Example #1
  * returns the inverse of transformation matrix 
  * @readonly
  * @type {GLM.IArray}
 public get InverseTransform(): GLM.IArray {
     if (this.mInverseTransVersion !== this.mVersion) {
         mat3.invert(this.mCachedInverse, this.mTransformation);
         this.mInverseTransVersion = this.mVersion;
     //TODO should reset mIsTransformationDirty to false, maybe should also call an abstract function so children of this class can do some recalculations as well 
     return this.mCachedInverse;
outMat2d = mat2d.sub(outMat2d, mat2dA, mat2dB);
outMat2d = mat2d.multiplyScalar (outMat2d, mat2dA, 2);
outMat2d = mat2d.multiplyScalarAndAdd (outMat2d, mat2dA, mat2dB, 2);
outBool = mat2d.exactEquals(mat2dA, mat2dB);
outBool = mat2d.equals(mat2dA, mat2dB);

// mat3
outMat3 = mat3.create();
outMat3 = mat3.fromMat4(outMat3, mat4A);
outMat3 = mat3.clone(mat3A);
outMat3 = mat3.copy(outMat3, mat3A);
outMat3 = mat3.fromValues(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9);
outMat3 = mat3.set(outMat3, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9);
outMat3 = mat3.identity(outMat3);
outMat3 = mat3.transpose(outMat3, mat3A);
outMat3Null = mat3.invert(outMat3, mat3A);
outMat3 = mat3.adjoint(outMat3, mat3A);
outVal = mat3.determinant(mat3A);
outMat3 = mat3.multiply(outMat3, mat3A, mat3B);
outMat3 = mat3.mul(outMat3, mat3A, mat3B);
outMat3 = mat3.translate(outMat3, mat3A, vec3A);
outMat3 = mat3.rotate(outMat3, mat3A, Math.PI/2);
outMat3 = mat3.scale(outMat3, mat3A, vec2A);
outMat3 = mat3.fromTranslation(outMat3, vec2A);
outMat3 = mat3.fromRotation(outMat3, Math.PI);
outMat3 = mat3.fromScaling(outMat3, vec2A);
outMat3 = mat3.fromMat2d(outMat3, mat2dA);
outMat3 = mat3.fromQuat(outMat3, quatA);
outMat3Null = mat3.normalFromMat4(outMat3, mat4A);
outStr = mat3.str(mat3A);
outVal = mat3.frob(mat3A);
outMat2d = mat2d.sub(outMat2d, mat2dA, mat2dB);
outMat2d = mat2d.multiplyScalar (outMat2d, mat2dA, 2);
outMat2d = mat2d.multiplyScalarAndAdd (outMat2d, mat2dA, mat2dB, 2);
outBool = mat2d.exactEquals(mat2dA, mat2dB);
outBool = mat2d.equals(mat2dA, mat2dB);

// mat3
outMat3 = mat3.create();
outMat3 = mat3.fromMat4(outMat3, mat4A);
outMat3 = mat3.clone(mat3A);
outMat3 = mat3.copy(outMat3, mat3A);
outMat3 = mat3.fromValues(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9);
outMat3 = mat3.set(outMat3, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9);
outMat3 = mat3.identity(outMat3);
outMat3 = mat3.transpose(outMat3, mat3A);
outMat3 = mat3.invert(outMat3, mat3A);
outMat3 = mat3.adjoint(outMat3, mat3A);
outVal = mat3.determinant(mat3A);
outMat3 = mat3.multiply(outMat3, mat3A, mat3B);
outMat3 = mat3.mul(outMat3, mat3A, mat3B);
outMat3 = mat3.translate(outMat3, mat3A, vec3A);
outMat3 = mat3.rotate(outMat3, mat3A, Math.PI/2);
outMat3 = mat3.scale(outMat3, mat3A, vec2A);
outMat3 = mat3.fromTranslation(outMat3, vec2A);
outMat3 = mat3.fromRotation(outMat3, Math.PI);
outMat3 = mat3.fromScaling(outMat3, vec2A);
outMat3 = mat3.fromMat2d(outMat3, mat2dA);
outMat3 = mat3.fromQuat(outMat3, quatA);
outMat3 = mat3.normalFromMat4(outMat3, mat4A);
outStr = mat3.str(mat3A);
outVal = mat3.frob(mat3A);
Example #4
  transformMapToSquare(...pos : [MapPos, SquarePos][]){
    if(pos.length === 0) return;
    if(pos.length === 1){

      squareToMap * squarePos = mapPos
      [ s 0 x ]   [s_x]   [m_x]
      [ 0 s y ] x [s_y] = [m_y]
      [ 0 0 1 ]   [ 1 ]   [ 1 ]

      m_x = s*s_x + x
      m_y = s*s_y + y

      x = m_x - s*s_x
      y = m_y - s*s_y

      1 > x > -1
      1 > y > -1

      const s = this.squareToMapMatrix[0] //reuse existing scale
      const x = pos[0][0][0] - s*pos[0][1][0];
      const y = pos[0][0][1] - s*pos[0][1][1];
      mat2d.set(this.squareToMapMatrix, s, 0, 0, s, minmax(-1, x, 1), minmax(-1, y, 1));
      mat2d.invert(this.squareFromMapMatrix, this.squareToMapMatrix);


    Calculate squareToMap by solving the equation
    mapPos = squareToMap * squarePos
    [ s 0 x ]   [s_x_a  s_x_b  s_x_c]   [m_x_a  m_x_b  m_x_c]
    [ 0 s y ] x [s_y_a  s_y_b  s_y_c] = [m_y_a  m_y_b  m_y_c]
    [ 0 0 1 ]   [    1      1      1]   [    1      1      1]

    s*s_x_a + x = m_x_a
    s*s_x_b + x = m_x_b
    s*s_x_c + x = m_x_c
    s*s_y_a + y = m_y_a
    s*s_y_b + y = m_y_b
    s*s_y_c + y = m_y_c

    [ s_x_a 1 0 ] [ s ]   [ m_x_a ]
    [ s_x_b 1 0 ] [ x ] = [ m_x_b ]
    [ s_x_c 1 0 ] [ y ]   [ m_x_c ]
    [ s_y_a 0 1 ]         [ m_y_a ]
    [ s_y_b 0 1 ]         [ m_y_b ]
    [ s_y_c 0 1 ]         [ m_y_c ]


    [L*3][3] = [L]
    [3*L][L*3][3] = [3*L][L]
    [3*3][3] = [3]


    const len = pos.length;
    let m00=0, m01=0, m02=0, m11=0,m12=0,m22=0;
    let v0=0, v1=0, v2=0;
    for(let i=0; i<len; i++){
      m00 += pos[i][1][0]*pos[i][1][0] + pos[i][1][1]*pos[i][1][1];
      m01 += pos[i][1][0];
      m02 += pos[i][1][1];
      v0 += pos[i][0][0]*pos[i][1][0] + pos[i][0][1]*pos[i][1][1];
      v1 += pos[i][0][0];
      v2 += pos[i][0][1];
    const mat = mat3.fromValues(
      m00, m01, m02,
      m01, len,   0,
      m02,   0, len);
    const vec = vec3.fromValues(v0, v1, v2);
    mat3.invert(mat, mat);
    vec3.transformMat3(vec, vec, mat);
    const s = minmax(0.001, vec[0], 2);
    mat2d.set(this.squareToMapMatrix, s, 0, 0, s, minmax(-1, vec[1], 1), minmax(-1, vec[2], 1));
    mat2d.invert(this.squareFromMapMatrix, this.squareToMapMatrix);
