      const project = new PolymerProject({
        root: 'test-fixtures/bundle-project/',
        entrypoint: 'index.html',

      const files = await emittedFiles(
          mergeStream(project.sources(), project.dependencies())

      const html = files.get('index.html').contents.toString();

      // No prefetch links needed for direct dependency.
          html, '<link rel="prefetch" href="/simple-import.html">');

      // Prefetch added for the transitive dependencies of `index.html`,
      // which are all direct dependencies of `simple-import.html`.
      assert.include(html, '<link rel="prefetch" href="/simple-script.js">');
      assert.include(html, '<link rel="prefetch" href="/simple-style.css">');
          html, '<link rel="prefetch" href="/simple-import-2.html">');
Пример #3
  test('bundler deals with posix platform separators on win32', async () => {
    const posixSepPaths = new FileTransform((stream, file) => {
      if (path.sep === '\\') {
        file.path = file.path.replace(/\\/g, '/');
    await setupTest(
          root: path.resolve('test-fixtures/bundle-project'),
          entrypoint: 'index.html'

    const bundledHtml = getFileOrDie('index.html');

    // In setupTest, we use a transform stream that forces the file paths to
    // be in the posix form (this only changes/matters for win32)
    // and it verifies that bundler can process files that may be merged in
    // or have otherwise have paths in posix separator form.
    assert.include(bundledHtml, '<title>Sample Build</title>', 'index.html');
        bundledHtml, '<dom-module id="my-element">', 'simple-import.html');
        bundledHtml, '<dom-module id="my-element-2">', 'simple-import-2.html');
    assert.include(bundledHtml, '.simply-red', 'simple-style.css');
Пример #4
        .run(err => {
          if (err) throw err;

          let pkg = JSON.parse(readFile(this.cwd, 'my-app/package.json'));
          assert.propertyVal(pkg, 'name', 'my-app');
          assert.propertyVal(pkg, 'version', '0.1.0');
          assert.propertyVal(pkg, 'description', 'My new app!');
          assert.propertyVal(pkg, 'license', 'MIT');
          assert.deepProperty(pkg, 'dependencies.neon-cli');

          let cargo = TOML.parse(readFile(this.cwd, 'my-app/native/Cargo.toml'));
          assert.deepPropertyVal(cargo, 'package.name', 'my-app');
          assert.deepPropertyVal(cargo, 'package.version', '0.1.0');
          assert.deepPropertyVal(cargo, 'package.license', 'MIT');
          assert.deepPropertyVal(cargo, 'lib.name', 'my_app');
          assert.deepProperty(cargo, 'dependencies.neon');

          let indexjs = readFile(this.cwd, 'my-app/lib/index.js');
          assert.include(indexjs, `require('../native')`);

          let librs = readFile(this.cwd, 'my-app/native/src/lib.rs');
          assert.include(librs, `extern crate neon;`);

Пример #5
        it("mentions the root cause if a config file extends from an invalid file", async () => {
            const result = await execRunnerWithOutput({config: "test/config/tslint-extends-invalid.json", files: ["src/test.ts"]});

            assert.equal(result.status, Status.FatalError, "process should exit with error");
            assert.include(result.stderr, "Failed to load", "stderr should contain notification about failing to load json config");
            assert.include(result.stderr, "tslint-invalid.json", "stderr should mention the problem file");
            assert.strictEqual(result.stdout, "", "shouldn't contain any output in stdout");
Пример #6
 test('displays command help when called with the --help flag', async () => {
   const cli = new PolymerCli(['build', '--help']);
   const output = await interceptOutput(async () => {
     await cli.run();
   assert.include(output, 'polymer build');
   assert.include(output, 'Command Options');
   assert.include(output, '--bundle');
Пример #7
 it('should add a graphql error to the message', () => {
   const graphQLErrors = [ new Error('this is an error message') ];
   const apolloError = new ApolloError({
   assert.include(apolloError.message, 'GraphQL error: ');
   assert.include(apolloError.message, 'this is an error message');
   assert.equal(apolloError.message.split('\n').length, 1);
Пример #8
 test('displays command help when called with the -h flag', async () => {
   const cli = new PolymerCli(['init', '-h']);
   const output = await interceptOutput(async () => {
     await cli.run();
   assert.include(output, 'polymer init');
   assert.include(output, 'Command Options');
   assert.include(output, '--name');
Пример #9
        it('should return some proper html', function () {
            const html = ServerRenderer.render(store.createDefault({log: false}));

            assert.isString(html, "The rendered HTML needs to be a string");
            assert.include(html, '<div', 'rendered HTML contains at least an open div');
            assert.include(html, '</div>', 'rendered HTML contains at least an closed div');

            // TODO: Make assumptions about the state in store.getState();
Пример #10
 it('should add a network error to the message', () => {
   const networkError = new Error('this is an error message');
   const apolloError = new ApolloError({
   assert.include(apolloError.message, 'Network error: ');
   assert.include(apolloError.message, 'this is an error message');
   assert.equal(apolloError.message.split('\n').length, 1);